I hope you do not have this issue either. It is really disheartening. About your problem above. I have had nothing but trouble with Monarch ammo. It is really dirty, I have had numerous FTEs, FTFsCEOofEVIL wrote:Mostly the slide will not lock back using both the stock 13 round mags, as well as the stock 15 round mags. Not sure if it may be the ammo (9mm steel cased monarch )
as well as numerous times the gun would not lock back after the last shot. I think your problem is the ammo. I fire WWB, PMC, MagTech and never have had an issue to the extent of the problems that I had
with monarch ammo. I think the lock back problem may be due to QC issues of the powder loads. I was told a couple years back by the local range operator that the gun blew up using
Monarch. Cannot verify it but that is what the range master told me. I have never bought or used that brand again.