The safety was off

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The safety was off


Post by BigGuy »

I carry my SR9c in a Deep Conceal Ultra Carry Concealed Carry holster. Pic here.
I can't carry at work so I usually just leave it and the BUG in my vehicle once I get to work. Usually when I leave, the parking lot is empty so I just re-holster both weapons before pulling out of the lot.
As I removed the SR9c one evening, I noticed the safety was off. Scared the dickens out of me. I couldn't believe that I would have holstered a weapon with the safety off. I determined to be sure it never happened again.
A few days later I was re-holstering prior to leaving the parking lot. I have to unbutton my shirt and reach back under my arm to holster the weapon. As usual, I carefully checked and confirmed that the safety was on. As I was securing the retaining strap, I heard a faint "click." I froze, then carefully removed the weapon. Sure enough, the safety was now off. The retaining strap had hooked on it and disengaged it.
Anybody else experience any thing like this?
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Re: The safety was off


Post by Lonest4r »

I have never managed to find the safety on my Glock :biggrinjester: , but in all sincerity I believe safeties to be redundant devices. Booger hook/bang switch argument. On the striker fired variety of pistols the safety is probably there just to gain admittance to some foreign countries like California.
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Re: The safety was off


Post by Teamless »

Lonest4r wrote:but in all sincerity I believe safeties to be redundant devices
Just keep your finger off the trigger
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Re: The safety was off


Post by DocV »

Yes. I have a holster with a retention strap. The same thing has happened to me. I tend to avoid using the problematic holster and to be extra careful when I do.
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Re: The safety was off


Post by AEA »

Lonest4r wrote:I have never managed to find the safety on my Glock :biggrinjester:
It's on the trigger....good place huh? :biggrinjester: :smilelol5:
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Re: The safety was off


Post by TexasCajun »

Lonest4r wrote:I have never managed to find the safety on my Glock :biggrinjester: , but in all sincerity I believe safeties to be redundant devices. Booger hook/bang switch argument. On the striker fired variety of pistols the safety is probably there just to gain admittance to some foreign countries like California.
Same here! I've looked & looked & looked again. Can't find that dang safety on my glock! :reddevil

All kidding aside, though. I'm in a similar situation at work - can't carry, so I have to disarm/re-arm in the parking lot. However, I carry IWB in a DeSantis TuckThis. When I started carrying, I would pull the pistol out of my holster & put it in a Lockdown vault then leave the holster in place on my belt. At the end of the day, I head back to my car & reholster without removing the holster from my belt. Then the thought occured to me that I'd sure hate to end up in one of the news stories about a CHL holder firing one of into his leg while re-arming. As careful as I am, it's still possible to catch the trigger on clothing or the side of the holster. So now I pull the pistol, put it in the box, then pull my holster off of my belt when I get to work. When I re-arm at the end of the day I take the pistol out of the box, put it in the holster, then place the whole rig back on my belt.
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Re: The safety was off


Post by MoJo »

Safety, I don't got no stinkin' safety on any of my carry guns - - - 2 snubbies, 2 M&Ps, 1 SIG SP2022 (decock only) 1 XD and a 686 and a Model 10. No safeties don't need them keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
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Re: The safety was off


Post by HenryAKirk »

MoJo wrote:Safety, I don't got no stinkin' safety on any of my carry guns ... No safeties don't need them keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
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Re: The safety was off


Post by danpaw »

BANG!!! Oh, my leg!!

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Re: The safety was off


Post by barstoolguru »

fast draw and a SLOW re-holster
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Re: The safety was off


Post by jayinsat »

Happened to me last week. I was perplexed. I carry the SR9c in a crossbreed supertuck. After I got off work I holstered in the car and, by instinct, I checked to make sure the safety was on. It wasn't! I NEVER click it off while wearing it so not sure when and how it clicked off. I now check multiple times/day. Don't know why it has made me so nervous. I just bought a Glock 26 for my wife and i'm not worried about her or me carrying that. :headscratch
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Re: The safety was off


Post by smoothoperator »


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Re: The safety was off


Post by CC Italian »

I don't mind a safety on my handguns but I never use them when carrying! If you look at officer involved shootings where they had a safety on their handgun you would know why! To many officers drawing weapons and forgetting about safety even after they train turning it off and drawing. It is just one more thing that you don't need to worry about when the blood is pumping if you ever have to draw your weapon to save your life. By all means try and figure out whats up with the safety but I wouldn't stop carrying a weapon because the safety doesn't work. I am my own safety.

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Re: The safety was off


Post by Syntax360 »

When I first started carrying, I exclusively used pistols with manual safeties. I soon discovered that every so often, clothing or something would disengage the safety. Everyone is right - the best safety is trigger discipline and a good holster, and even if you have a manual safety, you can't always rely on it. I want everything about my carry gun to be repeatable and expected - this means no safeties to randomly be engaged or disengaged. You really ought to look into a carry gun that does not have a manual safety.
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