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Almost Screwed Up!!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:30 pm
Took the two psycho's (Blue heeler/Catahoula) out for thier daily nieghborhood disruption this afternoon. I rushed out, but remembered the weapon, MP3 player, and Copenhagen. Got about two blocks and remembered I left my plastic at the house. Doesn't sound like much of a story, but if I would have gotten caught---I would have lost my priveledges for a while. We gotta remember that if it ain't with us, we could find ourselves in the back of a patrol car!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:57 pm
by longtooth
Yes, we need to remember.
I would really hope that the officers in Tex wouldshake their head, kick a clod or 2 & say go get it & dont leave home w/o it. There is officer descretion w/ the plastic too.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:25 am
by glocklvr
either that or have them pull your DL info and it will show up with that but best just not to leave home without it

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:34 am
by GlockenHammer
I've had similar experiences and endeavor to avoid them. However, I take some amount of comfort in "concealed is concealed" and if I do have to show/use my combat plastic, I had justification and would rather take heat for forgetting the license than have not had the heater.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:49 pm
by casselthief
I agree, concealed is concealed.
I however, see potential to run into the "Heat" often. You see, when I walk my gal home, it's typically late (10pm) and of course, I'm armed to the gills, cause, well, L-ville is a hard town, you know :lol:
anyway, I see the fuzz rolling through my apt complex all the time.
I'd hate for one of them dudes to pull up, ask me what I'm doing, and me not have my "papers" on me.
just not conducive to a happy environment in ThiefLand, USA.


Keeping your CHL at all times?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:31 am
by stormchaser
I'm new to the forum and have only had a CHL for 4 years. I do not carry very often, but only because of low confidence in retention of the laws. Anyway, I always carry my CHL just like my DL. Do most of you only carry your CHL when armed?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:24 am
by longtooth
Carry ALL my ID all the time. You are doing well having it with you.
I am also glad to see the growth in your confidence to carry.
Good quality gear will solve the retention fear.
Practice carry at the house. Wear it inside, outside, setting, eating, watching TV.... All the things you do at the house will make you comfortable when you go outside. You will get used to it.
Again, quality belt & holster are the key.
Put it on, cover it up, leave it alone, & no one will know.
Try it & see how long it takes your wife/husband to realize it. ;-)

Re: Keeping your CHL at all times?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:17 pm
by rm9792
stormchaser wrote:I'm new to the forum and have only had a CHL for 4 years. I do not carry very often, but only because of low confidence in retention of the laws. Anyway, I always carry my CHL just like my DL. Do most of you only carry your CHL when armed?

"low confidence in retention of the laws." What do you mean by that?

Re: Keeping your CHL at all times?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:20 pm
by stevie_d_64
rx9790 wrote:
stormchaser wrote:I'm new to the forum and have only had a CHL for 4 years. I do not carry very often, but only because of low confidence in retention of the laws. Anyway, I always carry my CHL just like my DL. Do most of you only carry your CHL when armed?

"low confidence in retention of the laws." What do you mean by that?
Maybe they believe the CHL law would be repealed??? Thats what I see in that post...

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:21 pm
by elwood blooz
longtooth wrote:Put it on, cover it up, leave it alone, & no one will know.
Try it & see how long it takes your wife/husband to realize it. ;-)
I went to my daughter's house yesterday, stayed for about a hour. She sat next to me on the couch, commented on my new shirt & never knew I was carrying. Never even noticed with a goodbuy hug for that matter!

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:05 am
by longtooth
This is your best evidence. when familiar family does not know you have it on then a "Casual Observer" will never have a clue. THey are not walking down the street thinking:

Man, I gotta watch everbody. some o these guys have a gun under their shirt or in their pocket.

You are learning & maturing in CC very well.
Good job.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:20 pm
by Rokyudai
LOL daily neighborhood disruption...sure they are a wiley bunch! One of my instructors told me to tape the two IDs together so that the fronts are facing out...that way you should not ever have to be without...unless its the wallet that gets left behind...

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:53 pm
by Dan20703
I usually always have my wallet with DL, CHL, etc. but there have been times when I have jumped in the truck to run the kids somewhere and forgot everything. So now I keep a color copy of both sides of each in all my vehicles. I know it's not the real thing but it might buy me a break in case I forget it and get stopped for some reason. Knock on wood, it hasn't happened yet.

Carrying Identity while also carrying concealed...

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:29 pm
by Shootstir
I'm pretty sure you are required by CHL law to have that identification card on you. I know for a fact that you have to show it if pulled over by a patrolman.

It's always a GREAT idea to have your CHL in your wallet at ALL times and I keep mine with my driver's license so if I have to show my license while stopped by a cop, I can easily pull both out without having to move around a lot thus making the antsy patrolman even more nervous.

Too, in every case I've been stopped by DPS, the minute I show my CHL- I get a huge grin, asked what I'm carrying, and told to go forth sans citation.


Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:22 pm
by ScubaSigGuy
I have thought about buying one of thoser ID holders that fit around your neck for times when I cycle (road or mtn bike). I realized after a local road bike fatality in Plano last summer that I sometimes didn't carry any ID at all. Maybe not a bad idea for full time carry for some.