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Springfield Armory XD-S Recall – Update & Review of Upgraded Guns
As to Denny’s claim that the XD-S shoots better, I agree. The groups you see here in the pictures were the best examples I took from over 200 rounds in each gun. Most of my shooting was with range rounds, mostly milsurp and Speer Lawman. Both my rested and offhand groups were smaller with the upgraded guns. They weren’t drastically different, especially offhand, but as a whole the upgraded groups were smaller, with much fewer flier shots. The targets I picked for the pictures were shot with Hornady Critical Defense, which has always been my best performer in the XD-S.
When you get your gun back, don’t be surprised if you don’t feel that the trigger pull is heavier than when the gun left, even though it technically will be. I had to put my digital trigger gauge on the upgraded guns, because side by side I felt that the difference wasn’t something you would notice. The gauge measured slightly over ½ a pound difference. So far I have blind tested five people to dry fire both the orignal and upgraded guns, and none so far have been able to tell any difference in the pull.
As a side note, because so many discussion board “experts” skip over this. a heavier trigger pull isn’t the worst thing when talking about striker fired guns. Everyone’s biggest complaint on striker guns is that the trigger is too light, when compared to a double action/single action semi-automatic or a double action revolver. Some worry that a light trigger results in accidental discharges, though in practice they are infrequent. The XD-S upgrade only adds about a ½ a pound of trigger pull to the gun, and I think the trigger is a little smoother. The upgrade also does not effect the reset length, which is just over 1/10th of an inch on the XD-S. Side by side, besides the trigger pull, the only physical difference I could ascertain was that the grip safety seems to allow the trigger to fire a little bit earlier.
Upgraded gun on the right; non-upgraded gun on the left. Gun on the right shoots better.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
― G. Michael Hopf, "Those Who Remain"