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Houston 9mm 1911 Gunsmith Recommendation

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:05 pm
by dicion
Looking for a gunsmith to look at a 9mm Para LTC 1911 that I have.

After being back at Para for months, I got it back. I tried firing it, and it still has frequent FTF's and FTE's. Thought it was the magazines. Got new magazines. Still doing the same thing. I would send it back to Para again, but then I wouldn't see it for another 6 months, and they'll probably just claim nothing is wrong with it, since they 'just fixed it'. Even though all they did last time was change the extractor (yes, almost 6 months just to change an extractor).

Frankly, I'm fed up with this piece of junk and the problems I'm having with it. When it works, it's Really accurate, the problem is, it wont feed anything but FMJ, and even jams on that every dozen rounds.. it's absolutely worthless for pretty much anything.

I just want someone who knows what they're doing to look at it, and see if they can tune it up, since Para obviously failed at it. I've read elsewhere that there are other LTC's that had this exact problem, and after some smith 'tuning, they performed flawlessly.

It's either that, Or I'm going to have to sell it.

Anyone know any 'Smiths in the Houston area that are good and would be able to look at it immediately? I'm not looking for someone with a 6 month wait or anything. I've already owned this gun for a year, and a majority of that time, it was not in my possession. Not looking to continue that trend.

Re: Houston 9mm 1911 Gunsmith Recommendation

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:17 pm
by gigag04
Teddy Jacobson, Ed Vandenberg, and Briley are the first three to mention (and in order of my preference)

Teddy isn't taking on as much work, but you might get lucky.

Re: Houston 9mm 1911 Gunsmith Recommendation

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:32 pm
by dicion
Thanks, I sent some emails. We'll see who comes back with what :thumbs2:

Re: Houston 9mm 1911 Gunsmith Recommendation

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:59 am
by miversen
I would recommend Teddy Jacobson. I found his work to be excellent. He solved a FTF problem for me.

Mike I

Re: Houston 9mm 1911 Gunsmith Recommendation

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:09 am
by kyreb
What brand of magazines are you running? There is a lot of differences out there. Some are really poor. Some work well in one brand gun but not another.

BTW.....I run two 9mm 1911s.