Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today

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Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by SassedandLoaded »

As a new-ish CHL holder, I had been a little hesitant about carrying my p238 with "one in the pipe". NEVER AGAIN.

Today I had my first close call. My hands are still shaking and my heart is still racing even though it is 30 minutes since the incident.

I work in a downtown area. My office is close to a pharmacy which we frequent for cokes, snacks etc.
This afternoon, two of my male colleagues and I were headed for our afternoon Dr. Pepper when a male in his early 30s came from behind a truck and started running towards us telling us to stop walking. I immediately saw him as a threat and held my hand up and yelled at him to "STOP GET BACK". He continued to run towards us, and I could feel the two guys I was with retreat (nice, huh). I told him again to "STOP, GET BACK". He then shouted back that he would teach me a lesson on how to talk to people and continued to move towards me. At this point he was less than 10 feet away. He was holding his oversized basketball jersey with his hands and started moving them around. I immediately began drawing. Before I could even get my shirt lifted out of the way, he backed up and ran away muttering about how I was "some crazy white lady".

My lesson from this is, in the heat of the moment (and even afterwards) there is NO WAY I would be able to rack the slide and chamber a round. I could barely even get my credit card out of my wallet 15 minutes later when trying to pay for my drink.

No matter what, I will always be prepared from now on. My male coworkers may think I'm a crazy lady for causing a scene, but honestly, I think I did the right thing. There was no reason for that man to approach me and then refuse to stop running towards me.

Any tips for calming down? :eek6

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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

Yes after some run ins with canines while walking dogs I realized the same.

You'll relax soon enough. A good workout will help. Then you may want to sleep for a week.

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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by Abraham »


You did good!

You said: My male coworkers may think I'm a crazy lady for causing a scene...

Causing a scene?

Self Defense isn't causing a scene it's: Self Defense

I applaud your courageous response!
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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by Jim Beaux »

SassedandLoaded wrote:
My lesson from this is, in the heat of the moment (and even afterwards) there is NO WAY I would be able to rack the slide and chamber a round. I could barely even get my credit card out of my wallet 15 minutes later when trying to pay for my drink.

No matter what, I will always be prepared from now on. My male coworkers may think I'm a crazy lady for causing a scene, but honestly, I think I did the right thing. There was no reason for that man to approach me and then refuse to stop running towards me.

Any tips for calming down? :eek6
Tips for calming down? Go burn some rounds at the range!

A guy running towards you and not stopping when told conveys a threat. I cant think of another option for you to consider other than what you did. Though he was probably a panhandler, his actions did cause concern for your 2 buddies.

I carry one in the pipe, but I still enjoy watching the Israeli "draw, rack, shoot" style.


And with enough practice maybe you can:

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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by SewTexas »

you've been through the hardest one. the next one will be much easier.

sooooo, what were your co-workers reactions afterwards?
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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

SewTexas wrote:you've been through the hardest one. the next one will be much easier.

sooooo, what were your co-workers reactions afterwards?
Well lets hope there's not a next one. I and the wife have been fortunate in God's grace in not having that situation occur since obtaining CHLs (well again not counting psycho dogs let off their leashes by owners).

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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by TomV »

Much of those jitters is your body burning off the massive adrenaline boost it just gave you.

Mild physical exercise helps burn it off a little faster and avoid the crash that can come along with it.

Kudos on a situation well handled. I am also curious as to what your coworkers thought of the whole thing.
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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by SewTexas »

Cedar Park Dad wrote:
SewTexas wrote:you've been through the hardest one. the next one will be much easier.

sooooo, what were your co-workers reactions afterwards?
Well lets hope there's not a next one. I and the wife have been fortunate in God's grace in not having that situation occur since obtaining CHLs (well again not counting psycho dogs let off their leashes by owners).

I've been stalked in a WM parking lot. he was coming at me, I moved my bags, reached to my waist, all the while I had my eyes locked on his, he knew what I was doing and quickly shifted his eyes and heading back to the store, where he had come from, no doubt what he was doing.
I've had a man walk into a woman's restroom, I'm pretty sure it was an accident, but I know men's feet, and I know my gun ended up in my hand :shock: before he could turn around and walk out saying "oops" :oops:
there have been other parking lot incidents and road rage incidents, but those are the two that actually resulted with my hand on my gun....other times you might get the hair on your neck raised and you might mentally tap your gun and say "yep, it's there" and then, when you walk the straight walk of confidence, a would-be bad-guy says to himself "I'm not going for that one, she's too Texas tough"
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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by RoyGBiv »

Nice first post.

Welcome.! :tiphat:

Sounds like you did what needed to be done and nobody was injured.

One question: Did you call the police and make a report?
seems to me that LE should have had a chat with the guy and you never know whether HE was calling LE to report YOU.

As for the nerves... Go for a walk with someone who has good listening skills.
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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by airborned »

You may be crazy but at least you're alive lol. In all seriousness im glad your ok and it will wear off. And welcome the the forum by the way.
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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by jbarn »

SassedandLoaded wrote:As a new-ish CHL holder, I had been a little hesitant about carrying my p238 with "one in the pipe". NEVER AGAIN.

Today I had my first close call. My hands are still shaking and my heart is still racing even though it is 30 minutes since the incident.

