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spare parts kit

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:43 pm
by ghostrider
I'm interested in what the Glock experts would recommend keeping on hand for spare parts for Glocks (besides tons of spare mags and cases of ammo...)

I don't anticipate wearing out a barrel, but I imagine certain springs or other small parts are prone to wear or breakage.

Re: spare parts kit

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:53 pm
by WillieD
I buy my parts from" onclick=";return false; and keep the following:

trigger spring
recoil spring assembly
firing pin safety spring
spring cups
firing pin
firing pin spring
extractor depresser plunger spring
firing pin spacer sleeve
firing pin safety
slide cover plate
slide lock spring
slide stop lever
trigger with trigger bar

Many of these parts are sub $2, and probably will never use some of them but I like having it just in case. If anything ever breaks I should be able to fix it myself pretty quickly with the parts that I keep on hand. If not, my dad is a Glock Armourer and I could always take it to him.

Re: spare parts kit

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:49 am
by jbirds1210
The best way to have a spare for every part is to just buy another Glock :biggrinjester: That is the route I took.

Seriously.....I have shot Glocks a bunch and so far I have broken:

1 extractor (gun continued to run in a sanctioned match)
1 recoil spring assembly (the gun would not go into battery anymore)
1 trigger spring (doesn't stop the show, but still a pain)

All of these parts broke or wore out on the same Glock 17 after around 25K rounds of live fire and countless dry fires. I know that many will tell you of tens of thousands of rounds without having to replace anything....I guess they are lucky or treat their gun a bit better than I do. I have a 1911 to sit and admire....I abuse my Glocks :anamatedbanana


Re: spare parts kit

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:33 pm
by AggieMM
With as many competitions I shoot in a year, I don't want to be slide-lined with a gun that never fails, when it finally does. Here's what I put in my spare parts bin, for "insurance":

3/4 Recoil spring assembly
6 Spacer sleeve
7 Firing pin spring
8 Spring cups
10 Firing pin safety spring
13 Extractor depressor plunger spring
18 Magazine catch spring
19 Magazine catch
20 Slide lock spring
23 Trigger mechanism housing with ejector
27 Slide stop lever
28 Trigger pin
29 Trigger housing pin
34 Locking Block Pin


For MAJOR competitions, I'll bring my Glock 17 for backup. Just my $0.02......


Re: spare parts kit

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:12 pm
by CompVest
+1 for jbirds1210 and +1 for AggieMM

Re: spare parts kit

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:20 pm
by karlrehn
for match day and attending training classes, a second gun identical to your primary is the best solution.
Spare parts are good for fixing the broken gun during whatever down time you have. Often there may not be an opportunity to fix the gun during the event itself.
Spare parts are good to have during any practice session. Nothing worse than driving to the range, shooting 20 rounds and having to go home to fix a broken gun.


Re: spare parts kit

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:33 am
by ghostrider
thanks for all the input.