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Which sights to use?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:56 pm
by scattermaster racing
New here and also new to hand guns.
I have both, a S&W M&P 40 and a Shield in 9mm.
I have trouble seeing the little white dots on the factory sights.
Right after my CHL class, I had the range install some Truglo night sights. I got the ones that have a pretty large orange front sight (with the iridium in the center)
In the store it looked awesome. After I got home I pulled it out to show my son and in the light in the room there, I had a hard time seeing the orange but there was too much light to see the iridium.
So, my question is, does the white one show up any better in low light than the orange? I plan on getting some for the 40 but I don't want to make another expensive mistake.
Your thoughts? (I know it's a matter of preference, but I still want to see what others think)
They are Ameriglo # SW-456
They have trijicon printed on them.
The orange is just paint. The rear is just plain black with the green inserts.

Re: Which sights to use?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:05 pm
by John Galt
I have (and really like) Truglo TFX sights on several guns. I have not actually held one with the orange front sight.

Re: Which sights to use?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:16 pm
by Jago668
I'm going with George on this one. Different colors work for different people. I have the front sight post on my ar painted orange, white didn't work for me on it. However my xs big dot sights are white and work fine on my pistol. Nail polish will work for letting you play with different colors, so will model paints if you have some of those or know someone who does. White, orange (amber), green, and red are the most common colors for sights. So try those and see which works best.

Re: Which sights to use?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:17 pm
by loktite
I have the TFX sights on my Shield 9, with the white circle around the green fiber/tritium port on the front sight. I find it easy to pick up and transition from different lighting scenarios. The nail polish suggestion is spot on (no pun intended!)

Re: Which sights to use?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:23 pm
by flintknapper
XS big dot was the answer for me.

Re: Which sights to use?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:34 pm
by Scott B.
If you want a front sight that you cannot miss, try Diamond Speed Sights. They do run on the expensive side.

disclaimer - I do sell these, so am completely biased.

Re: Which sights to use?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 8:31 am
by Wag2323
I can't recommend any sights since I only have two handguns myself. One does have a front night sight and normal rear sight in the bar dot configuration. The front sight is white with a green insert. In full light you don't really notice the insert and in low light you can start to see it glow, but I have nothing with the orange sight to compare to offer an opinion.

I decided to post just to ask if your looking at your sights properly since your new to handguns. The typical way to aim your gun for defense would be both eyes open with the front sight in focus, with the rear sight and target slightly blurred. If I do not focus on my front sight I am not sure I would ever be able to tell you it glows.

Here are some pictures from a web search. ... ajaxhist=0

These are not night sights but this is what my Kahr looks like if you focus on the back rather than the front.

Front Focus ... ajaxhist=0

Back Focus ... ajaxhist=0

Re: Which sights to use?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:56 am
by maverick2076
I have TruGlo TFO's on my G26. Green in front, yellow in back. I like the contrast of the dots, and the fact that the tritium/fiber optic combo glows day and night.

My 1911 has the Trijicon HD's on it. You only get the standard 3 green dots at night, but you get a BIG orange front sight dot during the day, which works very well.

Re: Which sights to use?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:30 pm
by karder
flintknapper wrote:XS big dot was the answer for me.
I agree. I have the XS big dot on my shield and my wife XDs.

Re: Which sights to use?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:01 pm
by The Annoyed Man
I have these on my XD(M)45 and two of my Glocks: ... 70734.aspx

The orange insert (also available in yellow) is phosphorescent and glows quite brightly in daylight, and continues to glow for a few minutes as you transition into darkness, where the tritium takes over.

Re: Which sights to use?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:46 pm
by NotRPB
I held various colors out against various colored backgrounds which might be common colors for shirts, in various lighting conditions, to see what contrasted well with the various shirt colors a person might wear, when picking my sight colors. (Advantage Tactical sights come with all 5 color rear and ll5 color front inserts and you can choose what you see best, change them if you want different, I chose orange rear and yellow front sights) the reverse of this photo because I could "find" the front yellow sight the fastest.
I can "make" a triangle MUCH faster than I ever could line up dots.