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M&P Shield

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:46 am
by Afff_667
I did a quick search but didn't want to hijack another thread, so here it is...Is anyone having any luck finding a 9mm M&P Shield? I've been looking at a few LGS, Academy, etc in the Dallas/Plano area with no luck. I really, really hate to venture to a gun show, but it may be the next step. I know the show at Will Rogers is coming up next weekend (July 7-8), so my next question would be whether or not anyone is actually seeing them for sale at the shows?

This is a lot of work for something I may or may not buy, but I'm genuinely intrigued at the possibilities of the Shield. Thanks!!

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:52 am
by rentz
i went to the lewisville show hoping to just see one even if it was overpriced just to hold it and get a feel.
not a single dealer had one, though i heard someone had one when the doors opened and it was gone within 10min.

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:31 pm
by nyj
If you don't mind lightly used, they pop up on Texas Gun Trader. They go fast, though.

I was in the same dilemma as you, and I just couldn't justify the price of the Shield. I ended up just going with a Glock 23. My second choice would have been the M&P 9 compact.

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:59 pm
by fannypacker
I bought one at Gunmaster in Plano. Just put your name on a list. It is now my carry gun. Light, slim, low recoil. Nice gun.

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:13 am
by The Annoyed Man
I really like the M&P platform, and I own a fullsized .45 version of the same, but we've also got two Kahrs, a PM9 and a CW9 in the stable, both of which are roughly in the same class as the M&P Shield. The CM9 (less expensive version of the PM9, both of which are a 6+1 capacity) can be had for a difference in price from the Shield that would afford you a custom made holster. The CW9 which is a 7+1 capacity. Both have a sweet trigger. Both are striker fired. Both are extremely light. Both are pocketable. Both are well made. Both taked down at least as easily as the Shield.

Nothing against the Shield per se, but the hype seems to have made them scarce and cost more than they're worth. If you don't mind waiting and you really have your heart set on one, that's fine. I understand that, and been there myself on one or two occasions. But if time is pressing, and you really have to have a tiny 9mm NOW, I would take a good look at those two Kahrs. I'm not even close to disappointed in mine. In fact, I liked them enough to buy a CW45 which has become my EDC......over my much loved 1911s.

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:57 am
by Jumping Frog
What is funny to me is there are many people paying premium prices for this gun because it is new and desirable. Looking out 12-24 months, they will no longer be new and S&W will do their best to make sure the market is completely saturated. That is when the price premium will evaporate.

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:57 am
by MoJo
I won't be an unpaid beta tester for the gun makers. Wait about a year till everyone who has to have the newest toys has worked any bugs out then get yourself one.

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:39 pm
by SkipB
I just saw one for sale on the Texas Hunting Forum for $439 I think. ... ost3345298" onclick=";return false;

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:39 am
by EvilNuff
You won't find the 9mm at a gun show, you might find the .40 version though. The last gun show in Dallas I saw 2 of the .40s but the 9s are just too popular.

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:49 am
by williamkevin
I'm an M&P guy through and through. My wife has a Shield and LOVES it.

In my opinion, there are no bugs to be worked out in this gun. With some minor differences, the shield is a scaled down / single stack version of the FS M&P 9. The full size and the shield even use the same sear and striker block.

It is a very soft shooter and feels really good in my hand. The 8 round magazine allows for a full two handed shooting grip. If you buy one, get extra 8 round magazines when they become available.

I would put this gun in my holster and carry it today if I had my own.

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:34 am
by rubiconjp
I saw some threads around the various forums that it might have an issue with being slightly out of battery. It won't fire out of battery but that is also bad during a critical moment.

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:26 pm
by space cat
i've only seen one remotely slight resemblance to the 'out of battery' problem on my 9mm shield and that has only been on the first round load up when the user didn't rack the slide using the slingshot method. never seen it happen during a mag.

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:43 am
by EvilNuff
rubiconjp wrote:I saw some threads around the various forums that it might have an issue with being slightly out of battery. It won't fire out of battery but that is also bad during a critical moment.
Ridiculous threads. I can replicate that behavior with every semi-auto gun I own, glock, m&p, beretta 92, etc.

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:22 pm
by Slowplay
On today's Shooting USA on the Outdoor Channel, they featured the M&P Shield and claimed S&W made the effort to ensure plenty of stock was available for the gun's release. They are out there, but seem to sell almost as fast as they show up.

I've handled one and thought it was a nice gun (it was already sold). I'll wait for the initial demand to wane - it's not a must have since I already have my Kahr CM9.

Re: M&P Shield

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:17 pm
by karder
I was at my favorite gun store yesterday and the owner was telling me that he is struggling to get the Shield from his distributor due to demand and that when he does get them, they are gone in less than an hour. I was there looking for the XDs and he did not have that either. He hasn't been able to get his first sample of the Springfield.