Advice wanted:Learning mobile app development

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Advice wanted:Learning mobile app development


Post by G.A. Heath »

Some background: I had a really great idea, and I planned to give it to someone along with some proof of concept. Unfortunately I never got around to learning what i needed to do the proof of concept so I went ahead and gave the idea to the intended party. Now I feel like I should have done more.

I have a very dated background in programming with knowledge of Pascal, C/C++, PHP, and limited experience with a few other more specialized languages.

I am still wanting to work on developing atleast one mobile app (IOS and Android) but I need some advice on reading material to get me started. I want to start with IOS and then move on to Android so what do you reccomend?
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Re: Advice wanted:Learning mobile app development


Post by Jusme »

Sorry, I can't help I never got my VCR figured out before they became obsolete. :biggrinjester:
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Re: Advice wanted:Learning mobile app development


Post by remanifest »

Swift is very simple, and there's a free book on the iTunes store:
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Re: Advice wanted:Learning mobile app development


Post by G.A. Heath »

I appreciate the advice, I have not had time to pursue much as of late. I had to go out of town for an non-firearm issue and while between appointments I had time to browse a gun show. Sad when I don't even have time for gun shows, podcasting, or anything else. Hopefully I will get sometime this weekend to do something more than eat, sleep, work.
How do you explain a dog named Sauer without first telling the story of a Puppy named Sig?
R.I.P. Sig, 08/21/2019 - 11/18/2019
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