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Introduce yourself
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 5:05 pm
by troglodyte
As this is a new site, I thought it might be helpful to introduce ourselves as we come on board. Sometimes it helps to know a little about the author of the posts we read and respond to.
Let us know as much or as little as you are comfortable with.
May I suggest:
Profession/school status
Marital status
Years CHL
Texas State Representative House District
Carry guns/equipment
Any additional information is up to you. Whatever you feel is needed to "know" you better.
As for me,
50's male
Training Coordinator
Married with 2 sons and 2 DILs, 2 grandsons.
CHL for 12 years now.
TSR House District 84
Primary - XD9SC Hornady TAP in Minotar, 5.11 shirt, or Kangaroo Carry all depending on what I'm wearing and time of the year
Also carry Colt Defender .45 w/ Rangers in a Tucker Leather Texas Heritage
Editted 10-3-10:
Wow! I just looked back. It's been almost 6 years since this thread started. Some things have changed so I edited them.
Edit 3-24-14
Things keep changing...
Edit 8-17-15
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:39 pm
by edjarman
married w/3 kids
from the beginning of the CHL, don't remember how many years but have renewed twice
S&W Mod 36
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:07 pm
by 1Shot
Married (20 years)
2 Children
CHL since it started in TX
Active IDPA shooter
Hardchrome Wilson CQB in Sparks VMII
S&W 342
Merry Christmas Everybody!
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:44 pm
by Dr Dave
Hello all,
I really have never taken an interest in an internet forum before (though I have lurked occasionally), but this one begins with the subject that most concerns me - concealed carry in Texas. I live in Texas. I carry a handgun (or two) whenever I can, because I think I need to and because it is my right to protect myself.
East Texas
Late 40's
Married w/ kids in 20's
Professional occupation
CHL 2 years
Carry guns; Glock 27 in a Don Hume IWB or a Tucker Leather Answer (the most comfortable IWB imaginable) depending on whether I need to disarm during the day. The Don Hume goes on and off REAL EASY, but the Answer is REAL COMFORTABLE.
Keltec .32 in an Uncle Mikes pocket holster as a back up or when I can't carry anything else.
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:53 pm
by too-tall
age 50
married 27 yrs
1 daughter
mill worker
CHL since day one. Wife also has CHL
Too Tall
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 9:33 pm
by Stephen A. Camp
53 years of age
Married, no children
Retired Police Officer (25 years)
(Police Firearms Instructor, Patrol Sergeant, and tactical team leader)
CHL instructor since it began. Did so before retirement as well.
CHL holder
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:33 pm
by MoJo
Age: 58
Gender: Male
Occupation: Electrical Foreman
Married - - - four grown daughters, one grown step daughter 12 grandkids
2 years CHL - - - never felt a need for one until 9/11
Just moved not sure what district I'm in. Mike "Tuffy" Hamilton is my represenitive.
Favorite carry gun is S&W 3913 in a Don Hume First Agent w/2 reloads loaded with either 124 gr+P Golden saber or Winchester USA 115 gr JHP. I also carry a P3AT as a backup. Other guns I carry at times are a 9MM XD, a PT 100, 686, or a 1911 .45.
I was in the Army from 1967-1970 spent a year in 'Nam with the first Cavalry and a year with the 82nd Airborne at Ft. Bragg, NC.
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 1:49 am
by cal40sw
Howdyall, and MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!
Male, 49.
Refinery worker.
Married, 4 daughters, 1 son. 5 grandchildren.
CHL since about 9 months after legalized in Texas.
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 2:11 am
by Warhorse545
Re-Married with one son from first marriage
CHL 4 years due to renew in April
District 31
Les Baer TRS in various holsters depending on dress.
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 9:14 am
by RatMan
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Married: 25 years
Children: 3 Grown <1 son & 2 daughters>
GrandKids: 5 <ages 8-18>
Occupation: Network Administrator
CHL: 6 years
State Rep: District 58
Carry: SA 1911 Micro in Wilson Combat Lo-Profile Holster
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 9:21 am
by Greybeard
Merry Christmas morning to all. The family is still in bed around here, so I'm up sucking on coffee and peckin'. 'Good to see some familiar names so far. I must have jumped in and started postin' a day or two ago before this thread got going.
Male, 52, married 26 years, 2 kids. Contracts Manager/Private indoor range Operator/Instructor in southern Denton County. Have hung out (probably too much) for several years as "Greybeard" at The Firing Line, The High Road and Glocktalk.
State Rep. is Mary Denny (whose husband also operates a gun range in Denton County). CHL Instructor since Sept. 1, 1995. Between CHL, NRA and Hunter Ed. classes, certified 3,000+ students - and made lots of new friends! Primary carry guns are S&W 340 and Kahr PM-9. Glock 29 is at top of current "itch list" :)
' Lookin' forward to seein' some more familiar names/handles here. 8)
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 1:12 pm
by dutchman
I live NE of Dallas
76 years old, male
Married, 53 years to the same woman (too lazy to change)
Retired ag pilot
Most of my pistols are Colt 1911's. Anything else are just
something to play with till I can afford another 1911.
TxCHL since Apr96. SWMBO also has CHL since Feb97
I carry a Colt Officers model most of the time, in IWB holster from Milt Sparks
Colt Government .380 mostly in the summer, left front pocket carry in homemade leather holster. (I am left handed).
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 1:25 pm
by dws1117
Age: 33
Corprate Security ( Not a Mall Ninja!!! ) :P
Married 5 years. 1 boy age 3.
Years CHL: None yer. I will be sending the paperwork on Monday
Carry guns/equipment: It will be either a Springfield 1911 or Taurus 85 or both. Just have to play with it and see what works. My even have to buy another gun, darn!
Been here for a few days already. Seems like a nice growing forum. My internet homes have been The High Road, THe firing Line both before its close and back again, and occasional visits to and Glock Talk.
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 4:32 pm
by 357sig
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Dallas Tx
51Yr male
Electronic Tech
Married about 22Yrs/no children/1Greyhound,1Shar-Pei
CHL since shall issue started in Texas/Wife also had, let it expire but is now going to renew
Usually carry357Sig ModelP229/Depends on weather & dress
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 10:39 am
by Replaced Texan
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
I am :
55, divorced for a long time, one adult daughter, three grandkids (including a set of two year old twins), live in Lubbock, work in Houston (for now), miss my airplane terribly!, read nra-ila everyday, read Free Republic everyday. believe in smaller government, less taxes, and overwhelming force when needed. I am the Replaced Texan because I worked in Washington State for nearly four years although I NEVER gave up my Texas Residency (and to do so is unthinkable!). I actually received my WA permit before the Texas permit. G-19 in a Milt Sparks Versa Max lll.