Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?

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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by dpop19 »

stroo wrote:M&P 9c with a magazine extension may be another gun to look at. Like the Glock 19 it is a medium sized gun so it handles much like a full sized M&P but is a little easier to conceal. Pinky extensions also help on most small guns.
I've owned both the M&P 9c and the Glock 19. What I noticed is that if you add the magazine with the pinky extension to the M&P 9c, it ends up being the EXACT same length grip as the Glock 19. So with both being equally concealable I stuck with the Glock 19 because it holds 15 rounds instead of the M&P 9c with 12 rounds. So I guess what i'm saying, is if you end up carrying the M&P 9c with the pinky extension mag you end up losing 3 rounds without gaining any more "concealability" (spell check). If your not as worried about having a pinky on the grip then the M&P 9c is a great gun.
Fluidic wrote:What brand of holsters would you recommend for either concealed or open?
I have used the Crossbreed Supertuck, and used to love it but I have fallen in love with the Stealthgear Onyx IWB. People get upset that it costs $99, but now that I have used it, I would pay $200 for it. It is extremely comfortable, breathable, and concealable.

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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by Abraham »

Unless these signs get far, far more numerous, there are plenty businesses who are not posted.

Just do the simple, easy for the blood pressure thing and shop where not posted.

You have a large choice of places to go.
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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by LosAlce »

Flightmare wrote:
My friends are pondering holding an intervention for my addiction. I bought one in November, January, February, and March. Made it thru April without buying a new one though. I cannot say the same about ammo though. :fire
Have definitely done the "celebratory" purchase when we went a whole month without purchasing a gun "rlol"
Fludic wrote: What brand of holsters would you recommend for either concealed or open?
I'm currently trying out an Alien Gear cloak tuck 3.0 and my better half was drawn to the Stealthgear Onyx IWB. Haven't been able to carry for about a week now since I threw out my back but my better half says the alien gear is really comfortable and he didn't notice it at all...except for it made him sweaty. That's the reason we bought him the Stealthgear ONYX (we're still waiting on it. Lead time they gave us was 45 days) because he is a prolific sweater and it's breathable, as mentioned by dpop19. I'm hoping it will help keep him cooler (temp wise) so that it'll encourage him to carry everyday.

We also have a Gcode INCOG for our Glock 26 and Glock 17. They both can fit in the same holster and it is REALLY comfortable but probably more ideal for appendix carry. 2 o'clock and 2:30 also worked pretty well too. I would use it more but I need to lose a few more pounds before I would be satisfied with my ability to conceal it. Lead time on that was a long time too. Waited 7 weeks but it is definitely high quality. I was impressed and feel like I got what I paid for. The Alien gear by far was the most inexpensive. Wish I could tell you more about it but that will have to wait till i'm healed up.

I am a youtube fanatic when it comes to trying to choose the right gear for myself. I like to set and weigh all my options before I make a purchase, especially if it's going to be on a $80+ holster
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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by Flightmare »

Fluidic wrote:What brand of holsters would you recommend for either concealed or open?
I've been keeping my Sig P938 in a Desantis Nemesis pocket holster. At worst, it prints like a smart phone. But it is easy enough to carry on a big guy like myself. Especially during summer when I'm prone to sweat.
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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by vjallen75 »

LosAlce wrote:I'm currently trying out an Alien Gear cloak tuck 3.0 and my better half was drawn to the Stealthgear Onyx IWB. Haven't been able to carry for about a week now since I threw out my back but my better half says the alien gear is really comfortable and he didn't notice it at all...except for it made him sweaty. That's the reason we bought him the Stealthgear ONYX (we're still waiting on it. Lead time they gave us was 45 days) because he is a prolific sweater and it's breathable, as mentioned by dpop19. I'm hoping it will help keep him cooler (temp wise) so that it'll encourage him to carry everyday.

We also have a Gcode INCOG for our Glock 26 and Glock 17. They both can fit in the same holster and it is REALLY comfortable but probably more ideal for appendix carry. 2 o'clock and 2:30 also worked pretty well too. I would use it more but I need to lose a few more pounds before I would be satisfied with my ability to conceal it. Lead time on that was a long time too. Waited 7 weeks but it is definitely high quality. I was impressed and feel like I got what I paid for. The Alien gear by far was the most inexpensive. Wish I could tell you more about it but that will have to wait till i'm healed up.

I am a youtube fanatic when it comes to trying to choose the right gear for myself. I like to set and weigh all my options before I make a purchase, especially if it's going to be on a $80+ holster
I've been considering using an IWB holster lately, I haven't carried as much as I'd like to but I am going to consider looking at this Alien Gear one. I like the look of it, but I am somewhat of a sweater as well. I may just suck it up and use that anyways. I have an OWB holster right now and I feel like everyone can see it!

I am definitely a Youtuber as well, I research everything before I buy.
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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by LosAlce »

vjallen75 wrote:
I've been considering using an IWB holster lately, I haven't carried as much as I'd like to but I am going to consider looking at this Alien Gear one. I like the look of it, but I am somewhat of a sweater as well. I may just suck it up and use that anyways. I have an OWB holster right now and I feel like everyone can see it!

