The keeper.

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Re: The keeper.


Post by RPBrown »

Out of all of the guns I have or currently own, I have only moved 4 from my collection.
1) Glock 21. Was one of my favorites but arthritis in fingers would no longer allow me to break it down. Sold to a member here several years ago
2) Kimber 1911's. both due to unreliability. A commander sized that was traded for a Colt Gold Cup (yes I informed the other party of the issues) and a full size that was sold to a gunsmith, also informed of the issues.
1) Kahr PM40. I wanted to maintain 1 caliber (or so I thought).
Other than those 4, I have every firearm I have ever inherited or purchased.
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Re: The keeper.


Post by equin »

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Re: The keeper.


Post by stroo »

I don't sell very many of my guns either.

The two I probably will never sell, I inherited from my Dad when he died when I was twelve. They are a Browning 16 gauge semi-automatic shotgun and a Remington .22 pump. I learned how to shoot with those guns and have toted them all across the country in moves related to work.

The other gun I would never sell I gave to my son on his 12th birthday. It is a 20 gauge brake open single shot shotgun. My Dad gave it to me on my 12th birthday as my first gun. I did give it to my son but I would never have sold it.
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Re: The keeper.


Post by C-dub »

Right now, I can't imagine getting rid of any of the firearms I own.

I've only sold two that I've ever owned and they were both Glocks. I sold a 22 and a 27 to get a 21SF and a 30SF.
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Re: The keeper.


Post by Middle Age Russ »

I have only one currently that I would readily sell to help fund the purchase of a higher quality replacement. It runs fine, but is one of the few guns I bought more or less on a whim. It is a Chiappa 1873-22, which will hopefully one day be replaced by a Ruger Single-Six or Single-Ten. Other guns I have sold for a variety of reasons include:

Remington 572 to fund the acquisition of a 10/22
Ruger Super Blackhawk Stainless 10.5" in .44 Mag. -- Sold since I wasn't planning on participating in IHMSA anytime soon.
Remington 740 in 30-06 with Weaver K4 scope, Sold because it did not really fit a niche for me after I acquired a Ruger GSR .308
SIG 1911-22, sold to a 1911 guy and replaced by a S&W M&P 22
Beretta Neos, sold to a lady who appreciated the small grip more than I did
Smith and Wesson 659, sold when we moved to standardize on striker fired semi-autos (with less blocky grips and lower weight)
Smith and Wesson 22A, sold to a young shooter who found the grip much more to his liking than I did
Smith and Wesson Shield, sold when replaced with a similar gun with aftermarket trigger
Smith and Wesson 325PD, sold because our defensive handguns were generally coalescing on the striker fired semi-auto platform
Stevens 350, sold as redundant to the Remington 870s we have, and the bottom feed/ejection is not as flexible if having to load singles in a pinch.

All the firearms we have are shooters, so really any of them are for sale at any time if the price is right. Many of them might require higher than market value to purchase, though, since we'd likely want to replace them with something very similar in short order and time is money.
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Re: The keeper.


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

I do cycle quite a few guns through my collection. I try to be very deliberate with purchases, but I am a sucker for a shiny new toy, and/or a really good deal. Sometimes, I can even find both at once!

The "keepers" for me would be my Dan Wesson CCO, and my Glock 19. The Glock 19 is the first gun I bought myself after moving to Texas, and the gun I used for my LTC test. I have done all kinds of cool modifications to it, and certainly could never get anywhere close to what I have put in, money wise. The CCO is the gun that I most often find on my hip.
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Re: The keeper.


Post by allisji »

While I don't really see myself selling off any of my current firearms, I would say that I am not so attached to any of them, but one, that I would not be willing to sell or trade for an upgrade.

The one, well it's not a handgun, and it's not a particularly useful weapon. It's my .22 rifle that my dad gave me for my 18th birthday. Nothing special... it's a Taurus, but it was a special gift and one I will cherish and will hand down one day.

As for my other weapons... I don't buy or sell frequently, but I have accumulated 8 handguns. Some of them I wouldn't hesitate to sell or trade if I were looking to spare up some cash... the others... I wouldn't sell or trade them unless and until I had found something that better meets my changing needs.

I'm young, and my "calculations" will change over the years. Maybe a few more years down the road and I decide that .45 acp better meets my needs, or that concealment is no longer a top priority... or that I do or do not want/need a frame mounted thumb safety, etc.

The closest thing that I have to a keeper handgun is my Sig P239, because it has become a trusted companion for nearly two years. That said, I just bought a Glock 26 and have a holster that should be in my mailbox or on my front step when I get off work today. Is the Sig worried about being moved into the safe? No... it's not. It's a gun, it doesn't worry about anything. If time reveals that the Glock better meets my needs than the Sig, then perhaps one day I would find the Sig a new home and get myself another Glock. Or more likely I would keep the Sig AND get another Glock.
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Re: The keeper.


Post by Vol Texan »

I HAD a few keepers in my collection - but they all got lost in a horrific boating accident:
  • an old Iver Johnson Model 1900 Target - not much of a pistol, but it's the only thing from my dad's collection that I own
  • Python - Mrs. Vol Texan bought for me
  • D.G.F.M - (F.M.A.P) Sist 1927 (inscribed Ejercito Argentino on the slide) - Mrs. Vol Texan bought for me
  • Ruger Super Redhawk - Mrs. Vol Texan bought for me
  • Beretta 92FS - Mrs. Vol Texan bought for me
  • SigSauer M400 AR15 - Mrs. Vol Texan bought for me
  • SigSauer SP2022 - Mrs. Vol Texan bought for me
Maybe I'll just keep Mrs. Vol Texan. She seems to have my best interest in mind. Image
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Re: The keeper.


Post by EL29jm »

Abraham wrote:You do realize the paranoid inducing quality of your questions, eh...?
Yeah, thought about that and will limit to a couple.

Two that will remain as long as I live belonged to my late father. In 1956 dad bought two Colts; a 38 Super and a Model 357. Both manufactured in '56. Several months later, I was born. Guess he was shooting more than 38 Super and 357 magnums. Both still in their cardboard box and from their appearance were used very little. Worth more as a sentimental value.
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