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Well...Crappola...starting the clock at zero again?

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:12 pm
by ares338
I just checked the mailbox and saw 2 letters from the Dept. of Public Safety and thought...fantastic our CHL's are here :anamatedbanana . Low and behold when I open mine to read it it does not contain my CHL but a letter saying that my packet did not have the CHL-100 form from the instructor and of course my wife got the same letter. :cryin

To make a long story short my wife didn't put these forms in with our packets when she mailed them and didn't check before she sent them off. :banghead: oh well here we start all over again. Not everything of course but I have to mail the CHL-100's in with the letter that casein the mail and start my wait all over again. Oh well, that will just make it all the more sweeter when it does arrive....LOL. "rlol"

Re: Well...Crappola...starting the clock at zero again?

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:20 pm
by bigbang
I bet they cashed your checks anyway.

Good luck!

Re: Well...Crappola...starting the clock at zero again?

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:04 pm
by OrangeAnimal
Oh you know they got their money up front. There is a saying this reminds me of. Starts like this..." If you want it done right....

Re: Well...Crappola...starting the clock at zero again?

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:26 pm
by walksalone
I don't know how long you have been in background check but I was in bg check for around 60 days when I got a letter requesting arrest dispositions. 3 days after they got the dispositions I went to manufactured pending and then daily I moved each step to mailed. The letter said my packet was considered incomplete. Maybe....

Re: Well...Crappola...starting the clock at zero again?

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:27 am
by johnson0317
Oh Goodness!!!! :oops:

Your poor wife. She probably feels pretty miserable about it.

Yeah, going to be double-sweet when it finally comes in. Please keep us updated.


Re: Well...Crappola...starting the clock at zero again?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:56 pm
by TX RHino
ares338 wrote:I just checked the mailbox and saw 2 letters from the Dept. of Public Safety and thought...fantastic our CHL's are here :anamatedbanana . Low and behold when I open mine to read it it does not contain my CHL but a letter saying that my packet did not have the CHL-100 form from the instructor and of course my wife got the same letter. :cryin

To make a long story short my wife didn't put these forms in with our packets when she mailed them and didn't check before she sent them off. :banghead: oh well here we start all over again. Not everything of course but I have to mail the CHL-100's in with the letter that casein the mail and start my wait all over again. Oh well, that will just make it all the more sweeter when it does arrive....LOL. "rlol"
What is the status on your CHL's?