esxmarkc wrote:Erik had lethal doses of prescription morphine and zanax (both are depressants) in his body, however he must have habituated to them because he appeared to be functioning normally.
I'd like to see a hair follicle regression that shows his long term drug history. With the position he held he appeared to be EXTREMELY functional. And from his appearance he appeared extremely fit - I mean work out every day kinda fit looking. On that much pain management (morphine) and on that kind of fitness regime? I'm not one that buys into conspiracies but this is starting to stink.
And why does any of this matter? If they yelled stop and he did not reach for his gun and they opened fire shooting him in the back several times then how does ANY of this matter? Isn't the sequence of events the only thing that matters here. I don't get it. I mean even if he was on every drug known to mankind and he was leaving the Costco after he ate a candy bar without paying for it first how is that relevant? The only thing I want to hear about is the sequence of events in the shooting.
Doc Bunny, in your expert opinion, is it likely that a person who was infused with what amounts to a normally lethal combination and amount of morphine and zanax as found in the defendants body to a act in a normal manner?
No sir not likely”
Doc Bunny, in your 30 years as a (insert fancy Doc title) having treated thousands of people and prescribing these two drugs together have you ever seen a person with this amount (shows tox report) of drugs in there system act in a rational manner? “
no” Be capable of relational behavior? “
Doc bunny, in your expert opinion when a person is taking such a serious and normally lethal dose of morphine and zanax are then normally capable of understanding complex directions or answering stressful requests? “
no sir, I would say they normally are not capable of understanding those type things when so heavily medicated”
Doc bunny, one last question. Have you evr seen or interacted with a person who had this much morphine and zanax in there sytem? “
yes” What was that person like? “
they were unresponsive to directions given, failed to comprehend simple tasks I asked them to do, acted agitated and made furtive movements while acting very confused".
Thank you Doc Bunny, you are excused.
Something like that is what in a court it matters what the coroner found in his system. IANAL.. so I may be way off on my guess here.. but.. it seems possible.
.. Ask yourself,,, and be truthful.
If you and the LEO were in different places, you being accused or investigated for shooting a LEO. in a like set of circumstances. Don’t you think the tox report on the deceased LEO would be front and center of your defense plan?
I don’t like the whole situation, I’m not trusting of the system Erik is being looked at by, I dislike how the whole thing has been handled, and I don’t automatically take for granted that drugs in his system make him at fault…. I’m just saying.. in court, I understand why it makes a difference.
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