Mxrdad wrote:I hear ya, I have felt "naked" a few times not long ago. Not a good feeling. On a side note, I want to throw something out here.
One more thing to consider, since these drones are registered with the FAA, their flights are recorded and can be tracked. It is a huge no-no and a crime to shoot one of these out of the sky. Since they can be tracked, the flight data shows a ton of info and will show the exact flight path from take off to landing (or crashing) complete with altitude, speed, degrees of turns, etc. But I have to admit, the thought of popping one of these out of the sky sounds fun but the recourse could be expensive. I would not recommend it.
Where did you get the idea they can be recorded and tracked? Registration just gives the FAA your name and address if it crashes and an investigation is done. Yes I have a Phantom 3 and it does record the flights but it doesn't send that data anywhere.
I dont know if posting a link to a site breaks the rules or not so I wont. But if you search Phantom pilots (a forum) you will see many topics about lost drones. There are folks there that can diagnose the data if you download the data to a site called healthy drones. Its amazing all the details they can tell you about a flight. Since you do have the Phantom, that site will be a wealth of help and information, definitely check it out.
Mxrdad wrote:I hear ya, I have felt "naked" a few times not long ago. Not a good feeling. On a side note, I want to throw something out here.
One more thing to consider, since these drones are registered with the FAA, their flights are recorded and can be tracked. It is a huge no-no and a crime to shoot one of these out of the sky. Since they can be tracked, the flight data shows a ton of info and will show the exact flight path from take off to landing (or crashing) complete with altitude, speed, degrees of turns, etc. But I have to admit, the thought of popping one of these out of the sky sounds fun but the recourse could be expensive. I would not recommend it.
Where did you get the idea they can be recorded and tracked? Registration just gives the FAA your name and address if it crashes and an investigation is done. Yes I have a Phantom 3 and it does record the flights but it doesn't send that data anywhere.
I dont know if posting a link to a site breaks the rules or not so I wont. But if you search Phantom pilots (a forum) you will see many topics about lost drones. There are folks there that can diagnose the data if you download the data to a site called healthy drones. Its amazing all the details they can tell you about a flight. Since you do have the Phantom, that site will be a wealth of help and information, definitely check it out.
But YOU have to download the data, and YOU have to submit it as well. The DJI app doesn't even submit your flight data to their website unless you "sync" it yourself.
How do you explain a dog named Sauer without first telling the story of a Puppy named Sig?
R.I.P. Sig, 08/21/2019 - 11/18/2019
Yes sir, but thats not a problem for me and really handy in the event I loose my drone. Its amazing the amount of data they can get isn't it? I didnt know they could get so much data from a single flight. IIRC, there is another site that is similar that can diagnose the flight data as well. Cant remember the name of it though.
Do you fly in the Houston area?
ETA: I should have noticed your area in signature, West Texas is a long way from Houston. LOL.
allisji wrote:I had a new one last night at around 8:30. This topic obviously comes up frequently about answering the door unarmed.
I was home along last night and expecting my wife and kids home any minute. I was already getting ready for bed and had disarmed. I was in the kitchen much nearer the front door than the back bedroom where I left my pistol, and then the doorbell rang.
I thought maybe my wife had decided to come in the front door rather than the garage for some reason... sometimes the GFCI trips in the garage of the garage door opener battery gets low. So I answered the door and it was a gentleman that I didn't recognize. "Sorry to bother you." He said, "I'm you neighbor at the end of the block down there, and I just got a new drone and it crash-landed in your back yard" as he showed me the remote control. I don't know most of my neighbors unfortunately. I thought briefly that someone could be up. But I didn't see any suspicious vehicles around and he looked like an honest guy...
I wasn't going to let him in my house however, so I went out to the front yard. Without my phone, keys, gun, or even my shoes. Left the front door unlocked and walked him to my back yard.
At this point he could have had cronies who rushed into my house and ransacked the place. I was totally exposed.
He operated the remote and we saw a green and red light flashing way up in the trees behind my back fence in an open area off of my property. So I kindly told him how he could get back there to the trees where his drone was stuck and wished him good luck and away he went.
Nothing happened and I'm not sure if he recovered his drone. But I realized how simple it would have been to have asked him to allow me to grab my shoes and keys, and then I could have strapped on my gun and locked the door on the way out.
Hindsight is always 20/20, just glad he was not a nefarious character, but that is exactly how crooks operate. I keep my gun on me until I shower, and then its within reach. or I go to bed, again, within reach. It's surprising to me how vulnerable I feel just getting up at night to use the restroom.
Good post and reminder of how quickly something bad can happen.
He is in Seabrook, I don't think he was worried about a character from nefar. (Seabrook is too warm for them and besides there is no way to defend yourself from them anyways)
It is suppose to be registered unless it is under 1/2 pound.
Sounds like you have figured out the uh oh's. Nothing usually happens but we don't know when and if it will. I would have returned the drone as well but asked for the memory chip of video for my inspection as I would have been curious as to why he was flying over my property. That is one way we learn, by our uh oh's.
Nope, never known any nefarians around here. Though I have heard that there are more and more moving in. I knew that eventually this magical little commune would be corrupted. Hopefully after they expand and elevate hwy 146 then they all will just drive right over Seabrook and not notice.
LTC since 2015
I have contacted my state legislators urging support of Constitutional Carry Legislation HB 1927
While I own 2 drones, I can see where a lot of the people are coming from. I build my own from parts. Mine have cameras on them that transmit back to First Person Goggles. I do not always have a recording device attached. If mine crashed in your back yard and you called the police demanding to see the video, that may not always be possible.
My biggest concern was that some people feel they have the right to shoot a drone out of the air. This has already been tested in court and the shooter lost. Now if I felt one was spying on me and mine, I too would shoot it out of the air. If they had video where you could make out my face shooting your drone down, you were too close and I believe would be proof you were spying.
The commercially produced drones with 4k cameras have some very good resolution, but simply being able to identify a face does not mean that the drone was spying. It could have been flying got shot, and as it fell landed close enough to the shooter that during it's decent or actual impact it captured an image of the offenders face. The person who shot it down might also pick it up and inspect it revealing their face.
Additionally if you have a drone that does get shot down and the operator has line of sight (LoS) on it they will have a general idea of were it crashed. If the operator is recording the video on their controller they can narrow down where it went down very quickly and locating the device becomes much easier. If someone shoots down a quadcopter it's video will show what happened to some degree if it is recorded.
How do you explain a dog named Sauer without first telling the story of a Puppy named Sig?
R.I.P. Sig, 08/21/2019 - 11/18/2019