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"detailed letter has been sent" No letter.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:13 pm
by GunnerD
I mailed in my completed packet in June. I knew it would be a while, so I didn't really think much about it over the summer. Today, I decided to check my status online at the DPS website. I log in and it tells me:

Application incomplete - missing information - detailed letter has been sent.

I never saw a letter from DPS. Unless it was sent very recently, I suspect it was inadvertently mixed in with some junk mail and my wife discarded it. (We get a lot of junk mail.)

They also say: For assistance in completing the information required, please contact DPS at 1-800-224-5744 or email at
So I immediately composed a polite email to explaining that I haven't received the letter and asking them to resend it or let me know what I needed to do in order to complete my application.

Has anyone had this happen? Can I expect a timely response to my email, or does this require a telephone call. I'm not looking forward to spending 45 minutes on hold.


Re: "detailed letter has been sent" No letter.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:16 pm
by Kevinf2349
Call them for sure.

Email is so hit and miss and has no certainty of actually getting answered (I speak from experience).

Re: "detailed letter has been sent" No letter.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:39 pm
by Aladinbama
Kevinf2349 wrote:Call them for sure.
Email is so hit and miss and has no certainty of actually getting answered (I speak from experience).
CALL, emails take a while for them to get to (usually). Calling will get the issue at least addressed and maybe resolved - it could even be a non-issue by it being mailed to you last week (hopefully). Just don't leave it to an email unless you don't mind waiting (for who knows how long). Good Luck - :thumbs2:

Re: "detailed letter has been sent" No letter.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:49 pm
by joe817
Aladinbama wrote:
Kevinf2349 wrote:Call them for sure.
Email is so hit and miss and has no certainty of actually getting answered (I speak from experience).
CALL, emails take a while for them to get to (usually). Calling will get the issue at least addressed and maybe resolved - it could even be a non-issue by it being mailed to you last week (hopefully). Just don't leave it to an email unless you don't mind waiting (for who knows how long). Good Luck - :thumbs2:
:iagree: with Aladinbama who said :iagree: with Kevinf2349. :shock: :???:

From what I've seen on the board, email response take from 1 to 2 weeks. Calling is best bet.

Re: "detailed letter has been sent" No letter.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:47 am
by USA1
joe817 wrote:
Aladinbama wrote:
Kevinf2349 wrote:Call them for sure.
Email is so hit and miss and has no certainty of actually getting answered (I speak from experience).
CALL, emails take a while for them to get to (usually). Calling will get the issue at least addressed and maybe resolved - it could even be a non-issue by it being mailed to you last week (hopefully). Just don't leave it to an email unless you don't mind waiting (for who knows how long). Good Luck - :thumbs2:
:iagree: with Aladinbama who said :iagree: with Kevinf2349. :shock: :???:

From what I've seen on the board, email response take from 1 to 2 weeks. Calling is best bet.
:iagree: with joe817 who said :iagree: with Aladinbama who said :iagree: with Kevinf2349 :cheers2:

Re: "detailed letter has been sent" No letter.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:08 pm
by joe817
"rlol" :smilelol5: :lol: :cheers2:

Re: "detailed letter has been sent" No letter.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:21 pm
by Coffeyc
I still have not received my detailed letter from July 3rd. They even suposedly re sent it. I go through all my mail, so I know it did not get discarded. I called and found out what they needed and was able to actually fax it to them. now last week it says Certificate Active... so I do not care.

I would call and see if it is something you can fax in. then call the day after and make sure they got it. Remember to ask for a name to send it to.

Hope this helps.

Re: "detailed letter has been sent" No letter.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:17 pm
by Roan
For what its' worth..... I hadn't been checking the site daily for a while, and on 7/17/09 I received an "Incomplete" packet (failed to complete SSN on F/P cards, Doh!). Completed my error and sent it back same day (Priority with Delivery Confirmation). Site didn't show "Processing App" until 7/29/09.

Call. Fax if you can. And.... Hang in there.