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Why Reload

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:58 am
by tomneal
I reload for two reasons.

1) I can reload cheaper than factory prices. (This allows me to shoot more.)
2) I can build a more perfect round.

.45 - When I first bought my Dillion 650 with case feed, I calculated that I could buy a box of .45's for around $13. I could reload a box for around $3.00. At $10 a box it doesn't take long for the savings to pay for a reloader. Prices for factory .45's have dropped. A few years ago, I bought 1000 rounds at a gun show for around $200. I have seen better prices since.

.38 Super - You can't hardly find this ammo in stores. You can buy it on the internet. I am well above 20,000 rounds of Supers. Price is not a consideration. I am only concerned about building a more perfect round.
The EGW undersized resizing die makes brass scrounging worth while.

.40 S&W - My Para P16 prefers handloads. They are a different OAL than my daughters Glock. .40 Brass is getting so cheap ($8 per 1000) that it's not worth picking up the brass. This is a problem because it clutters up the range. For resizing Glock brass, use an EGW undersized resizing die. It has taken my reject rate down to nearly none.

9MM - Factory ammo is so cheap that it's now a mistake to reload.

12 Gauge - Mistake. I bought a top of the line MEC. (Ok, it's near the top of the line.) This spring I bought my first set of componants. Did some figuring and discovered that I wasn't saving any money. AND, I am not good enough with the reloader to build reliable rounds for my Rem. 1100. Other Gauges may be better canidates for reloading. I am going to run through the componants that I have then go back to factory rounds.

.243 - Used for deer hunting. 25 years ago you couldn't buy perfect rounds. Now, I think you can. My son and I both have .243's. They like different OAL's.

.223 - Factory ammo is cheap but I have only found a couple of brands that my rifle likes. I haven't bought the tools to reload. I will consider my options in the future.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:16 am
by stevie_d_64
Makes sense to me...Thats why I am getting up to speed on this topic...

If I can save that much money on just the calibers I am shooting now, and create a quality of round that surpasses the factory stuff I buy now...

That much the better...

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:47 am
by dws1117
I got into it mainly for cost savings. .45acp is the only caliber that I reload. Cheap stuff can run $170 per 1K. My cost for 1K rnds is $105 using range brass. Most factory ammo that I've seen averages out to $200 per 1K.

The other claibers that I shoot, .22lr, 223, 7.62x39, 7.62x54R, and soon 9mm are too cheap to justify reloading.

I do want to get into a .38special setup for the dillon.

Why reload? Therapy ...

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:43 pm
by TraCoun
The cost savings and 'customizing' are, of course, foremost.
But besides that, a good reloading session can be simply good therapy. Concentrate on the job, bull with a similarly-minded friend, and tune out everything else. Besides, it's fun to watch those completed rounds pile up.


Re: Why reload? Therapy ...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:47 am
by stevie_d_64
TraCoun wrote:The cost savings and 'customizing' are, of course, foremost.
But besides that, a good reloading session can be simply good therapy. Concentrate on the job, bull with a similarly-minded friend, and tune out everything else. Besides, it's fun to watch those completed rounds pile up.

I totally agree...I hope to have this problem very soon... :wink:

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:12 am
by dws1117
Besides, it's fun to watch those completed rounds pile up.
That part is neat. I like it when the collection bin overflows.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:50 am
by Papalote
When the hurricane came through Baton Rouge(I am working over here), a state of emergency was called. I went to buy a box of shells and found the ammo had been pulled from the shelves. I made a trip home to Texas on the weekend and loaded several hundred rounds to accompany me back. This as well as load tailoring, cost savings and component choice is another good reason to reload.


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:19 am
by anygunanywhere

You need to get your post count up. You have a lot to say at work, so share some of your wisdom with the board.


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:36 am
by gigag04

what does OAL stand for?

Hopefully at least one other person was wondering as well.

Maybe this is another thread but we should have a glossary with all the acronyms we can think off. Google is good for ones like IANAL and YMMV but for handgun specific ones like BG, COM, OWB, IWB. Just a thought...



Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:51 am
by tomneal

is a TLA for Over All Length

TLA means Three Letter Acronym :)


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:53 am
by tomneal
BG, Bad Guy

COM, Center of Mass

OWB, Outside Waist Band

IWB Inside Waist Band


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:13 am
by gigag04
tomneal wrote:BG, Bad Guy

COM, Center of Mass

OWB, Outside Waist Band

IWB Inside Waist Band
I knew these! I was just listing some examples of why we need a glossary. Thanks for the clarification of OAL though!


Top 12

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:46 pm
by longtooth
Top twelve reasons I reload.
1. Cheaper than factory.
2. Better accuracy.
3. More bullet choices to fit the game or shooting experience.
4. My 75 yr old Mother enjoys it too.
5. After N.O. arms confications, in the aftermath of Rita I had plenty.
A. 200 rounds in 10 - 20 rd mags for M1A ready & loaded. Another 400 waiting.
B. 2,000 rds ready for .45.
C. 1500 rds ready for the wife & Mother's .380's.
D. 500 .38 SP. (Don't shoot it much.)
E. 150 hunting rds for .300 WSM
F. 200 hunting rds for the M1A. (yes I do :lol: and w/ the battle sites)
6. Cheap Christmas presents for Son & Son-in-Law.
7. Grandchildren love to pull the handle. (slow loading but worth the time :D )
8. Occasionally get to help a new loader get started.
9. Elite group of knowledgeable & willing helpers on this forum to bail me out when I have a problem. (you have several times. Thanks guys :wink:)
10. Great stress relief. No telephone in the loading room.
11. Off season memories when you look at the empty case standing by your keyboard that accounted for the latest rack on the wall.
12. 'Cause I like it.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:04 am
by ghentry
You had me at "cheaper than factory", you had me at "cheaper than factory". :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:17 am
by dws1117
6. Cheap Christmas presents for Son & Son-in-Law.
Need another son? :lol: :D :lol: