The Tactical Games Texas


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The Tactical Games Texas


Post by Paladin »

Got the chance to compete in the Tactical Games for the first time last weekend:

The Tactical Games Texas

As I'm not young anymore, competed in the 40+ group. Even that was tough. The heat Saturday reached an index of 104 deg and we were going full out including a 2.8 mile ruck. Here are the courses of fire:

Boulder Shoulders

Load Out: 4 x 10 Rifle, 4 x 10 Pistol

Firing Sequence: FS 1: Rifle and Pistol thru Square Port Port, FS 2: Rifle and Pistol thru Circle Port, FS 3: Rifle and Pistol thru Triangle, FS 4: Rifle and Pistol thru Rectangle Port

Stage Description:
On the call of go, athletes will pick up and shoulder the lightest sandbag and take it down the field to the drop zone. Athletes will set the bag down, pick it back up and shoulder it again to bring it back to the S/F box. Once the athlete and the sandbag are in the box, athletes will move forward and complete FS 1.
After FS 1 is complete, athletes will move to the middle weight bag, pick it up and shoulder it to carry it down the field to the drop zone. Athletes will drop the sandbag in the drop zone, and pick it back up to a shoulder carry before moving it back to the S/F box. Once the athlete and the sandbag are back in the box, the athlete will move forward and complete FS 2.
After FS 2 is complete, athletes will repeat with the medium weight bag. Shoulder it, carry it down the field to the drop zone. Drop it inside of the drop zone before shouldering it again to bring it back. Once back and fully inside of the S/F box, athletes will compete FS 3.
After FS 3 is complete, athletes will move to the heavy sandbag, pick it up and shoulder it to carry it down the field to the drop zone. Athletes will drop the sandbag in the drop zone, then pick it back up and carry it to the S/F box where they will complete FS 4.
After FS 4 is complete, athletes will make sure their weapons are cleared and the pistol is stowed before finishing in their S/F box. Time stops when the athlete crosses into the S/F box.

Time Cap: 12 min

Penalties: 10 sec per miss, :20sec per ½ length with sandbag

Elite: 100,150,200
Elite W: 50-75-100
Tac M: 50-75-100
Tac W: 35-50-75
Masters/Inter M: 35-50-75
Inter W: No wt-35-50

Technical shooting, 30-40yd rifle target, 12-15yd pistol target

Boulder Shoulders Team

Load Out: 4 x 5 Rifle, 4 x 5 Pistol EACH

Firing Sequence: FS 1: Rifle and Pistol thru Square Port Port, FS 2: Rifle and Pistol thru Circle Port, FS 3: Rifle and Pistol thru Triangle, FS 4: Rifle and Pistol thru Rectangle Port

Athlete 1 will shoot 5rd of each weapon, clear the weapons, then Athlete 2 will shoot 5rd of each weapon. Mags should only be loaded to 5 so you run dry.

Stage Description:
On the call of go, athlete 1 will pick up and shoulder the lightest sandbag and take it down the field to the drop zone. Athletes will set the bag down, and athlete 2 pick it back up and shoulder it to bring it back to the S/F box. Once the athletes and the sandbag are in the box, athletes will move forward and complete FS 1.
After FS 1 is complete, athlete 1 will move to the middle weight bag, pick it up and shoulder it to carry it down the field to the drop zone. Athletes will drop the sandbag in the drop zone, and athlete 2 will pick it up to a shoulder carry before moving it back to the S/F box. Once the athletes and the sandbag are back in the box, the athletes will move forward and complete FS 2
After FS 2 is complete, athletes will repeat with the medium weight bag. Athlete 1 Shoulder it, carry it down the field to the drop zone. Drop it inside of the drop zone before athlete 2 shoulders it again to bring it back. Once back and fully inside of the S/F box, athletes will compete FS 3.
After FS 3 is complete, athletes will move to the heavy sandbag, where athlete 1 will pick it up and shoulder it to carry it down the field to the drop zone. Athlete 1 will drop the sandbag in the drop zone, then athlete 2 will pick it back up and carry it to the S/F box where they will complete FS 4.
After FS 4 is complete, athletes will make sure their weapons are cleared and the pistol is stowed before finishing in their S/F box. Time stops when the athlete crosses into the S/F box.

