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Funny story since nothing bad happened

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:50 pm
by atxgun
As I'm not a football fan I seized the opportunity to visit a mostly deserted range with a female friend. We had a good time going through the AR, Marlin lever action and a couple pistols.

While I was at the firing line I looked back to let her know it's her turn. She was at the next stall over chastising this kid who it seemed was his first time shooting: "Um, excuse me, you need to keep your gun pointed down range at all time". She later told me she observed him literally trying to shoot sideways gangsta style and when his gun jammed he was stepped back and waving it around the rest of the range trying to clear it.

A range master had also observed this and came out and was looking over his shoulder the rest of the time.

The only reason I say this story was funny is because I was thinking about this kid who probably thought he was some kind of awesome for finally getting a gun got told How-To by a girl. (No offense, ladies).

Hopefully he'll learn and embrace the four rules.

Re: Funny story since nothing bad happened

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:06 am
by kitty
I took my daughter and her beau to the range yesterday too; it was pretty busy though, and there were four young women there and only two were shooting. One of them was shooting a little .22 pistol and had no idea how to hold it, how to load it, or how to do anything. It was her first time at the range, and I ended up helping her because I didn't want to get my eye shot out. There also ended up being an NRA firearms instructor there yesterday, and he came over and took over for me, I'm so glad too, I had to supervise the party I was with. He was just there on his own time. Really nice guy, and he even came over and gave me some very helpful tips. Thank you, Gary. I'm glad your friend said something to this kid, and wasn't afraid to do so.

Re: Funny story since nothing bad happened

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:06 pm
by longtooth
Good job to all the girls who shoot & are willing to help others. I :tiphat: to you.

Re: Funny story since nothing bad happened

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:47 am
by dukalmighty
I will go out of my way to not only promote safety but also the sport including letting people shoot my guns to teach them that they are not the evil things anti's paint them to be

Re: Funny story since nothing bad happened

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:21 pm
by vickark
Thanks goodness someone helped them. I know that some folks buy a gun - go to the range and have no earthly idea what they're doing. You may have very well kept them or someone else from getting hurt (or worse)! A big bunch of kudos to ya' !
Happy shootin' :fire

Re: Funny story since nothing bad happened

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:48 pm
by smokindragon
On my trips to the range I always try to get the furthest to the right position, My theory is most people are right handed and it seems if they go to clear or have any problems with their gun they usually point it towards their left.

Not a solution, but just my way to try to stay alive on my trips to the range, when their are learners there.


Re: Funny story since nothing bad happened

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:22 pm
by 03Lightningrocks
smokindragon wrote:On my trips to the range I always try to get the furthest to the right position, My theory is most people are right handed and it seems if they go to clear or have any problems with their gun they usually point it towards their left.

Not a solution, but just my way to try to stay alive on my trips to the range, when their are learners there.

Not a bad idea..... :tiphat:

Re: Funny story since nothing bad happened

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:48 pm
by fickman
smokindragon wrote:On my trips to the range I always try to get the furthest to the right position, My theory is most people are right handed and it seems if they go to clear or have any problems with their gun they usually point it towards their left.

Not a solution, but just my way to try to stay alive on my trips to the range, when their are learners there.

Great idea. . . except at Winchester in Fort Worth. Somehow the divider between the far right stall (in the main building) and the one next to it is coming unfastened. There's a hole just big enough for your neighbor's brass to fly through. Each time I've been there, it has. I decided to show patience and reload while they were shooting, then shoot while they reloaded.