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Obamacare - Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:26 pm
by Wes
So it would seem that the democrats have already prevented themselves from creating a gun registry. The new health care bill Obama forced us to accept apparently states that the government cannot collect "any information relating to the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition." Is this right? I looked for the actual text and cant find it. Crazy if so, I wonder how the executive order to over right your own bill will look?! ... gistration" onclick=";return false;
Re: Obamacare - Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:25 am
by i8godzilla
Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716, part c. only limits the Secretary of Health and Human Services from collecting information about legally owned firearms and ammunition when implementing "wellness and health promotion activities."
Re: Obamacare - Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:33 pm
by mojo84
That's one of the reasons Biden some some legislative work needs to be done when when Obama pursues executive order.
Re: Obamacare - Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:49 pm
by G26ster
AndyC wrote:A registry is already prohibited by the Brady Handgun Control Act of 1993 under Section 103:
(i) PROHIBITION RELATING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF REGISTRATION SYSTEMS WITH RESPECT TO FIREARMS- No department, agency, officer, or employee of the United States may--
(1) require that any record or portion thereof generated by be recorded at or transferred to a facility owned, managed, or controlled by the United States or any State or political subdivision thereof; or
(2) use the system established under this section to establish any system for the registration of firearms, firearm owners, or firearm transactions or dispositions, except with respect to persons, prohibited by section 922 (g) or (n) of title 18, United States Code or State law, from receiving a firearm." onclick=";return false;
When it says, "the system established under
this section ..." I believe that just prevents the establishment of a registry using data collected through NICS checks which is what Section 103 is about . It doesn't prevent a registry being created outside of the background check process IMHO.