Time Cap: 12 min

Penalties: 10 sec per miss, :20sec per ½ length with sandbag


Farm Boy

Load Out: 4 x 9 Rifle, 4 x 11 Pistol

Firing Sequence:
Rifle: FS 1: Thru V Port, FS 2, Thru Rectangle Port, FS 3, Thru Square Port, FS 4 Thru Circle Port
Pistol: all thru Square Port

Stage Description:
On the call of go athletes will pick up the FC handles and carry them to the drop zone. Once inside the drop zone athletes will set down the FC handles and perform 4 HR burpee over bar (one FC bar). After the 4 HR burpee are complete, athletes will pick up the FC handles and carry them back to the S/F box, set them down and complete FS 1.
After FS 1, athletes will pick up only 1 FC handle with their RIGHT hand and carry it to the drop zone. Once inside the drop zone the athletes will complete 6 HR burpee over bar. After the 6 HR burpee are finished they will pick up the FC handle in the RIGHT hand again, and carry it back to the S/F box. Once there athletes will complete FS 2.
After FS 2, athletes will pick up only 1 FC handle with their LEFT hand and carry it to the drop zone. Once inside the drop zone the athletes will complete 8 HR burpee over bar. After the 8 HR burpee are finished they will pick up the FC handle in the LEFT hand again, and carry it back to the S/F box. Once there athletes will complete FS 3.
After FS 3, athletes will pick up noth FC handles again and carry them to the drop zone. Once inside the drop zone the athletes will complete 10 HR burpee over bar. After the 10 HR burpee are finished they will pick up the FC handle in the LEFT hand again, and carry it back to the S/F box. Once there athletes will complete FS 4.
After FS 4 is complete and weapons are cleared, athletes will touch their FC handles for time to stop.

Time Cap: 12 min

Penalties: 10 sec per miss, 15 sec per ½ length not complete for FC, 5 sec per burpee not complete

Elite M: 45/10
Elite W: 35
Tac M: 45
Tac W: 25
Masters/Inter M: 35
Inter W: 10
Farm Boy Team

Load Out: 4 x 9 Rifle EACH, 4 x 11 Pistol EACH

Firing Sequence:
Rifle: FS 1: Thru V Port, FS 2, Thru Rectangle Port, FS 3, Thru Square Port, FS 4 Thru Circle Port
Pistol: all thru Square Port

Stage Description:
On the call of go one athlete will pick up the FC handles and carry them to the drop zone. Once inside the drop zone that same athlete will set down the FC handles and perform 4 HR burpee over bar (one FC bar). After the 4 HR burpee are complete, athlete (1) will pick up the FC handles and carry them back to the S/F box, set them down and complete FS 1. Both athletes complete FS 1
After FS 1, athletes 2 will pick up the FC handles and carry them to the drop zone. Once inside the drop zone that same athlete (2) will set down the FC handles and perform 6 HR burpee over bar (one FC bar). After the 6 HR burpee are complete, athlete (2) will pick up the FC handles and carry them back to the S/F box, set them down and complete FS 2. Both athletes complete FS 2.
After FS 2, athlete (1) will pick up only 1 FC handle with their RIGHT hand and carry it to the drop zone. Once inside the drop zone the athletes will complete 8 HR burpee over bar. After the 8 HR burpee are finished they will pick up the FC handle in the LEFT hand, and carry it back to the S/F box. Once there athletes will complete FS 3 (both).
After FS 3, athlete (2) will pick up only 1 FC handle with their RIGHT hand and carry it to the drop zone. Once inside the drop zone the athletes will complete 10 HR burpee over bar. After the 10 HR burpee are finished they will pick up the FC handle in the LEFT hand, and carry it back to the S/F box. Once there athletes will complete FS 4 (both).
After FS 4 is complete and weapons are cleared, athletes will touch their FC handles for time to stop.

