Per the article if you have a mannerism that this "machine" determines to be consistent with the "intent" to commit a malicious or terrorist act it flags you as a threat and the "Authorities" react accordingly.
It is not enough that they have all but thrown out our 4th Amendment rights by full body scanners and near sexual accosting during pat downs. If this voodoo technology is instituted as statistically viable we all now have to worry about the look on our faces or our mannerisms as we walk through a public place so as not to be flagged as a plotting terrorist.
Given the synopsis of the technology (if deemed viable) the scenario can be ... "Sir, you need to follow me, we have to question you about your facial expressions and elevated heart rate as you were walking down the corridor just a moment ago!" ... WHAT!?!?

Im not a conspiracy theorist or an alarmist by ANY means. I simply want, like so many others, is to be left alone to live my life, raise my children and live in a free Republic where the Government is there to assist the CITIZENS in running the country not the Govt running the citizens...

This is one more movement being used under the guise of public safety ...
Chinese saying, "A single drop of water has no power. But a million drops moving in the same direction at the same time have the awesome power of a tidal wave"