Completed my Kroger Walk. NO Wally Walk for me. We're not supposed to let our guard down and do silly things or go dangerous places just because we've got a weapon, right?
Sorry, I don't swim in the shark's house and I don't walk through the crim's house at Wally World LOL. The Kroger walk was wonderful and I learnt that it takes a couple of days to get a shoulder holster or a fanny pack fitted juuust right. You just can't tell until you've walked a mile with it on.
I went to a gun friendly pizza place tonight and a couple old timers were sitting against the wall and gave my fanny pack the stare down. LOL.
PS. Those 30.06 signs need to be more conspicuous. Many are very difficult to locate. I think the law as it is might be a bit too
"biziness friendly." If they want to be anti- 2nd amendment, that's fine, they've got that right, but then they need to make it OBVIOUS and make them red on a white background with flashing lights around them. They should be PROUD to post "GUN FREE ZONE IN THIS SHOP - CRIMINALS WELCOME!" But for some reason, it seems they'd like to keep it low key. I wonder why???????????
It's quite easy to walk right past one if you don't stop, and look closely before entering because many are way off to the side of the door and white letters on clear glass.