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uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 10:07 pm
by SewTexas
OMG! Crazy is contagious!!!

OK, so it was suppose to be a quick run, pick up my new car at the dealer and run back, hopefully between rain showers yesterday. We'd been running around like crazy people all morning and I'd come home, changed into comfy clothes and was sewing. when the guy called and said it was ready we ran out, I didn't pick up my gun :nono: On the way back (keep in mind it had been raining all day) this kid in the next lane over realized his lane was a turn only lane and he apparently didn't want to turn, so he yanked left into my lane where there really wasn't space for him, I had to slam on my brakes under conditions not really meant for such, thankfully there was room between me and the guy behind me. During this maneouver, I hit my horn....after we all got in place and to the light, he opened his car door!!!! :???: :shock: You know what?? After I made sure my phone was in my hand I thought...."the guys on the board are NOT going to believe this!!!" :lol: He quickly closed the door, and kept looking in his side mirror. He had a passenger, hopefully that person was talking a bit of sense into him?

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:23 am
by scud runner
Happy to hear cooler heads prevailed.

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 4:14 pm
by knotquiteawake
Same kind of thing happened to me just last night. Two lanes were merging, I was supposed to be in the yeilding lane, I did NOT see this guy until the last second (it was after dark and he/she had a dark car with dim lights), and as a result I accidentally cut him off. He FILIPPED OUT. Laying on the horn, flashing his lights, tailgating me, for over a 1/4 mile. As soon as this started I looked for the nearest place to pull off because I wanted him to just go around me. As I pulled off the road and into a housing development and he pulled in behind me. At this point my gun was out of its holster and in my lap. I decided to not stop but make a U-Turn right back onto the street, if he followed I was going to head straight to the gas station (LOTS of cameras there!) and my wife would be calling 911. He did not follow at that point. Thank God. He was out of control behind me with the lights and horn and tailgating... for a really honest mistake.

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 7:25 pm
by Piney
Guy on I-10 west of Katy did that to me Friday afternoon. Dead stop traffic for a couple of minutes. Guy behind me took off to the right shoulder to cut in front me-- 1 whole car's worth of advancement. I didnt expect to see him to be doing that so I didnt give him any room--so he cuts in, then stops on the highway--opens his door. Holly cow ! I'd already undone the seat belt for access....

I watched him go right and cut in 3-4 more times before the traffic unjammed.

I see y'alls postings. What is it with these folks-- tailgating, stopping on the road, opening door/getting out ? Don't these folks realize they're in Texas, a fairly firearm friendly population?

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 8:25 pm
by C-dub
Must be crazy driver weekend. My daughter and I were almost crushed by someone in a Durango swerving from three lanes over trying to get from 635 West to 35 North. If I hadn't seen her coming out of the corner of my eye enough to slow down we would have been crushed. She never even looked!

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:54 pm
by SewTexas
sounds scary on the roads, add the wet down here and it's safe out there.

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 4:08 am
by Bgriff1974
Glad this worked out safely.. Just goes to remind you that not being prepared will work out just fine until the one time it doesn't.. Be safe out there.

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 6:32 am
by jmra
Traffic issues played a major role in where we decided to set up house. Neither one of us has to travel very close to the metroplex so most of the traffic we encounter is very light. That being said, I bet I see someone getting the one finger salute on a daily basis.
I give a wide berth to people as I prefer to avoid conflict not only to protect my family but also because I can not have a firearm in my vehicle where I work. Which means I am unarmed for my commute.
It helps that I drive a full size truck, drive the speed limit, and practice defensive driving techniques. But, one day that may not be enough.
Hopefully now that the legislature has passed a parking lot bill for university employees and students, they will turn their attention to the plight of all the other educators.

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 8:27 am
by SewTexas
I readily admit I was foolish, I should have picked up my gun. I read y'als stories all the time. Heck, I've had my own....but I was so happy my car was finally ready and we had a break in the weather so I just wanted to go grab it and have it home that I just didn't think about it. Honestly, I don't think I would have been in any danger, I was surrounded by cars and this was near a military base....which is probably why he settled down :eek6 But I will always have my gun with me from now on.

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 10:39 am
by suthdj
SewTexas wrote:I readily admit I was foolish, I should have picked up my gun. I read y'als stories all the time. Heck, I've had my own....but I was so happy my car was finally ready and we had a break in the weather so I just wanted to go grab it and have it home that I just didn't think about it. Honestly, I don't think I would have been in any danger, I was surrounded by cars and this was near a military base....which is probably why he settled down :eek6 But I will always have my gun with me from now on.
Love you signature "Barracktose Intolerant" "rlol" "rlol" "rlol"

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 10:55 am
by C-dub
SewTexas wrote:I readily admit I was foolish, I should have picked up my gun. I read y'als stories all the time. Heck, I've had my own....but I was so happy my car was finally ready and we had a break in the weather so I just wanted to go grab it and have it home that I just didn't think about it. Honestly, I don't think I would have been in any danger, I was surrounded by cars and this was near a military base....which is probably why he settled down :eek6 But I will always have my gun with me from now on.
IDK, I bet his passenger had more to do with diffusing him than your location. Once someone has chosen to do something stupid they rarely, if ever, think about what it around them.

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:51 am
So question. If im stopped and someone gets out if their car after some sort of incident of being cut off or horn being honked, or like this situation the OP was in, would yall have drawn? I think I would have. I don't know who thus person is, walking to me, got out if his car after a road rage type incident. I think I would have drawn to protect my self and car.

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 10:01 am
by filmtex
We spent the weekend in east Texas. No traffic, no problems. Nice and quiet. Was a shame to return to San Antonio. Just glad everyone seems to have taken today off as well!

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 10:03 am
by Keith B
TREKFAN wrote:So question. If im stopped and someone gets out if their car after some sort of incident of being cut off or horn being honked, or like this situation the OP was in, would yall have drawn? I think I would have. I don't know who thus person is, walking to me, got out if his car after a road rage type incident. I think I would have drawn to protect my self and car.
I would be on the ready, but a person just getting out of their car and coming back to talk to you does not constitute pulling a gun on them. If they walk back, they may be coming to ask for help because they have a medical emergency and no phone, coming to apologize for cutting you off, etc. Be prepared, but don't be paranoid to the point of doing something way overboard.

Re: uh, the kid opened his car door!!!

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 10:41 am
by Purplehood
Keith B wrote:
TREKFAN wrote:So question. If im stopped and someone gets out if their car after some sort of incident of being cut off or horn being honked, or like this situation the OP was in, would yall have drawn? I think I would have. I don't know who thus person is, walking to me, got out if his car after a road rage type incident. I think I would have drawn to protect my self and car.
I would be on the ready, but a person just getting out of their car and coming back to talk to you does not constitute pulling a gun on them. If they walk back, they may be coming to ask for help because they have a medical emergency and no phone, coming to apologize for cutting you off, etc. Be prepared, but don't be paranoid to the point of doing something way overboard.
This... :iagree: