USA 2013

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Running Arrow Bill
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USA 2013


Post by Running Arrow Bill »

Was wondering...

When will the American people wake up and smell the roses?? With our corrupt administration and its "Lieutenants", and all the covert actions, non-actions, and is getting real scary! The various Forums, NRA, and other anti-Liberal groups talk a good story. However, the plot thickens with all this "Change" that can come up and bite us. It's not only about 2nd Amendment issues. Many more and perhaps more dangerous issues are lurking. We've been through the American Revolution, the Civil War, and WWII. Haven't the sheeple learned anything? JMO.
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Re: USA 2013


Post by JALLEN »

Different sheeple.

Every generation has to make its own mistakes.
Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

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Re: USA 2013


Post by bagman45 »

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

AND, every generation must determine where IT stands. And what IT, collectively believes it's society and government should be doing. And NOT doing. Whether the Constitution and it's freedoms are STILL important, or not. And what IT is willing to do to ENSURE its decisions are put in place.

The elected elite and their mass media stooges will continue to push the liberal, socialist collective approach - it is now up to THIS generation to push back AND enlist our children to continue defending PERSONAL liberty if we have ANY hopes that our descendants will not be living as they do in most other, lost countries. :patriot: :txflag:
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Re: USA 2013


Post by RoyGBiv »

Running Arrow Bill wrote:Was wondering...

When will the American people wake up and smell the roses?? With our corrupt administration and its "Lieutenants", and all the covert actions, non-actions, and is getting real scary! The various Forums, NRA, and other anti-Liberal groups talk a good story. However, the plot thickens with all this "Change" that can come up and bite us. It's not only about 2nd Amendment issues. Many more and perhaps more dangerous issues are lurking. We've been through the American Revolution, the Civil War, and WWII. Haven't the sheeple learned anything? JMO.
I believe 2009 was a banner year for "waking up America". i suspect 2013 will be as well.
Here's one group not too far from you (it's Texas.. 100 miles is still "just down the road a ways" :mrgreen: ). Maybe there's something closer.?" onclick=";return false;
Join up... Be part of the solution. You're definitely not alone, but you might be looking in the wrong place if you don't see the activity.
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
Nothing tempers idealism quite like the cold bath of reality.... SQLGeek

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Re: USA 2013


Post by liberty2014 »

People will never see whats in front of them. Im embarrassed of the people in my age group. During viet nam the normal thing for people 18-24 to do was question government now days you just dont see that and if you they label as a conspiracy theorist. It sickens me that more people know the details of the kardahian marriage than they do the ndaa, irs, or benghazi. People are the frog in the pot of water that cant notice the rise in temperature

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Re: USA 2013


Post by RottenApple »

liberty2014 wrote:People will never see whats in front of them. Im embarrassed of the people in my age group. During viet nam the normal thing for people 18-24 to do was question government now days you just dont see that and if you they label as a conspiracy theorist. It sickens me that more people know the details of the kardahian marriage than they do the ndaa, irs, or benghazi. People are the frog in the pot of water that cant notice the rise in temperature
What sickens me is that the very same people/demographic that used to whine, moan, and complain (sometimes violently) that "The Man" was keeping them down, that "Big Brother" was always watching, and that government was expanding beyond its Constitutional mandates, are now cheering it on and pushing for MORE government intervention in people's lives. Hypocritical idiots.

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Re: USA 2013


Post by Dadtodabone »

RottenApple wrote:
liberty2014 wrote:People will never see whats in front of them. Im embarrassed of the people in my age group. During viet nam the normal thing for people 18-24 to do was question government now days you just dont see that and if you they label as a conspiracy theorist. It sickens me that more people know the details of the kardahian marriage than they do the ndaa, irs, or benghazi. People are the frog in the pot of water that cant notice the rise in temperature
What sickens me is that the very same people/demographic that used to whine, moan, and complain (sometimes violently) that "The Man" was keeping them down, that "Big Brother" was always watching, and that government was expanding beyond its Constitutional mandates, are now cheering it on and pushing for MORE government intervention in people's lives. Hypocritical idiots.

As a member of the group who reached maturity in the Viet Nam era, I can assure you that the majority of my cohort supported the policies of our gov't, voted for Conservatives [1] and went about the business of integrating into society just as other groups had before us. You gotta remember that the economy sucked[2]finding a job was what was on the minds of most H.S. and College Grads. Heck I volunteered because I didn't have any idea of what I wanted to do. Most of us didn't go to school at Cal or other radical campus' and if we did protest, it was more often than not, about conditions that we lived in or the lack of accountability in the schools administration[3] than it was about foreign policy.
While we supported Integration and expanded voting rights[4]we worked quietly within the framework of government. More voters entered the polls for the first time then, due to the work of conservative students and legislators, then the Chicago 7 [5].
As for the leftist elites trying to oppress us now being the "watchdogs" of society then, nothing could be further from the truth. They were then and remain to this day radical communists/socialists. Their goals were the disruption of our society and government then to allow for a leftist revolution[6]. Yes they watched the government and jealously protected their rights, not as supporters of the Constitution, but to stay out of jail for sedition, treason, conspiracy to commit murder, armed robberies, bombings and other assorted crimes and mayhem,
The dramatic plays well on TV and that's what made the news programs, not the struggles of youth trying to find jobs, support a family, serve their country and lead decent lives.

[1] ... 51,1340670
[2] ... e-controls
[3] ... issenters/
[4] ... nstitution
[6] ... ic_Society
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Re: USA 2013


Post by Jumping Frog »

liberty2014 wrote:.... People are the frog in the pot of water that cant notice the rise in temperature

This froggie ain't boiling! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
-Just call me Bob . . . Texas Firearms Coalition, NRA Life member, TSRA Life member, and OFCC Patron member

This froggie ain't boiling! Shall not be infringed! Μολών Λαβέ

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Re: USA 2013


Post by bdickens »

liberty2014 wrote:.... It sickens me that more people know the details of the kardahian marriage than they do the ndaa, irs, or benghazi....
In fairness, the media reports on the Kardashians' every move as if their sordid lives were news while doing their level best to bury Benghazi, IRS scandal, et. al.
Byron Dickens
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