CHL Update on DPS Website?
Moderator: carlson1
CHL Update on DPS Website?
I've heard that the DPS keeps you posted on where your application is during the process of giving you your CHL. Anyone know if this is true and where i can find the site? I've tried google a number of times with no such luck. 

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If you apply online you get a personal identification number (PIN). If you mail in a paper application, DPS sends you the PIN after they receive your application.
The URL is https://www.texasonline.state.tx.us/NAS ... AppManager, but it's no use without the PIN.
- Jim
The URL is https://www.texasonline.state.tx.us/NAS ... AppManager, but it's no use without the PIN.
- Jim
Last edited by seamusTX on Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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It shows status of processing 99% of the timeseamusTX wrote:If you apply online you get a personal identification number (PIN). If you mail in a paper application, DPS sends you the PIN after they receive your application.
The URL is https://www.texasonline.state.tx.us/NAS ... AppManager, but it's no use without the PIN.
- Jim

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