Time Cap: 12 min

Penalties: 10 sec per miss, 15 sec per ½ length not complete for FC, 5 sec per burpee not complete


Long Movement Stage
(with teams at bottom)

Load Out: 2 x 6 Pistol, 2 x 10 Rifle, 1 x 12 Rifle

Firing Sequence and Stage Description:
Starting at marked start line, and on the call of go, athletes will run to the barrel, draw and make ready their Pistol and alternate L/R on the square targets, one round each before transitioning targets. After all 6rds have been fired, athletes will clear their pistol and run up to the bridge to the tank trap.
Athletes will engage the 5 steel just on the other side of the pond with 2rd each from the tank trap. Engage from L to R.
From here, athletes will perform a quick mag change and then shoot 2rd (must hit twice) on each paper target at the base of the bridge. After the bogies under the bridge have been neutralized, athletes will run over to the big black tunnel, enter the tunnel and shoot the long range targets. Athletes will fire 4rd at each of the long targets, engaging near to far (left to right).
Athletes will have a par time of 3:00 to complete this shooting course.
After the firing course is complete or the par time is reached, athletes will then go over to the rucksacks, take off their gear and put their gear inside of the rucksack. Plate carrier and rifle. Rifle must be broken into 2 pieces (upper and lower separated).
After the rifle and PC are in the rucksack, athletes will follow the white flags and orange markings for the long run.
Follow the white flags until you come to a bay, you will shoot 6rd at the RED sammy, you will have :20sec to get all 6rd down range. After this pistol shoot, your firing sequences for this stage are done.
Pistol MUST stay holstered on the hip, cannot go in ruck.

Follow the marked course until back at the finish line. Yell your athlete number to the judges so they can get your time.

Penalties: 10sec per miss closer than 200yd, 20sec per miss greater than 200yd (8 targets, 22rd)

Each person will Pistol shoot, one athlete will shoot from the tank trap, one athlete will shoot the bogies at the bridge, both athletes will shoot the long range. Still only have 3:00 to shoot.
Team Rucks: each teammate will have their own rucksack.

Get me over Mate

Load Out: 3 x 12 Rifle, 3 x 12 Pistol

Firing Sequence: FS 1: Rifle and Pistol thru Square Port, FS 2, Rifle and Pistol thru Circle Port, FS 3: Rifle and Pistol thru Rectangle Port

Stage Description:
Athletes will stage their mags on a barrel at the end of the playing field.
On the call of go, athletes will pick up their sandbag and put it up and over the crossbar of the yoke, athletes will then follow the sandbag over the yoke. Athletes will complete 5 sandbag/athlete over yokes before picking up their sandbag and running down the field to their barrell to grab one rifle and one pistol magazine. After the athletes have retrieved a magazine, they will come back down the field, drop the sand bag at the yoke, and complete FS 1.
After FS 1 is complete, athletes will pick up the sandbag and perform 6 sandbag/athlete over yokes before taking the sandbag back downfield with them to grab their second set of magazines, one rifle and one pistol.
Athletes will bring their mags, and sandbags back down the field, drop the sandbag at the yoke and move forward to complete FS 2.
After FS 2 is complete, athletes will pick up the sandbag and perform 7 sandbag/athlete over yokes before taking the sandbag back downfield with them to grab their last set of rifle and pistol magazines, and coming back down the field for FS 3. Athletes will drop their sandbag off at the yoke, move forward and complete the FS.
After FS 3 is complete, and weapons are cleared, athletes will sprint down the field and touch their barrel to finish.

