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Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 8:54 am
by stash
Could someone please tell me if there is much difference in the recoil between captioned Glocks. I am thinking of getting my wife a handgun for HD and to carry under the MPA. I think I would like to stick with the Glock because of the simplicity of operation. She is small (4'10", 90 lbs.) and has not shot a gun since her daddy's Border Patrol days 40 some years ago. I have shot (but don't own) the G17 and G19 but never the G26. All my Glock calibers start with a 4. She is agreeable to do this and after going to the range a couple of times she will probably be interested in getting her CHL. I know the G19 would probably be better but if she gets her CHL I guess the G26 would be easier for her to carry. Thanks for any info.
Re: Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:24 am
by boomerang
I definitely notice a difference between a Glock 26 and my Glock 19. Whether it's an issue for your wife is a personal thing. For me, the recoil of a Glock 26 is comfortable but size and weight affect followup shots. For comparison, I shot a compact Kahr and that was chewing up skin by the second magazine. I say go to a range with rentals or borrow from a friend and let your wife shoot the Glock 26 and Glock 19 and decide.
Re: Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:17 am
by 03Lightningrocks
Much of the recoil equation depends on the loads your using as well. +P or "high velocity" rounds in a G26 can be a challenge for someone of light weight or stature.
Re: Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:28 am
by Crossfire
If your wife is that small, her hands may be too small for the Glock's fat grip. You certainly want to let her try one on before you buy.
If it doesn't fit, you might want to think about the
S&W M&P Compact
Re: Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:28 pm
by BambooShoots
The recoil on the G26 is greater than on the G19.
However, that does not mean it's unmanagable; it's just recoils a bit harder than the G19.
Re: Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:31 pm
by CompVest
+1 on Crossfire's advice. I am 5' 0" and I can't reach the trigger on any Glock without rotating way out of a good grip.
Re: Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:01 pm
by Greybeard
Plus 1 more on the M+P (with smallest of interchangeable backstraps) suggestion. Ours (aquired specifically for training purposes) came with two magazines, one of which has the "pinky extension". Such is an aftermarket item for the Glock magazines - and makes the 26 grip almost as long as the 19 grip.
I've also found the 9mm Kahrs often to to be a "best fit" for some with small hands/short fingers. The heavy Model K-9 is also frequently appreciated by the recoil-sensitive.
A visual side-by-side comparision of the M+P Compact, Glock 19 and K-9 is on "Handguns 101" page at" onclick=";return false;. That photograph is by no means a substitute for The Wife getting to dry fire (or preferably shoot 'em), but it does a good job of depicting 3 other striker-fired options that have simplicity similar to the Glocks.
Re: Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:20 pm
by magicglock
I think it really comes down to how well the Glock fits your wife's hands. I own a G19 and a G23 and have shot many G26 and G27s. I personally do not perceive a big difference in recoil between the compact and subcompact version of each but they fit my hands well. Renting and shooting is the best thing you could do for your wife. Let her find something that fits the hand well then worry about size. My wife loves my G19 and it fits her hand well. She tried the G26 and did notice a difference in recoil but not enough to make a difference. The real issue for my wife was the strength of the recoil spring. She had a very difficult time operating the slide on the G26 but has no problem with the G19.
I echo the comments above on the S&W M&P. That might be a better option. Either way, try a G26 with the finger extension and see what she thinks.
My .02
Re: Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:15 am
by bubba1876
I was just today trying out the G26, and find it's similar to my M&P 40c. Have her try the M&P 9c. I find the M&P compacts to be a solid, yet slighty thinner pistol. IMO.
Re: Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:14 pm
by CompVest
The M&P are thinner and more rounded just under the beavertail making them feel better to small hands. The reach (distance from the center of the backstrap to the trigger) is shorter then a Glock making it better for small hands or those with short fingers.
Re: Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:44 am
by stash
Thanks all for the info. Will do what you all said plus maybe take a look at the Walther PPS as it also seems like it might fit her hand although it will cost more than the S&W.
Re: Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:22 pm
by Plato
Frankly, I don't think either one has recoil issues worth noting. For me, the only reason the 19 shoots a bit better than the 26 is the grip length -I've never noticed the recoil. I've shot IDPA with both my 19 an 26 and about the only difference is I'm a bit less precise with the 26 when trying to shoot fast or reload -but the actual recoil just never enters my mind.
Re: Glock 19 v. Glock 26 In The Recoil Dept
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:22 pm
by rcamp
would suggest neglible difference between the 2, would however chime in on the thickness of the grip on a Glock, for a small person.
Might consider a revolver such as the SP101 or perhaps a XDc or Sig239.
All excellent weapons.