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Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709 Slim

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:30 pm
by surprise_i'm_armed

The link above is to Academy's home page, where the PT709 Slim has
a link to a bigger picture and the details.

Although the PT709 Slim is a narrow, easily concealable gun, I don't
think that $389.99 is much of a deal.

Considering that for the usual $329.99 or so at Academy you can get a
PT111 (9MM, 12 + 1), a PT140 (.40, 12 + 1), or a PT145 (.45, 10 + 1).

Why pay more and get fewer rounds?

If someone's really jonesin' for this gun, though, don't let me be a wet


Re: Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:33 pm
by texjames
I have read a few posts were people have had problems with those guns...

Re: Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:29 pm
by jeeperbryan
Having shot both the PTSlim and the PT111, I'd definitely recommend the Slim over the 111. It is much more ergonomic, much more concealable, and not quite as ugly. They're both ugly but the Slim is somewhat better.

Re: Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:22 pm
by .45mac.40

At first, real quick look...for a second, I thought it was a " Kahr CW " :roll:


Re: Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:08 am
by RPB
jeeperbryan wrote:Having shot both the PTSlim and the PT111, I'd definitely recommend the Slim over the 111. It is much more ergonomic, much more concealable, and not quite as ugly. They're both ugly but the Slim is somewhat better.
I put a Hogue Handall Jr on my PT709 Slim, upside down. Same as I did with my PF9 and DB380.

The PT709 Stainless is my snake gun/BUG when kayaking. with CCI snake shot as chambered round, followed by JHP.

I like it because it's Stainless and the thumb safety for a thin SOB (small of Back) or pocket carry (as a BUG to my Glock 26)

The slim compared to a PF9 and some other thin 9mms, Slim has a huge area for a trigger finger, better for Winter with gloves on.

I'm sort of irritated at Taurus for failing to produce the "Extended Magazine" they originally said they'd have for it.

I've carried in an all kydex holster, and a Kholster, probably in some model Uncle Mikes model nylon, or a Desantis "Tuck This 2" and ... with thumb safety on, in my life jacket pocket in a little holster I made from an old wallet+eyeglass case+electrical/duct tape (not pretty, but fish don''t care).

Re: Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:05 am
by loneranger4x4
jeeperbryan wrote:Having shot both the PTSlim and the PT111, I'd definitely recommend the Slim over the 111. It is much more ergonomic, much more concealable, and not quite as ugly. They're both ugly but the Slim is somewhat better.
I Agree, the 709 is much easier to carry, I carry both the pt111 and the 709 and even though the pt111 is only slightly fatter, it seems harder to conceal, plus it is heavier so I notice it more than the 709. alot ot times I forget the 709 is there. the accuracy on both seem about the same. I decided to go with the pt111 for the higher round count, I will be selling my 709 soon since I can't justify having both.

Re: Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:10 am
by PBratton
texjames wrote:I have read a few posts were people have had problems with those guns...
I've read posts were people have had problems with most things in general... But, I try not to let the vocal minority sway me.

I've had a Slim since they started shipping, it's been a fine gun with no mechanical faults.

Re: Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:16 am
by loneranger4x4
PBratton wrote:
texjames wrote:I have read a few posts were people have had problems with those guns...
I've read posts were people have had problems with most things in general... But, I try not to let the vocal minority sway me.

I've had a Slim since they started shipping, it's been a fine gun with no mechanical faults.
I try to shoot about 50 to 100 rounds a week and mine has never had a problem either.

Re: Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:23 am
by Napier
I second all the good things said about the Slim. Never had a problem with it, and it conceals well in a SuperTuck. An excellent concealment compromise betweeen a small 380 and a larger frame for those times you don't want to risk being made but feel the need for better protection than a 380 offers.

Re: Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:15 pm
by KahrGuy
I'm "considering" this slim over the Kahr PM9 for significant cost savings! However, I'm concerned that I can't get night sights (is this true) and Crimson Trace says absolutely no chance of Laser for at least a year! They did say they're getting many calls on it.

If you slim owners get a chance, please call crimson trace and let them know you're also interested in laser! Need x number of demand before they'll start production! They don't ask for phone number or mailing address - they'll only ask for your name and possibly email address.

For CHL & Protection, aren't slim owners concerned about low light conditions? This is about the only thing holding me up on pulling trigger on this CCW.

Re: Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:40 pm
by wgoforth
Yeah, considering I paid $349 for mine new at academy...... Hey, I'd sell mine for the $389!

Re: Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:37 pm
by clbryant1981
I have had a slim for about 3 months put a few hundred rounds through it no problem. Never a FTF or FTE. One thing that I hear from mist people is they take it right out of the box to the range. For some reason Taurus puts a ton of packing grease in this gun. Strip and clean it real well before shooting the first time.

Re: Academy, June 6-12, 2010.Only sale handgun:Taurus PT709

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:26 pm
by A-R
wgoforth wrote:Yeah, considering I paid $349 for mine new at academy...... Hey, I'd sell mine for the $389!
I believe the ad is for the stainless version .... the blued/black slide version goes for $349 still right? My neighbor just got one of these recently (stainless version) but can't get him to the range to let me try it.

I dry-fired one when they first came out and didn't like the trigger (WAY too much take up). But other than that, seems like a good gun for the money. Certainly one of the least expensive thin single-stack 9mm available (Kahr, Walther PPS being others I can think of off top of my head).