I understand completely joe817. I had to do some of those disposition thingy's too (turns out you don't have to engage in full frontal or air assault to settle a difference of opinions...who would have guessedjoe817 wrote:
... and waited until August to get the packet turned in(took me a LONG time to get what I thought DPS needed for dispositions on things happened 25 years ago). For me, it has been a fascinating journey into obtaining the CHL and sitting on the sidelines watching others get theirs. What a trip!

But....truthfully the real value in the whole CHL process is this forum. I have learned so much listening to you guys ratchet. Lot of good people on here and I hope they don't all quit and go away after they get their plastic.
joe817 wrote:Down the only road I've ever known. Like a rollling stone, etc

BTW, like your tunes!