Time Cap: 12 min

Penalties: 10 sec per miss, 3 sec per sandbag over yoke, 7 sec per athlete over yoke, 15 sec per ½ length not complete of run

Elite M: 100
Elite W: 75
Tac M: 75
Tac W: 50
Masters/Inter: 50
Inter W: 35

Get me over Mate Team

Load Out: 3 x 6 Rifle, 3 x 6 Pistol EACH

Firing Sequence: FS 1: Rifle and Pistol thru Square Port, FS 2, Rifle and Pistol thru Circle Port, FS 3: Rifle and Pistol thru Rectangle Port

Stage Description:
Athletes will stage their mags on a barrel at the end of the playing field.
On the call of go, athletes will pick up their sandbag and put it up and over the crossbar of the yoke, athletes will then follow the sandbag over the yoke. Athletes will complete 3 sandbag/athlete over yokes (EACH, follow the leader style, you each will have a sandbag) before picking up their sandbag and running down the field to their barrell to grab one rifle and one pistol magazine each. After the athletes have retrieved a magazine, they will come back down the field, drop the sand bag at the yoke, and complete FS 1. (Both sandbags must go down field)
After FS 1 is complete, athletes will pick up the sandbag and perform 5 sandbag/athlete over yokes (each) before taking the sandbag back downfield with them to grab their second set of magazines, one rifle and one pistol.
Athletes will bring their mags, and sandbag back down the field, drop the sandbag at the yoke and move forward to complete FS 2.
After FS 2 is complete, athletes will pick up the sandbag and perform 7 sandbag/athlete over yokes (each) before taking the sandbag back downfield with them to grab their last set of rifle and pistol magazines, and coming back down the field for FS 3. Athletes will drop their sandbag off at the yoke, move forward and complete the FS.
After FS 3 is complete, and weapons are cleared. Athletes will sprint down the field and touch their barrel to finish.

Time Cap: 12 min

Penalties: 10 sec per miss, 3 sec per sandbag over yoke, 5 sec per athlete over yoke, 15 sec per ½ length not complete of run

Inter: 50
Inter W: 35

Sleds and Stones

Load Out: 4 x 8 Rifle, 4 x 8 Pistol

Firing Sequence: FS: 4rd thru SQUARE port, 4 rd thru RECTANGLE port each round.

Stage Description:
On the call of go, athletes will run down and complete the first FS.
After the FS is complete, athletes will pick up their sleds and take them on the looped path around the field staying on the outside of the cones.
After the sled lap is complete and sled is fully in the box, athletes will pick up their husafell stone and run it down the field to the S/F box, turn around, and go back to the drop zone at the firing line.
After the down & back with the Husafell stone, athletes will complete FS 2. After FS 2 is complete, athletes will take the sled on another lap, this time backwards. Once the sled is fully back inside the box athletes will pick up the husafell and make another down & back trip to the S/F box (Elite/Tactical only, everyone else will run).
After making it back to the firing line, athletes will complete FS 3.
After FS 3 is complete, athletes will pick up the sled and go on one final sled loop (any way you see fit). After the sled is back inside of the box, athletes will make one last down & back with the Husafell stone (Elite/Tactical only, everyone else will run).
Once back, athletes will complete FS 4.
After the final FS is complete and weapons are cleared, athletes will sprint back to the S/F box for time to stop.

Time Cap: 12 min

Penalties: 10 sec per miss, 10sec ¼ sled loop not complete, 10 sec per ½ husafell length not complete

Elite M: 45/25
Elite W: 45
Tac M: 45
Tac W: 25
Masters/Inter M: 35
Inter W: 15

Sleds and Stones TEAM

Load Out: 4 x 8 Rifle, 4 x 8 Pistol EACH

Firing Sequence: FS: 4rd thru SQUARE port, 4 rd thru RECTANGLE port each round.

