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Getting close! (I hope)

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:00 pm
by bearlesjr
Been lurking here a few weeks now. The more I read the more flustrating it gets! :boxing

Short story: While snooping online in early December I found a good deal on a little plinker, just like I used to have when I was a kid. Of course I bought it! I was not disappointed! Shoots GREAT and reliable! Just like I remember it. After California recently I figured why not get my LTC. Wife is in the process of getting hers as well.
Now the story unfolds and really raises some questions about process and procedures.
Just a little about me. I am in the HVAC industry which can land me in some weird situations from time to time.

While purchasing the pistol I discovered a mistake on my DL. So I dug deep into my wallet and checked everything. (background check)

Change of address on DL: $16.00, 2 weeks
Change of address on private pilot license: $2.00, 7 days. (issued by the FAA) And yes, only two dollars! (background check)
TDLR for HVAC expired: $40, 7 days (background check)

Recently had a background check through CJIC, and preferred vendor for local law enforcement. $0.00 (background check)
Currently hold a valid TWIC card for work on ships and ship yards. (background check)

My flustrations are, Why do they take so long and charge soooo much? We do all the work! and pay all the fees! In the last 3 years I have had as many as 5 background checks.
While I understand that applications have increased. This should also increase the # of employees they have in this department. If I can't keep up with demand, I hire more employees. Why can't they?
I'm ALL for keeping guns out of the wrong hands.. PUT down you latte's, quit bull'ing about your kids and get to work. Applicants are paying for you bull!

Time line:
12/07/15: online application and fees paid
12/13/15 CHL class
12/14/15 Fingerprints and submit all paper work online
12/15/15 Received confirmation of receipt of submission.
1/14/16 Requested status. Said they have received all paperwork. Another 30 days.

Re: Getting close! (I hope)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:07 pm
by humby66
i have pretty much the exact same dates as you, and have heard not a thing nor update as well...welcome to the waiting room, government in action.

Re: Getting close! (I hope)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:57 pm
by Lynyrd
Remember they have to go through your medical and mental health records too. That's not an excuse, but that does make it take longer than a standard background check.

Re: Getting close! (I hope)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:45 pm
by bearlesjr
If you want people to believe you, do what you say you're gonna do.

Love your signature!! Great words to live by!! Thanks for the reply!

Re: Getting close! (I hope)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:03 pm
by bearlesjr

I understand the frustration. The reason for the cost, I believe, is that it is not ancillary to the program but it is a fundamental basis of its funding. As for hiring more people, they're limited by budget constraints that have been legislated. Texas is a constitutionally balanced budget state. As for the length, it's not just a computer check to my understanding. They actually ask for the records from the courthouse where you live. I believe that sometimes they're not computerized and require a DPS officer to physically retrieve them.[/quote]

I respect and totally agree with your response! This might be the TOTALLY wrong thread for this, but are you telling me they are NOT doing a Federal/National background check? Just a state background check???

If other states are following this program, No wonder this country is falling apart!

Regretfully I live in one of the largest counties, but lowest income per capita. So I'm not sure what they have to do.

Thanks for your input!

Time line update.
35 days: Was told that my CHL-100 Had not been entered yet Kinda of odd, as they told me that all paperwork had been received last Thursday. Right hand just pooped in the left hand! :lol:

Re: Getting close! (I hope)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:18 pm
by bearlesjr
Spoke to a really nice gentleman this afternoon. Apparently mine has been in background check for the last couple days. He said they were finishing up my background and should be finished with it this week. :thumbs2:

Re: Getting close! (I hope)

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:42 pm
by bearlesjr
As of 6;30 this afternoon my application is still stuck in BG. Not sure why but I hope to have it next week sometime. They assured me that they "just had to go through the steps". Never indicated any problems that arose even after I ask if there was a problem. Some of you with the exact same time line have already received yours.

Now on a sad note. I'm sure this will be moderated like other post I have done. Apparently I have upset a moderator on here and I don't believe my time here will be much longer. So, I want to wish everyone the best of luck! And hope to see you on the range someday!
While we fight for our 2nd amendment my self moderation does not seem to be enough for this site. That said, If I offended anyone with my choice of words, comments or silly banter has offended anyone. I want to issue my sincerest apology!!
As I have mentioned here and in other post. I am in the HVAC industry. I have done service and sales as well as factory support and factory troubleshooting. I know how to ask questions to draw an answer in a subtle way. Such as the interned topic I started.

Again! I wish all of you the best of luck! Happy shooting! And stay SAFE!!!!

***** Moderator K, If I offend you that much, PLEASE delete my account! ********
There are several other places I can go without your scrutiny!
Hell, I'll just start my own. I already have the domain and software.
And I wont infringe on your 1st amendment rights!