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Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:35 am
by ClarkLZeuss
So it's about 1:30 am, and I'm reading the Good Book a little bit before I go to sleep, then all of a sudden I hear a total of 6 gunshots: first a group like this: tap....tap-tap-tap, and then about two minutes later: tap-tap. It's crazy how many things went through my head so quickly! At first I thought it was something else (wind, trees, fences gates, cars, train, etc.) but having just been to the range, the sound of gunfire is unmistakable (especially because the odd succession of shots I heard). It didn't sound like it was right outside, or even that close to my house...could have been a block or a mile away for all I can tell.

I pick up the phone and call the neighborhood constable, tell them everything I can, as well as my name/phone/address, but decline a visit or a call back. (I just want them to focus on whatever is going on). Then I go back in our bedroom and put on my jeans and holster up my gun. Wife wakes up, she wants to know what's going on (and doesn't buy my initial bogus explanation), so I tell her what's up but not to worry. She goes back to sleep, and I wait by the front window.

A few minutes later, the first of 3 patrols moseys by my house. I watch the constable go by each time, and each time I debate whether or not I should go outside and meet him. Each time I decide to stay seated, and keep observing. After reading some other threads, I've already made the decision not to go play "night ninja." :nono:

An hour passes by without incident. I'm tired, but still can't go to sleep. Guess I'll be staying out on the couch, holstered, and keeping an eye (and an ear) out for things, til I eventually fall asleep. Hmmm, better double-check that safety.

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 12:32 pm
by tfrazier
Isn't it frustrating to call in like that and then (most of the time) never find out if anything came of it? I've heard gun shots before and called in, pretty much the same as you, but I always climb back into bed and fall asleep.

I figure if whatever it was comes my way the three dogs are going to wake me up in plenty of time to grab the Kimber (or the BushMaster, or the M500).

I won't venture out the front door or do anything to complicate the LEO's lives (or cause them to cap me by mistake), but the back yard has a nearly ten foot high stone and wood wall, and I have my strategically place 'peep holes' to see if anyone is traipsing around the field if I hear escalating sounds.

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:26 pm
by The Annoyed Man
In California, we lived in a "buffer" neighborhood, located between a pretty bad area, and an extremely wealthy area. I used to hear gunshots pretty regularly. At first, I would get gunned up just in case. Later, I just kept on sleeping or watching TV, or whatever I was doing. It was just too common to give it much attention anymore. Also, I lived a 10 minute walk from the Rose Bowl, so whenever there was an event there, it was followed by a fireworks show.

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:31 pm
by kd5zex
Out here in the country its strange when you don't hear any shots... You should hear it on Opening Morning of dove season. :txflag:

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:46 pm
by KRM45
Good job calling it in. I recommend you tell the dispatcher you want to be contacted though. The officer that shows up could use what little description you could give him to help him find the area. That way you don't worry about whether you should go out and talk to them. When they are ready they will call or stop by.

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:54 pm
by ClarkLZeuss
KRM45 wrote:Good job calling it in. I recommend you tell the dispatcher you want to be contacted though. The officer that shows up could use what little description you could give him to help him find the area. That way you don't worry about whether you should go out and talk to them. When they are ready they will call or stop by.
Thanks. And good point, I didn't think of that. Mainly I was thinking that since I gave the dispatcher the home phone number, I didn't want them calling back and waking up my wife or daughter. Guess I could also give the cell #. So I take it that these kinds of calls are taken pretty seriously?

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:11 pm
by JasonH
My dad heard several gunshots last week and did the same thing as you.

The next day he was talking to his neighbors and it turned out one of them had bought a new pistol (his first) out of Obama fear and couldn't help but fire a few rounds into the ground that night to "test it out."


Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:28 pm
by 03Lightningrocks
I wonder how many times we think we are hearing gun shots when it is actually a car backfiring? :headscratch

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:43 pm
by atxgun
JasonH wrote:My dad heard several gunshots last week and did the same thing as you.

The next day he was talking to his neighbors and it turned out one of them had bought a new pistol (his first) out of Obama fear and couldn't help but fire a few rounds into the ground that night to "test it out."

I can't help but laughing as that sounds like an Onion headline. Then I stop laughing after coming to grips with it being real.

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:25 am
by bdickens
Cars backfiring went away with carbs.

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:46 pm
by 03Lightningrocks
bdickens wrote:Cars backfiring went away with carbs.

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:23 pm
by bdickens
I'm not going to argue with you; I turn wrenches for a living. With modern electronic fuel injection it just doesn't happen. You might get one that is so messed up that it will backfire when you try to start it, but you won't get it to run.

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:34 pm
by KRM45
ClarkLZeuss wrote:
KRM45 wrote:Good job calling it in. I recommend you tell the dispatcher you want to be contacted though. The officer that shows up could use what little description you could give him to help him find the area. That way you don't worry about whether you should go out and talk to them. When they are ready they will call or stop by.
Thanks. And good point, I didn't think of that. Mainly I was thinking that since I gave the dispatcher the home phone number, I didn't want them calling back and waking up my wife or daughter. Guess I could also give the cell #. So I take it that these kinds of calls are taken pretty seriously?

I guess that depends on where you live. Here in the DFW area they take them seriously. I guess in the more rural areas it may be different.

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:02 pm
by barres
03Lightningrocks wrote:I wonder how many times we think we are hearing gun shots when it is actually a car backfiring? :headscratch
Given that there are still a number of carbureted cars in this area, it would be possible, but I remember one evening, as I was in my bedroom getting ready for bed, hearing someone empty a 15 round mag within I would say half a mile of my house. No car backfires 15 times in less than thirty seconds (probably more like 12 - 15). Suddenly I wasn't sleepy anymore. And yes, I counted the number of shots fired.

Re: Just heard gunshots...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:36 pm
by 03Lightningrocks
bdickens wrote:I'm not going to argue with you; I turn wrenches for a living. With modern electronic fuel injection it just doesn't happen. You might get one that is so messed up that it will backfire when you try to start it, but you won't get it to run.
And I am not going to argue with you. Your assertion that a fuel injected vehicle will not back fire is incorrect. I have a Lightning that will do high 10 second quarter mile passes and I have had back fires in certain conditions...usually tuning related and usually when letting off of the gas at the big end of a pass, but it does happen.

Regardless, there are many older, carburetor vehicles around being driven by teens that love to play. The "gun fire" you hear at night may be gun fire, but it could also be a vehicle back firing or even fireworks.