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Any interest in a reloading seminar?
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:57 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
I've had a request to do a reloading seminar at PSC, but I don't know if there is enough interest to make it a seminar. If there is, I'll get it on the PSC calendar. We should have plenty of talent and experience to put on a pretty good seminar. If there isn’t enough interest, I'd be happy to have people come to my home and do it one-on-one or a small group.
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 2:23 pm
by tomneal
If there is an interest
Would you like to get the Local Dillon guy out?
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:38 pm
by dws1117
I would be very interested. I've only been reloading for about 3 years and there is a ton of stuff to learn.
If it was needed, I could lend my 550b to the cause.
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:51 pm
by gigag04
I'd be interested. I've never done any, but my grandad reloaded a whole bunch. He had a turn key set up where you push a button and it does it all by itself.
Don't keep contact much with that side of the fam anymore (parent's split while my dad was doing espionage in moscow).
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:57 pm
by DMG
Yes I would be very interested. I do not reload now but have been slowly buying the peripherals (tumbler, etc.) and have been saving up empties.
Re: Any interest in a reloading seminar?
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:59 pm
by wrt45
Charles L. Cotton wrote:I've had a request to do a reloading seminar at PSC, <snip> Regards,
Would love to be there........only it's 11 hours there and 11 hours back, so that pretty much shoots it down for me.
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:34 pm
by sensei
Since I'm the one requesting it, I will certainly be there. I started to say with bells on. But after some thought, maybe without the bells.
Ray Glass
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:42 pm
by dws1117
AAAWWWWW come on, wear the bells.
BTW is the press working out ok?
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:30 pm
by sensei
I, literally, just finished building my bench and reloading set up. I just mounted the turrent press, my old single stage and the powder measure last weekend. Cleaned up my old dies, etc.
I haven't had a chance to purchase components yet.
Thinking I will go to the next gun show in Pasadena and load up with the essentials.
I lost my old reloading notebook with my old loads. (in a flood) I don't even remember which powders I used with which loads. I remember I used Unique for alot of pistol loads and IMR 4064 for my 30-06 and I think for my 30-30.
I will have to start from scratch.
Thanks for asking,
Ray Glass
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:24 am
by ghentry
I would be interested. This would allow me to see what all is involved before I take the plunge in purchasing all of the equipment.
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:56 am
by stevie_d_64
I'm game...
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:18 am
by Charles L. Cotton
Well, there's plenty of interest here. I'll get it on the schedule at PSC and let everyone know the date and time.
When we get closer, I'll be asking for volunteers to help. I can bring my Dillon 550 and 650, but I'd also like to have a single stage and something like the Lyman All American Turret press.
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:27 am
by stevie_d_64
sensei wrote:I lost my old reloading notebook with my old loads. (in a flood) I don't even remember which powders I used with which loads.I will have to start from scratch.
Thanks for asking,
Ray Glass
T.S. Allison??? June 2001???
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:27 pm
by sensei
stevie_d_64 wrote:sensei wrote:I lost my old reloading notebook with my old loads. (in a flood) I don't even remember which powders I used with which loads.I will have to start from scratch.
Thanks for asking,
Ray Glass
T.S. Allison??? June 2001???
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:17 pm
by BobCat
I can bring a Rockchucker and a Lee Turret as examples of single stage and turret presses. And other trinkets - powder trickler, hand priming tool, case trimmer, and stuff like that. This sounds like fun.