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I can't get my new Wilson tactical safety in any ideas

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:46 pm
by Jbird5363
I can not get this thing in even with a completely striped frame it's still .021 from sitting flush to the frame.
I'm starting to get agitated the only thing I can see that it might be is the bevel around the base of the fixed pin on the thumb safety is bigger than the oe part.

Re: I can't get my new Wilson tactical safety in any ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:23 am
by Texas Dan Mosby
Take it to a smith.

After-market "drop in" parts are often NOT "drop in" and require hand fitting beyond the abilities of the average shooter. I highly recommend you take it to a competent smith for proper installation.

Re: I can't get my new Wilson tactical safety in any ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:05 am
by gigag04
My experience with drop in parts is they are too tight and need fitting by a smith, or they fit because they are loose and look sloppy.

I always buy parts and have a pro install then. A few bucks = peace of mind and unmarred frame.

Re: I can't get my new Wilson tactical safety in any ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:26 am
by Jbird5363
Y'all are getting a little ahead I can't get the safety into a stripped frame it doesn't sit flush. On the pin that the safety pivots on there is a radius at the safety like a tig weld almost there is not one on the factory part and there's not much of a relief in the frame I think I need a deeper counter sink in the frame.

Re: I can't get my new Wilson tactical safety in any ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:58 am
AndyC wrote:use a fine file
A very fine file, and a fine stone. Once it's even remotely close, put the file away and finish with the stone.

Midway, Brownells, and pretty much any other major gun accessory vendor should have a good selection of stones.

Re: I can't get my new Wilson tactical safety in any ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:11 pm
by Jbird5363
That's the genral idea I was gonna sharpIe it see where it rubs if I'm right then I will cut a bigger relief on the frame and try it out. It's a rather inexpensive 1911 so when I picked it out I knew I would be upgrading it at home and would be a trial and error. What I have planed today isn't going to hurt any thing even if I go back to the milspec part.

Re: I can't get my new Wilson tactical safety in any ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:19 pm
by mbw
Jbird5363 wrote:Y'all are getting a little ahead I can't get the safety into a stripped frame it doesn't sit flush. On the pin that the safety pivots on there is a radius at the safety like a tig weld almost there is not one on the factory part and there's not much of a relief in the frame I think I need a deeper counter sink in the frame.
I have never seen a Wilson safety with a radius like are describing. The pin should fit flush with the back of the safety. Call Wilson B4 you do anything to the frame or the safety.

Re: I can't get my new Wilson tactical safety in any ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:17 pm
by Jbird5363
How should I remove the radius I don't have anything small enough to get down in there and remove material