Stage Description:
On the call of go, athletes will run down field and athlete 1 will take the sled for a lap around the cones while athlete 2 is at the drop zone by the firing line. After the sled lap is complete, athlete 2 will take the husafell down & back to the S/F box. Once the husafell is back, both athletes can complete FS 1.
After FS 1 is complete, athlete 2 will take the sled on a lap around the cones while athlete 1 waits at the drop zone by the firing line. After the sled lap is complete, athlete 1 will take the husafell down & back to the S/F box. Once the husafell is back, both athletes can complete FS 2.
After FS 2 is complete, athlete 1 will take the sled on another lap, this time backwards. After the sled is back to the drop zone, athlete 2 will take the husafell for another down & back to the S/F box. Once the husafell is back, both athletes can complete FS 3.
After FS 3 is complete, athlete 2 will take the sled on another lap, this time backwards. After the sled is back to the drop zone, athlete 2 will take the husafell for another down & back to the S/F box. Once the husafell is back, both athletes can complete FS 4.
After FS 4 is complete and weapons are cleared, both athletes will run back to the S/F box for time to be called.

Time Cap: 12 min

Penalties: 10 sec per miss, ??? ½ sled loop not complete (need to vet), 10 sec per ½ husafell length not complete

Sled: 35
Husafell: Empty

Load Out: 3 x 5 Rifle, 3 x 5 Pistol, with 6 extra rds of each loose (rifle and pistol)

Firing Sequence: Rifle from tank trap, then pistol from standing.
Rifle: Must make 5 hits, if not, you have 2 more chances each round. For every number under 5 hits, is a penalty lap.
Pistol: Must make 5 hits, if not, you have 2 more chances each round. For every number under 5 hits, is a penalty lap.

Stage Description:
Athletes will start with their hand on the tank trap, on the call of go, athletes will run the 400m looped course through the trees, staying between the red flags.
Once back at the tank trap athletes will complete the firing sequence. Athletes must get 5 hits each round, if they do not, they will have 2 extra rounds per weapon to make 5 hits. So if agter 5 shots the athlete only has 3 hits, they get 2 chances to get those last 2 hits.. If after (7) shots the athlete only has 3 hits, the athlete will run 2 penalty laps around the outside of the blue flags. Athletes must touch their tank traps on the last penalty lap before taking off on another 400m.
If after 5 shots the athlete has 5 hits (on both weapons) they will then go on another 400m loop.
This is a 3 round stage. Athletes will complete 3 identical rounds.

If athletes time cap on the run, each 100m is scored and worth a :30 penalty (2:00 if the last 400 was not ran at all), marked with an orange cone. Also, 10 sec per round left in magazines (not including the extra rounds, only initial rounds in mags unfired.

Must run together
1 shoot pistol, the other shoot rifle each round.
Penalty laps are ran together.

Time Cap: 12min


Load Out: 2 x 3 Rifle, 2 x 3 Pistol

Athletes will start in the back of the 3 boxes. On the beep, athletes will draw their rifle and engage the close 2 targets first with one round each to the head, then the middle target third with one round to the head. Athletes can engage either close target first, left or right, does not matter.
Athletes will perform a rifle mag change while moving forward to the middle box, athletes will then repeat this process by engaging the close targets first in any order, and then the middle target last, with one round to the head on each target
After the rifle is dry, athletes will transition to their pistol and engage the close 2 targets first, with one round to the (-0) in each, and then the middle target with one round to the (-0)
Athletes will perform a pistol mag change while moving to the closest box and repeat the process by engaging the close 2 targets first and then the middle target last, one round on each of the (-0) of each target.

Miss: 1.5 sec

*****Set Up Notes: from the back shooting box, the middle target is 20yd. From the front shooting box, the middle target is 12-15yd. The outside targets are 5yd closer than the middle target and 5-7 yd outside the middle target. Boxes should be 2.5yd apart
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Re: The Tactical Games Texas


Post by Paladin »

The Husafell "stone" was particularly nasty. You carry the 110lb weight (at least that's what they claim, I didn't get a look inside to see if there was extra) on your chest, which makes breathing particularly difficult.

