12/08/16 - Background Check: CompleteKurtFTW wrote:Well here it is Dec 6th. with no change to my background check status. Also I'm out of town which makes me wonder if I'll get home to find a letter from RSD asking for more information from me. I'll keep watching this week.KurtFTW wrote:Letting nature take it's course was the right call. Woke up this morning bound and determined to call today if no updated status was available when... 12/02/16KurtFTW wrote:Hello, I'm new to the forum. I saw a thread made by someone experiencing the same trouble I am.
Submitted Application: 11/10/16
Submitted Fingerprints: 11/11/16
Submitted CHL-100 prior to this because I had an old application on file and was told via email that they were just waiting on my fingerprints and CHL-100. Only to be told later the application was too old(nearly 3 years...don't judge) and that I would need to resubmit an application and fingerprints.
At first the website showed a status of Application Submitted.
Since then it has not updated at all and shows no status whatsoever.
Emailing only gets a cookie cutter reply.
Should I call and inquire or do you think I just need to cool my jets and let nature take it's course?
Now I'm just waiting on that background check then we'll be all green!
12/08/16 - Print Pending