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Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:57 pm
Going to Austin for the first time next week and want to visit capital. Can I carry my firearm concealed? If so what is the process? Googled it but all that comes up that is relevant are 3-5 year old news articles. Also tried search bar on here but apparently the word "capital" makes it bring up about 20,000 things. It sounds like there are metal detectors and like most state capitals I would imagine plenty of security. Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:00 pm
by Flightmare
The Capitol building allows carry and even has an express lane for LTCs where you can bypass the metal detectors.

Re: Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:07 pm
by Bruin98
There's an LTC line right next to the metal detector. I made it in before anybody else in my group.

Re: Going to Austin. State capitol question.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 4:26 pm
by oljames3
I have been to the Texas State Capitol many times, four times since getting my CHL in 2013. The last three times were after 1/1/16, so I was carrying openly.

There is a separate line for CHL/LTC holders. Have your card out and ready. The DPS will scan your card, hand it back, and say something link "have a nice day."


Re: Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:09 am
by Liberty
The CHL line is a shorter faster line than what the common folks have to endure.

Re: Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:19 am
by chasfm11
I went to the capitol building with a group on Tax Day this year. I was in and out of the building all day, using the CHL line a number of times. They check your license with the system and then give it back and you pass through. Security was apparently higher than normal because mine was not the only group there that day but I had no problem. We sat in the House gallery as part of our activities.

Re: Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 8:08 am
by treadlightly
I haven't been to the Capital since getting my card from the State, but I really want to.

It would be an honor to enter a seat of power in this State in which an unknown number of law abiding strangers are armed and in which I am trusted to carry a weapon by those who regulate my activities on authority of the consent of the governed.

That, to me, is what citizenship feels like. Every time a law abiding citizen in full possession of his rights and bearing his responsibilities with zeal participates in the business of government, even by so casual a thing as a tourist's visit to the Capital building, democracy is vitalized.

If only there was a way to communicate self-evident truths to all our fellow citizens, preferably before they vote again.

Re: Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 9:58 am
by parabelum
The Capitol carry is a yes...but how about your local County Court carry. Sure would be nice to have a means of defense as you sit for your jury duty, as an example. Maybe one day. Until then, practice duck and cover, as well as tactical pencil throws.

Re: Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 5:57 pm
by Soccerdad1995
Liberty wrote:The CHL line is a shorter faster line than what the common folks have to endure.
I attended a wedding in Austin a few months back. One of the other guests at my table worked in the Capitol building as an aide or some such. She was staunchly anti-gun so she either worked for a Democrat, or Joe Strauss. Anyway, despite her anti-gun stance, she mentioned that she had gotten her LTC just so she could bypass the normal line.

Re: Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 4:14 pm
by JustSomeOldGuy
parabelum wrote:The Capitol carry is a yes...but how about your local County Court carry. Sure would be nice to have a means of defense as you sit for your jury duty, as an example. Maybe one day. Until then, practice duck and cover, as well as tactical pencil throws.
Pencils are stabbing weapons, for certain appropriate targets....

Re: Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 4:43 pm
by Lynyrd
Soccerdad1995 wrote:
Liberty wrote:The CHL line is a shorter faster line than what the common folks have to endure.
I attended a wedding in Austin a few months back. One of the other guests at my table worked in the Capitol building as an aide or some such. She was staunchly anti-gun so she either worked for a Democrat, or Joe Strauss. Anyway, despite her anti-gun stance, she mentioned that she had gotten her LTC just so she could bypass the normal line.
Now that's funny right there. I wonder if her anti friends knows she has shot a gun? "rlol"

Re: Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:47 am
by bblhd672
Is carry in the Capitol concealed only or is open carry allowed? Planning first trip to Capitol also.

Re: Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 12:07 pm
by KLB
Soccerdad1995 wrote:Anyway, despite her anti-gun stance, she mentioned that she had gotten her LTC just so she could bypass the normal line.
I have a liberal friend who did the same thing. He's often up there lobbying for things contrary to the public interest, but he gets in quickly.

Re: Going to Austin. State capital question.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 1:34 pm
by ELB
KLB wrote:
Soccerdad1995 wrote:Anyway, despite her anti-gun stance, she mentioned that she had gotten her LTC just so she could bypass the normal line.
I have a liberal friend who did the same thing. He's often up there lobbying for things contrary to the public interest, but he gets in quickly.
This seems odd because you do not need an LTC to used the LTC lane. If you enroll in the Capitol Access Pass (CAP) program, you can show a TX DL or TX state ID and enter. To enroll in the program you have to meet the same eligibility requirements as for a LTC and submit fingerprints, but don't have to go to class or shoot.