Gonna need a few days to recover from this one, but it was certainly a challenge.
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Re: The Tactical Games Texas


Post by The Annoyed Man »

I read the whole thing. That was enough. Now my back and shoulders are sore. :lol:

I’m a little bit in awe. There’s no way I could do this thing. I simply don’t have the physical capacity for it any longer. And by the time I’ve lost enough weight to make it feasible, I’ll be 71 or 72, so…

A friend of mine has previously invited me to the Pawnee (OK) Run and Gun, which is just a multiple shooting stages sequence with either a 5K or 10K walk/run along the route, carrying a rifle, pistol, and a small ruck with water and ammo. The event is timed, and the rifle stages are mostly shot at longer distances than the event you’re describing…from about 50 to maybe 300 yards, with one unknown distance stage with the target which I recall at the time being around 350 yards or so. My friend said that he had to use the reticle in his scope to dope the range. (He’s a medically retired MARSOC scout/sniper. I’ve learned a lot from him.) It’s been a few years since I thought about this event, but I think I’d like to try it when I get my weight down to a more manageable level.
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Re: The Tactical Games Texas


Post by Paladin »

This is a picture of the husafell "stone" Image

Essentially you are carrying that on your chest with your gear about 100 yards, not being able to breath while it's against your chest. I lived, but it took every ounce of effort I had... then had to shoot tiny targets afterwards... its a level of physical stress before shooting I had not previously experienced. Murphy is in full force... under that kind of stress... things that had previously always gone right, all start to go wrong. Very eye opening!

I manipulate weapon safeties without thinking about it... but under that extreme stress... my ability to do weapon safety manipulation and even adjusting my EOTech settings was breaking down. The good news is that once you do this stress exposure training it starts to get easier. I noticed a substantial improvement on day 2.

Can't say I ranked well, but it was learning experience for sure. I had always guessed that SPECOPS fitness was well above my level... now I'm sure of it! I hope to incorporate some of the lessons learned into my gear and training.
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Re: The Tactical Games Texas


Post by Paladin »

This is the pistol portion of the "Long Movement Stage":

You can just make out 2 small steel plates about 40 yards from the firing line. Shooters alternated between the plates making an already impressively difficult task even more so. Honestly a stage for the racegun crowd as ~6inch plates make it a quite difficult. I was glad to get a couple hits out of 6 tries.

This was the "biathlon" shooting position:

The rifle steel was 50 yards away in front of the hay bales. Pistol targets were 10 yards out. Even after running 400m in my rifle plates I was pleased with my marksmanship on the stage, but timed out due some other factors.
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Re: The Tactical Games Texas


Post by RoyGBiv »

Paladin wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 9:53 am This is a picture of the husafell "stone" Image

Essentially you are carrying that on your chest with your gear about 100 yards, not being able to breath while it's against your chest. I lived, but it took every ounce of effort I had... then had to shoot tiny targets afterwards... its a level of physical stress before shooting I had not previously experienced. Murphy is in full force... under that kind of stress... things that had previously always gone right, all start to go wrong. Very eye opening!

I manipulate weapon safeties without thinking about it... but under that extreme stress... my ability to do weapon safety manipulation and even adjusting my EOTech settings was breaking down. The good news is that once you do this stress exposure training it starts to get easier. I noticed a substantial improvement on day 2.

Can't say I ranked well, but it was learning experience for sure. I had always guessed that SPECOPS fitness was well above my level... now I'm sure of it! I hope to incorporate some of the lessons learned into my gear and training.
That's pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing.
My PT would scowl grimly at my carrying such a heavy weight any distance with my bad neck. Did they have an "old and broken" division? :lol:

Seriously... looks like fun and plenty of learning. :thumbs2:
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Re: The Tactical Games Texas


Post by Paladin »

RoyGBiv wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 1:08 pm Did they have an "old and broken" division? :lol:
They have Masters 40+ and Master 50+ divisions... but not any that I would call broken. A number of "Masters" were obviously retired special ops guys and they were scoring well in both Masters and the overall category. Three of the top 11 overall were Masters.

They have pushed up the fitness intensity at Tactical Games in the last year or two. I do wish they went a bit easier on those of us who aren't getting any younger. I knew it was going to be tough, but I dramatically underestimated how tough... and I was running with the "old guys". The cadre were very supportive overall even to those of us struggling to keep up.
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