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Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:50 am
by Broncrider
Almost a disaster in Fort Worth, I was at the gun show Saturday at Will Rogers and lo and behold a gun discharged inside the show. I later talked with an exhibitor that had the booth next to the incident. He informed me that the dealer next to him had a 45 pistol on his table he was selling for a friend and he didnt check it. a passerby stopped and picked up the pistol and luckily he was pointing it at the floor when he squeezed the trigger. it was packed with people like a subway car in new york. there was barely enough room to get down the aisles. it could have been a real tragedy. It was amazing that no one got hurt. I couldnt beleive that any exhibitor would not check every weapon he has at the show.

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:53 am
by HighVelocity
Complacency is the main ingredient when creating a disaster. :mad5

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:28 am
by propellerhead
I'm glad I didn't go. I figured all the prices were still inflated anyway.

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:30 am
by Oldgringo
Incidents like that do not promote our RKBA. :banghead: Quite the contrary, incidents like that prove that firearms should not be in the hands of...oh, well, you know what the 'antis' say.

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:36 am
by Right2Carry
I was planning on attending this event but decided against it at the last minute. I am glad I didn't attend after hearing about this.

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:58 am
by Excaliber
Oldgringo wrote:Incidents like that do not promote our RKBA. :banghead: Quite the contrary, incidents like that prove that firearms should not be in the hands of...oh, well, you know what the 'antis' say.
I like Jeff Cooper's approach: No gun can be made foolproof. Fools should keep their hands off of machinery.

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 12:02 pm
by 10mmillie
That happened in Austin around 2000. A dealer messing with a 1911 fired a round into the floor. Luckily no one got hit.

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 12:49 pm
Broncrider wrote:He informed me that the dealer next to him had a 45 pistol on his table he was selling for a friend and he didnt check it. a passerby stopped and picked up the pistol and luckily he was pointing it at the floor when he squeezed the trigger.
How early in the show was it? I can't imagine a gun sitting out for more than a few minutes without some potential buyer checking the chamber.

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:05 pm
by couzin
It was about 1P or so. My wife and I were an aisle over - scared the crap outta me, i heard a distinct beewweeeuuuu go past us, I guess a fragment as one of the other dealers said the round went into a box - Fort Worth's finest were there in nanoseconds. We were at Winchesters a few months back and a guy on the range put a round through his hand, now this at a gun show - my wife is ready to sell everything and never have anything to do with shooting sports again.

Other than the ND - show was good. Handgun prices for the most part were not more than normal. EBR's were prominant. Picked up a NIB S&W 360PD for $710.00. The dealers were definately processing a lot of paper. I have never seen so many Taurus's (Taurii?) being sold.

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:07 pm
by atxgun
You'd think someone like that would check it out of sheer reflex when he was handed the firearm in the first place.

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:17 pm
by bridge
Man, it's a miracle no one was injured. I assume the dealer received a hefty fine or some sort of ticket from the LEOs. I thought all the guns for sale were required to be locked open? If I recall correctly, the last show I went to in Pasadena had all the handguns zip-tied with the slides open. The Dallas Morning News is going to be all over this one. I can see the headline now, "Women and Children Shot At During Gun Show".

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:38 pm
by Morgan
Every time something is fool proofed, someone comes along and builds a better fool.

I'm a little stunned by this.... I've been to ONE gun show in my life and every handgun I saw was locked open with a loop through the breech. Is that not standard procedure?

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:56 pm
by Broncrider
I don't know about a fine, but they made the dealer pack up and leave.

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:22 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Morgan wrote:Every time something is fool proofed, someone comes along and builds a better fool.
I love that saying. I'll be borrowing it from time to time, with your permission. :mrgreen:

Re: Almost a disaster in Fort Worth

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:59 pm
by Excaliber
The Annoyed Man wrote:
Morgan wrote:Every time something is fool proofed, someone comes along and builds a better fool.
I love that saying. I'll be borrowing it from time to time, with your permission. :mrgreen:
Here's another one for your amusement and use with my blessings:

"It's not possible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."

They do incredibly stupid things that no rational person would think of in a million years.