I am looking to buy 500 rounds of 45 ACP and 9mm each of good clean ammo, not junk. I have bought from Cheaper than dirt.com, but the shipping makes it more expensive. I would be willing to travel in the Houston, TX area to get a good price. Any suggestions? Thanks.
You can hit up Wal-marts for Federal 9mm aluminum cased if you don't reload or sell cases. $9.97 for a box of 50. I haven't found it anywhere cheaper, even when ordering 500 or 1,000. I roll by the ammo case every time I'm in one and if they have it buy a few boxes.
ammosupplywarehouse.com has some okay prices on stuff. Who I usually order from when I want bulk.
I don't make recommendations for products or website any longer, because it invariably leads to someone posting a bad review or problem they've had or simply dislike for one reason or another. There are peer driven websites for ammo such as wiki arms and gun-deals,com. On gun-deals you list your zip code and shipping is figured in. There's a sort function as well. Good luck!
KAHR PM40/Hoffner IWB and S&W Mod 60/ Galco IWB
NRA Endowment Member, TSRA Life Member,100 Club Life Member,TFC Member
My Faith, My Gun and My Constitution: I cling to all three!
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016. NRA Patriot-Endowment Lifetime Member---------------------------------------------Si vis pacem, para bellum.................................................Patriot Guard Rider
also check slickguns , they use wiki arms to drive ammo searches, but get direct deals posted to them as well. For instance, currently you can get 500 rds of Sellier & Bellot 9mm 115 Grain FMJ Ammo for $99.74 from Sportsman's Guide (if a member -- non member 104.99). Can get shipped for free with coupon codes.
Freedom Munitions has a retail store in NW Houston. It is at 290 and Jones Rd. Best prices around. They also sell blemish and once fired brass ammo.
I have fired thousands of rounds of their ammo and it always goes bang.
Freedom Munitions in NW Houston has decent prices. Also it's pretty easy to find a 10% off coupon on the back of Kroger receipts. I have had good luck with their 9mm, though a 500 count box of 38 special contains more squibs than I have ever had in my life and is unacceptable. If I get through my 1000 rds of 9mm with no issues, I'll probably give them another try.