First time carrying, already avoiding people like the plague

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First time carrying, already avoiding people like the plague


Post by T-box »

So I finally got my CHL in the mail on Thursday, I had taken the day off and decided that I would head to my local theater to see Skyfall. Of course, I spend the whole time nervously checking to make sure I'm not printing, and that my firearm isn't sticking out from my shirt. I finally calm down, and everything is going good. I stop by my bank, and head to the nearest gas station to fill up. It's about 2 am at this point, a few people are already in the store but no signs of trouble. I head out to fill my car, still nervously checking my surroundings. As I finish up I'm about to get into my car when a rather large black male calls out to me, HEY MAN. Now, I had made small talk with the guy in the store, and I'm sure it was something rather harmless. Maybe he needed directions, or maybe he wanted to bum a cig. I don't know, and I didn't care.

Maybe a bit TOO excessive, but now that I'm carrying I have to make a point to avoid confrontations and anything that might put me in risk. You never know, I'm not going to put myself in a bad spot.
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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by Beiruty »

Just be normal AND aware for your surroundings.
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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by cheezit »

nobody will notice, if people do noone has ever said anything

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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by rl168 »

The most important question is how was the movie??? :biggrinjester:

I was always checking my gun secretly when I first started carrying. After a while, you get used to it and will ease up.
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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by johncanfield »

rl168 wrote:I was always checking my gun secretly when I first started carrying. After a while, you get used to it and will ease up.

What is still a little awkward is when I hug a lady - I know they realize there is something larger than a cell phone there but nobody has commented as yet.
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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by T-box »

rl168 wrote:The most important question is how was the movie??? :biggrinjester:
I thought the movie was good, much better than QoS. Good pacing, and Javier Bardem was a great villain.
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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by Oldgringo »

Beiruty wrote:Just be normal AND aware for your surroundings.
Try not to be furtively looking about or otherwise acting guilty of....something. IOW, be cool and act like you know what you're doing....even if you don't. :cheers2:
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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by baldeagle »

One day not long ago I was sitting at home and I tucked my t-shirt in behind by handgun because I was sweaty and I didn't want the sweat to get on the gun. Later on my wife ordered pizza and asked me to go pick it up. I did, without giving a second's thought to the fact that my handgun was clearly exposed outside my shirt. When I arrived at the store a woman was leaving with pizzas in hand. I held the door for her and she thanked me. I then went in to the store, paid for the pizzas and walked out with them in hand. It wasn't until I got home that I realized my handgun had been exposed the entire time. I don't know if anyone noticed or not, but I do know no one said anything to me. People are a lot less observant than you might think they are.

You'll get used to carrying a gun after a while. Just don't get so used to it that you forget to conceal it, like I did. Lesson learned - always check for concealment before leaving the house.
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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by Dragonfighter »

baldeagle wrote:One day not long ago I was sitting at home and I tucked my t-shirt in behind by handgun because I was sweaty and I didn't want the sweat to get on the gun. Later on my wife ordered pizza and asked me to go pick it up. I did, without giving a second's thought to the fact that my handgun was clearly exposed outside my shirt. When I arrived at the store a woman was leaving with pizzas in hand. I held the door for her and she thanked me. I then went in to the store, paid for the pizzas and walked out with them in hand. It wasn't until I got home that I realized my handgun had been exposed the entire time. I don't know if anyone noticed or not, but I do know no one said anything to me. People are a lot less observant than you might think they are.

You'll get used to carrying a gun after a while. Just don't get so used to it that you forget to conceal it, like I did. Lesson learned - always check for concealment before leaving the house.

You could pass for a retired ranger though. Context is everything. :mrgreen:
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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by velo99 »

Just takes a little getting used to. I check my shirt tail frequently to make sure I'm covered while wearing iwb.
Now that It's winter, in theory, I sometimes wear a light jacket that covers quite nicely over my owb.
Good luck.

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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by tallmike »

T-box wrote:As I finish up I'm about to get into my car when a rather large black male calls out to me, HEY MAN. Now, I had made small talk with the guy in the store, and I'm sure it was something rather harmless. Maybe he needed directions, or maybe he wanted to bum a cig. I don't know, and I didn't care.

Maybe a bit TOO excessive, but now that I'm carrying I have to make a point to avoid confrontations and anything that might put me in risk. You never know, I'm not going to put myself in a bad spot.
Avoiding confrontations is not the same thing as avoiding people. If someone I made small talk with moments before yells "hey man" to me I would assume I forgot something - no matter what color or size they are. If you weren't concerned he was going to assault you the day before you carried, you shouldn't be concerned with it now.

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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by CoffeeNut »

This is why I've started carrying around the house and in the car whenever possible just to get used to carrying the gun around so I'm not so worried the first time I go out. I've spent more time in the mirror to see if I'm printing than a 16 year old girl but if it ensures I don't draw unnecessary attention to me then I'm fine with that.

Doesn't mean I won't be nervous the first time I'm out in public with steel on my hip but it will help ease my concerns and that's all that matters. I've got a pretty good poker face as it is :coolgleamA:
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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by tornado »

johncanfield wrote:What is still a little awkward is when I hug a lady - I know they realize there is something larger than a cell phone there but nobody has commented as yet.
Have you seen the Galaxy Note? It's huge and probably prints about the same with an untucked shirt.
Also, I carry on the right, so when I hug, I try to go "low right" (my right arm below their left) to avoid arm-to-gun contact.

Smily going low right and raising his left hand --> :seeya:
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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by Maxwell »

With regards to hugging keep your strong hand low early (but not too low unless it's you wife/GF :nono: ) so their arm has to go high. Works almost every time. :thumbs2:
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Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

baldeagle wrote:One day not long ago I was sitting at home and I tucked my t-shirt in behind by handgun because I was sweaty and I didn't want the sweat to get on the gun. Later on my wife ordered pizza and asked me to go pick it up. I did, without giving a second's thought to the fact that my handgun was clearly exposed outside my shirt. When I arrived at the store a woman was leaving with pizzas in hand. I held the door for her and she thanked me. I then went in to the store, paid for the pizzas and walked out with them in hand. It wasn't until I got home that I realized my handgun had been exposed the entire time. I don't know if anyone noticed or not, but I do know no one said anything to me. People are a lot less observant than you might think they are.

You'll get used to carrying a gun after a while. Just don't get so used to it that you forget to conceal it, like I did. Lesson learned - always check for concealment before leaving the house.

I have done something very similar. More than once or twice... I hate to admit. The reasons were everything from the shirt snagging when getting out of vehicle to coming out of restroom while being more concerned I wasn't dragging toilet paper on my shoe. I agree, people just don't notice and I would bet the few that might, assume we are a cop or something.

The reaction might be different depending on a persons appearance. A thug looking guy with his pants around his knees is probably gonna get the ole fisheye much quicker than the short haired cop looking old guy.
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