Let's help make this map something worth sharing with all our anti friends

http://www.cato.org/guns-and-self-defense/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Moderator: carlson1
@Natl_Gun_Rights NatlGunRights
Ever used a gun to defend yourself? Put it on the map at CATO! Like this and share it with your friends so they... fb.me/1ecYTqzot http://t.co/Fmat4bMW" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
1 minute ago
_PatJohnson_ Pat Johnson
PREGNANT TEEN W/GUN stops Intruder In Thru Doggie Door: myfoxphoenix.com/dpp/news/crime… #guns #gunrights #tcot #gop #Libertarian @nraila #crime #2A
21 seconds ago
Pat Johnson
_PatJohnson_ Pat Johnson
Burglar Shot By Homeowner bit.ly/y9TUIM #guns #gunrights #tcot #gop #tlot #tiot #wcot #Teaparty #Libertarian @nraila #crime #2A
3 minutes ago