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Reloader question

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:45 pm
by ScubaSigGuy
I am looking at and about to purchase a Dillon XL 650 I believe. Has anyone seen them available for less than MSRP anywhere? I sure have not. Also, are there any package deals that would include most of the major components? I just want to make sure that i am not missing anything. The 650 may be more than I need for what I m planning right now, but i want to be prepared if my needs change in the future. the cost of the 650 is not much greater than some of the lower producing units unless I am missing something. any feedback will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:10 am
by XDandy
I don't know if it's below MSRP, but over on he's got all the dillon stuff along with some packages that he's put together that really look like the way to go if your just getting into it. Hope that helps

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:30 am
by jhutto
The dillon equipment doesn't sell used for much less than new. (Good product and warranty) SOmetimes you see them in local auctions, garage sales, etc.
THey really do have great service. I have the 550b.
It makes rounds so fast...ammo seems to grow on trees since I bought the machine!!!! :shock: