Anybody know anything about this gun?

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Re: Anybody know anything about this gun?


Post by mymojo »

I had one for a little while. Mine was unusual in that it wasnt duo-tone. Aestetically it was gorgeous.

Concealability was great. It disappeared easily and was very light weight.

Performance wise though, I really, really disliked it. It is very snappy - to the point of being no fun to fire. And if you have large hands ya gotta be really aware of where your hand is or you will get bitten by the slide. I put after markert grips on to try to make it more comfy but that didnt help much. Also since Im left handed the thumb safety was useless.

IMO, if you want a 9x18 the CZ-82 is a vastly superior pistol.

But for $100, what the heck? Even if you hate the pistol you will be able to get your money back plus a bit more.

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Re: Anybody know anything about this gun?


Post by wgoforth »

Changing out the springs will make it a lot more fun to shoot. Stock trigger pull is about 16 lbs on those babies. Most buyers are retrofitting to 8-12 lb from Wolff springs. You access that by unscrewing the grips. The recoil spring can be lightened as well to allow you to rack it easier, though a little harder recoil.
BTW, there beautiful hand carved grips from hungary available for it" onclick=";return false;.
Here are instructions and pics on changing springs" onclick=";return false;
I believe I have a holster, springs and magazine for it, if interested, just holler.

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Re: Anybody know anything about this gun?


Post by wgoforth »

Just checked, I don't have a mag, but I do have the spring set and the leather, German made police/military holster (unissued) that was made for these. Has a pouch made on for the mag and flap that snaps over gun. I will keep looking to see if I have the mag somewhere else. You could get these guns last year for $65 from CDNN, now they don't have a one.
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