I work in a downtown area. My office is close to a pharmacy which we frequent for cokes, snacks etc.
This afternoon, two of my male colleagues and I were headed for our afternoon Dr. Pepper when a male in his early 30s came from behind a truck and started running towards us telling us to stop walking. I immediately saw him as a threat and held my hand up and yelled at him to "STOP GET BACK". He continued to run towards us, and I could feel the two guys I was with retreat (nice, huh). I told him again to "STOP, GET BACK". He then shouted back that he would teach me a lesson on how to talk to people and continued to move towards me. At this point he was less than 10 feet away. He was holding his oversized basketball jersey with his hands and started moving them around. I immediately began drawing. Before I could even get my shirt lifted out of the way, he backed up and ran away muttering about how I was "some crazy white lady".

My lesson from this is, in the heat of the moment (and even afterwards) there is NO WAY I would be able to rack the slide and chamber a round. I could barely even get my credit card out of my wallet 15 minutes later when trying to pay for my drink.

No matter what, I will always be prepared from now on. My male coworkers may think I'm a crazy lady for causing a scene, but honestly, I think I did the right thing. There was no reason for that man to approach me and then refuse to stop running towards me.

Any tips for calming down? :eek6
Glad the revelation was not costly. :thumbs2:

Your 238 should be carried hammer back and safety. I have observed many single action shooters never practice from the safety on position. It is important that you build that muscle memory. Practice presenting the gun and disengaging the safety as you aquire the target. It should become second nature. Train hard....
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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by Excaliber »

SassedandLoaded wrote:As a new-ish CHL holder, I had been a little hesitant about carrying my p238 with "one in the pipe". NEVER AGAIN.

Today I had my first close call. My hands are still shaking and my heart is still racing even though it is 30 minutes since the incident.

I work in a downtown area. My office is close to a pharmacy which we frequent for cokes, snacks etc.
This afternoon, two of my male colleagues and I were headed for our afternoon Dr. Pepper when a male in his early 30s came from behind a truck and started running towards us telling us to stop walking. I immediately saw him as a threat and held my hand up and yelled at him to "STOP GET BACK". He continued to run towards us, and I could feel the two guys I was with retreat (nice, huh). I told him again to "STOP, GET BACK". He then shouted back that he would teach me a lesson on how to talk to people and continued to move towards me. At this point he was less than 10 feet away. He was holding his oversized basketball jersey with his hands and started moving them around. I immediately began drawing. Before I could even get my shirt lifted out of the way, he backed up and ran away muttering about how I was "some crazy white lady".

My lesson from this is, in the heat of the moment (and even afterwards) there is NO WAY I would be able to rack the slide and chamber a round. I could barely even get my credit card out of my wallet 15 minutes later when trying to pay for my drink.

No matter what, I will always be prepared from now on. My male coworkers may think I'm a crazy lady for causing a scene, but honestly, I think I did the right thing. There was no reason for that man to approach me and then refuse to stop running towards me.

Any tips for calming down? :eek6
First of all, you did very well in handling a sudden threat.

Street folks are really quick at sensing the very beginnings of a draw stroke. Most will react exactly as the subject of your account did and back off in a hurry.

The answer to your coworkers' "crazy lady" comments should be something along the lines of: "Well, someone had to manage the advancing threat while you two were busy wetting yourselves."

You've now had a first hand experience with the mental and biological changes that happen when you're confronted by a sudden threat. I'd encourage you to learn more about that so you recognize what's happening and can manage it to your advantage.

Again, you did really well.

Your coworkers did not.

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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by carlson1 »

SassedandLoaded wrote: I work in a downtown area. My office is close to a pharmacy which we frequent for cokes, snacks etc.
This afternoon, two of my male colleagues and I were headed for our afternoon Dr. Pepper when a male in his early 30s came from behind a truck and started running towards us telling us to stop walking. I immediately saw him as a threat and held my hand up and yelled at him to "STOP GET BACK". He continued to run towards us, and I could feel the two guys I was with retreat (nice, huh).
You did an excellent job! Tomorrow you might ask your colleagues if the need to be escorted "again" for their Dr. Pepper.

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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by Selcouth »

After watching the video of the jewlery robbery video where the guy tries to rack his slide and gets killed; I always carry one in the chamber. Glad everything worked out for ya.

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Re: Learned my lesson about "one in the pipe" today


Post by SassedandLoaded »

Thanks everyone for the support. I think I've finally calmed down.
I ended up making a trip to the shooting range to blow off some steam. :fire

To answer the questions:

-No, I didn't call the police. I wasn't sure what they could have possibly done at that point since the perp was long gone. Also, I never took my gun out of the holster and it was never visible, so I didn't worry about getting called in myself. Should I have?

-My coworkers were shocked by what the situation. One of them actually said "Wow, I can't believe how well you handled that. I probably would have let the guy approach me instead of stopping him when I felt uncomfortable." They asked several questions about why I carry, the process to get a CHL, and we talked a little about training and situational awareness. I also talked to them about how important it is to not make it public knowledge that I carry, etc.
I was glad they were supportive. I then told them (firmly) they needed to read "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker, and then pass it to their wives.

And you better believe my little p238 is cocked and locked today. :txflag:

Which leads me to another question, am I carrying enough gun?
I can shoot the hell out of the p238, but I am limited by caliber and round count.
I have learned that if it is too large, I won't be able to carry it every day.

Suggestions? Or is this a topic for another post?
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