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Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:21 pm
by Mastodon
Mods, not sure where this belongs..

I do not live near a Wal-mart. I don't live near much of anything.... its how I like it.
Anyhow, I was traveling with my wife to South TX and back to visit old friends. This was ~ a 7hr drive one way.

On the way back, stopped at a Del Rio Wal-mart to pick up some range ammo if they had my calibers; it'll save shipping for a bit. They had many empty shelves behind the counter; however, I did select a value pack (100) WWB 9mm 115 gr. I also selected a value pack (100)of Remington UMC .38 special +P Semi-jacketed hollow points.

She rang them up. Halt.
Regarding the Remington .38 specials she asked " are these to be used in a handgun?" I guess her side of the robot-cash-register notified her to say that. :headscratch She almost said it for the WWB, but then corrected and said for "these", the .38specials.

I paused. I wasn't entirely sure. I really go through these with my 1894c lever-action. But, I certainly find myself scrounging for some for my revolver. I finally stumbled around and said "yes, I suppose, some of them.. blah blah." She nodded quickly hit some key, rang me up, and I was on my way to finish the last 3 hrs of a long road trip.

Have y'all been running into this in the city, or in towns, with Wal-marts?
What's the deal?
I knew that Walmart was tightening up there firearm sales after AZ tragedy..
I don't get it? :headscratch

Driving off, I was wondering "wait a second, what the heck was that?"
Had it been a little earlier in the day and I had more of my wits about me I may have had a bit of a discussion with this "associate," asking what are her supervisors telling her?

Ammo purchases may start to be worth the shipping. Always. :???:

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:30 pm
by seamusTX
Could you possibly look younger than 21?

Federal law prohibits selling handgun ammo to people under 21. It's ridiculous, since someone who is 18 can buy .22 LR or .357 Magnum and say it is for a rifleā€”but who expects federal law to make sense?

I got carded at Academy a couple of years ago. My son is over 21, and I've got the wrinkles and gray hair to prove it.

- Jim

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:32 pm
by BrianSW99
It's because of the difference in age requirements for handgun and rifle ammo. The computer asks because if she says yes it's for pistol, it will ask her to verify the customer is over 21. It's 18 otherwise. I think they do that because not every cashier is expected to be up on the laws relating to ammo sales.


Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:40 pm
by Mastodon
Ah, thanks for the replies. I'd not even thought of that. It has never happened to me before. I was wondering if Uncle Sam (Walton) was keeping tabs.

I look older than 21. In my thirties... and look it. :lol:

Again, thanks for clarification. :tiphat:

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:44 pm
by chasfm11
Heck, I cannot seem to buy anything at Wal-Mart any more without the register stopping. I normally use the self checkout lanes (except for ammo, of course) and anything to do with car fluids seems to trip the register's trigger. Then, the employee has to come over an enter a fake birthdate (they never ask me for mine) and off I go with the rest of my order.

I'm sure that Wal-Mart has gotten sued for selling the wrong stuff to the wrong people and they just programmed the point of sale terminals to ask the questions.

I did recently buy ammo at Wal-Mart and there were no questions at all - at least that I saw on my side of the register.

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:47 pm
by alvins
im 31 and have been asked once to see my id to buy ammo.i kinda laughed she showed her my chl and asked if that was ok for id or not.

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:58 pm
by BrianSW99
I think it only asks the rifle/pistol question on certain calibers that are commonly used in both. When I buy 9mm the register only asks the associate if I'm over 21.

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:03 pm
by USA1
AndyC wrote:Tell 'em "Neither - it's for a submachine gun" and watch the deer-in-the-headlights look :evil2:

I don't think there's a button on the register for that. :lol::

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:08 pm
by Mastodon
AndyC wrote:Tell 'em "Neither - it's for a submachine gun" - watch the instant deer-in-the-headlights look :evil2:

Next time.

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:12 pm
by Pawpaw
"I use them to power my thoracic perforator."


Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:19 pm
by seamusTX
Well, to be perfectly wonky, a submachine gun (Tommy gun type) is a carbine.

- Jim

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:27 am
by Texas_Tactical
AndyC wrote:Tell 'em "Neither - it's for a submachine gun" - watch the instant deer-in-the-headlights look :evil2:

I'm 22 and I'll probably be I.D.'d until im forty :grumble

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:35 am
by stevo
Texas_Tactical wrote:
AndyC wrote:Tell 'em "Neither - it's for a submachine gun" - watch the instant deer-in-the-headlights look :evil2:

I'm 22 and I'll probably be I.D.'d until im forty :grumble
I'm in the same boat, recently I was at Academy purchasing some target ammo. The lady behind the gun counter started to grab the ammo then asked, "How old are you?" I told her I was 22 and she's like, "can I see your ID?"...I guess I still look 18....