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Pocket Carry - Again
Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:35 pm
by Braden
Based on comments in my other pocket carry thread as well as those made on Glocktalk and THR, I have revised my list and am once again seeking input.
I've never fired any of these three so I'll need to do that before making a final decision. I'm also assuming that any of these three will easily conceal in the front pocket of pants, jeans or shorts.
So, let's have a vote!!
Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:37 pm
by jbirds1210
One of these things is not like the other......
I believe that your first choice is by far the best. Take care.
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:53 am
by Lodge2004
I am a fan of revolvers for pocket carry. My S&W Model 60 spends a lot of time in the front pocket of my shorts during Houston's warmer months.
A lighter model with an enclosed hammer would be better, but any spare change I find laying around gets spent on training classes and books.
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:04 am
by kw5kw
I voted for the .38, but I wouldn't stop at just the .38; I'd get the .357 so you have a choice of either .38 Special or the full .357 Magnum load.
Honestly, you won't forgive yourself later if you settle for only the .38.
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:57 am
by seadawg221
A Kimber Ulta Carry fits fine in my front pocket.
But then again, I have big pockets
![Shocked :shock:](./images/smilies/icon_eek.gif)
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:39 pm
by Braden
kw5kw wrote:I voted for the .38, but I wouldn't stop at just the .38; I'd get the .357 so you have a choice of either .38 Special or the full .357 Magnum load.
Honestly, you won't forgive yourself later if you settle for only the .38.
Which model is the .357??
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:45 pm
by spud
I still suggest the P3AT. I work in and out of cars all day long and never notice my P3AT untill I stick my hand in my pocket. Excelent little gun. And the size is second to none.
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:27 pm
by Thane
The S&W double-action-only snubbie in .357 is the 640 (stainless steel version). I'm not sure of the model numbers of the other, lighter versions, and really wouldn't want to go to a lighter pistol in that cartridge anyway.
Personally, though, I'd take a Model 60, which is their basic J-magnum frame 5-shot .357, exposed hammer, stainless steel, and I'd want it with the 3" barrel with underlug.
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:37 pm
by MoJo
I have carried the .38 snub, the P11 and the P3AT as a pocket gun all are excellent choices I currently carry a P3AT as my pocket gun but wouldn't feel at a disadvantage with the other two.
My question to you is which of the three do you feel best with? Beg, borrow or rent some examples of the three and decide for yourself. I personally really like revolvers for this kind of gun even though I don't have one right now.
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:22 pm
by dws1117
I also carry a P3AT. It's a neat little gun. Fits right into the pocket. As far as reliability the only issue I've has it getting lint out of the underside of the trigger.
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:02 pm
by pfgrone
Since you very specifically asked about the S&W 638, I didn't vote.
But I do carry a S&W model 642 .38 spec. in an Uncle Mikes pocket holster.
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:10 pm
by Braden
Thanks for all of the suggestions. Right now it looks like the votes are pretty close between the P3AT and the J frame, which is pretty consistent with what I've seen on the other boards.
I honestly do not like the idea of carrying a .380, but when I'm carrying this gun I will likely be wearing Wrangler jeans or Docker style pants. Based on what I've seen from others, I'm not sure a J frame would conceal very well in Wranglers. It's looking more and more like the P3AT may be the better choice for me.
The only difference between a .357, .38, .380 and 9mm is the velocity and weight, correct? So, they're all going to make the same size hole. The difference is how much energy they dump and how much damage they do after they have made that hole.
Bear with me while I compare some numbers for Gold Dots:
.380 90 grain - 990 FPS with energy around 196 ft-lbs (3.75" barrel)
.38 Special 125 grain +P - 1150 FPS with energy around 248 ft-lbs (7.71" barrel)
.357 Magnum 125 grain - 1875 FPS with energy around 583 lbs (10" barrel)
9mm 124 grain +P - 1220 FPS with energy around 410 lbs (4" barrel)
Why, oh why, couldn't they use the same length of barrel??
I just can't convince myself that a .380 or .38 Special is a good defensive round, but I suppose this is all about compromise. What am I willing to give up to get that gun to conceal in my front pocket??
Decisions, decisions, decisions...
I suppose the next question is could I conceal a G27 in an ankle holster while wearing Wranglers or Dockers?? If so then that would be the obvious choice over all the above.
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 7:36 am
by pfgrone
If you want pocket carry, just be sure you actually try drawing the gun you choose from the pocket before buying it. That's why I like the S&W 642.
I have a Kahr PM9 9mm that I cannot draw from the pocket. The butt of the slide hangs up on the front pockets. When I want to carry it, I use a SmartCarry holster which I have no complaints about. I just prefer the pocket carry instead.
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:46 am
by Diode
dws1117 wrote:I also carry a P3AT. It's a neat little gun. Fits right into the pocket. As far as reliability the only issue I've has it getting lint out of the underside of the trigger.
I have the P-11 and it carries just fine and makes a bigger hole :) j/k I carry it in a soft holster to keep the lint and dirt out of it.
Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:40 pm
by Braden
Okay...nothing is official until I actually hold and shoot one, but at this point I think I've pretty much ruled out the J frame. I went and looked at one at Academy tonight. The guy behind the counter let me stick it in the front pocket of my jeans. There is NO WAY I could carry that thing in my pocket.
I've heard very good things about the 2nd Gen Kel-Tecs as far as reliability is concerned so, if it will fit, I think my first choice is going to be the P-11 for the capacity and power of the 9mm. If not then I'll probably just go with the P-3AT and hope for the best.
Of course, I'm well known for changing my mind so after sleeping on it I may be trying to fit a S&W 500 in my pocket. :D