I am definitely a Youtuber as well, I research everything before I buy.
Whats nice about Alien Gear is their return policy and their customer service. I had a question about a particular product and they answered me pretty much within the hour. That, along with the price point, the sheer volume of guns they provide kydex shells for, and the modular nature of their product convinced me. Mind you, they're not the only ones doing that of course, but I went with my gut. I always wonder if others are as obsessive as I am when researching :lol:
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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by Pariah3j »

LosAlce wrote:
vjallen75 wrote:
I've been considering using an IWB holster lately, I haven't carried as much as I'd like to but I am going to consider looking at this Alien Gear one. I like the look of it, but I am somewhat of a sweater as well. I may just suck it up and use that anyways. I have an OWB holster right now and I feel like everyone can see it!

I am definitely a Youtuber as well, I research everything before I buy.
Whats nice about Alien Gear is their return policy and their customer service. I had a question about a particular product and they answered me pretty much within the hour. That, along with the price point, the sheer volume of guns they provide kydex shells for, and the modular nature of their product convinced me. Mind you, they're not the only ones doing that of course, but I went with my gut. I always wonder if others are as obsessive as I am when researching :lol:
I enjoy my Alien Gears as well. I have a 2.0 and a 3.0 - I must say the 3.0 imo is alot better made. My only complaint about the Alien Gears is they are kind of a pain to take off/put on. This leads it to being my holster on the weekends and such. Since I can't carry at work, I put on my gun while headed to work, take it off and store it in the car and then put it back on for the drive home.
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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by vjallen75 »

LosAlce wrote:Whats nice about Alien Gear is their return policy and their customer service. I had a question about a particular product and they answered me pretty much within the hour. That, along with the price point, the sheer volume of guns they provide kydex shells for, and the modular nature of their product convinced me. Mind you, they're not the only ones doing that of course, but I went with my gut. I always wonder if others are as obsessive as I am when researching :lol:
They are nice looking holsters, and you can't beat good customer service. My only concern with IWB is getting used to it being in a different spot but OWB isn't fully comfortable to me either.
Pariah3j wrote:I enjoy my Alien Gears as well. I have a 2.0 and a 3.0 - I must say the 3.0 imo is alot better made. My only complaint about the Alien Gears is they are kind of a pain to take off/put on. This leads it to being my holster on the weekends and such. Since I can't carry at work, I put on my gun while headed to work, take it off and store it in the car and then put it back on for the drive home.
I do the same thing, carry until I get to work then on my way home I carry again. It's a pain in the butt but it's worth it. Does it get hot/sweaty wearing it? That would be my concern but if it's comfortable I could get used to it.
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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by Pariah3j »

vjallen75 wrote:I do the same thing, carry until I get to work then on my way home I carry again. It's a pain in the butt but it's worth it. Does it get hot/sweaty wearing it? That would be my concern but if it's comfortable I could get used to it.
Oh its worth it, but for ease of taking on/off I'm basically using one of these:


My experience w/ the Alien Gear(and the Galco) holsters they haven't made me sweat. But I started carrying in late Oct when I got my plastic, not really the hot part of the year. Plus I tend to wear a undershirt which goes between my body and the holster so that may help as well. I suspect that if it ever makes me sweat, it's less to do with the holster and more to do with the season (aka the hot Texas summer).
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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by vjallen75 »

Pariah3j wrote:My experience w/ the Alien Gear(and the Galco) holsters they haven't made me sweat. But I started carrying in late Oct when I got my plastic, not really the hot part of the year. Plus I tend to wear a undershirt which goes between my body and the holster so that may help as well. I suspect that if it ever makes me sweat, it's less to do with the holster and more to do with the season (aka the hot Texas summer).
I always wear an undershirt as well so it may not effect me either. I will eventually buy one and go from there. BTW I use a safariland GLS 578 holster all the time. It's typically easy to take on and off
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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by allisji »

I carry in a High Noon holster very similar to this one. IWB tuckable, with a belt clip. It is so easy to take on and off that I rarely ever take the gun out of the holster. I just put the holster on and off. And it's very comfortable to wear as well, even without an undershirt tucked behind the holster I have no problem with it, though I do prefer to have an undershirt tucked behind especially when I am wearing a buttoned down shirt tucked over the holster.
Pariah3j wrote:
vjallen75 wrote:I do the same thing, carry until I get to work then on my way home I carry again. It's a pain in the butt but it's worth it. Does it get hot/sweaty wearing it? That would be my concern but if it's comfortable I could get used to it.
Oh its worth it, but for ease of taking on/off I'm basically using one of these:


My experience w/ the Alien Gear(and the Galco) holsters they haven't made me sweat. But I started carrying in late Oct when I got my plastic, not really the hot part of the year. Plus I tend to wear a undershirt which goes between my body and the holster so that may help as well. I suspect that if it ever makes me sweat, it's less to do with the holster and more to do with the season (aka the hot Texas summer).
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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by drjoker »

If you open carry, be very careful of those pesky 30.07 signs. You don't want to get in trouble. Also, some places will ask you to leave but not post a sign such as Costco or Whataburger if you open carry.

In the summer, it is very difficult to concealed carry unless you want to look like a slob with your shirt untucked. If I am sure that the places I go to are open carry friendly, I'll open carry; wal-mart, krogers, cabela's, academy's, gun stores, mom and pop ethnic restaurants, etc. Otherwise, I suggest you conceal carry, especially when visiting a large corporate owned business based in California, New York, or Austin because they are all not 2nd A friendly; Whole Foods, Sprouts, LA Fitness, any hospital, etc.

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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by stroo »


I wasn't talking about using the pinky extension on the M&P 9c. I use a full size mag with grip extension to give you a full size grip and 17 round capacity.
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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Flightmare wrote: My friends are pondering holding an intervention for my addiction. I bought one in November, January, February, and March. Made it thru April without buying a new one though. I cannot say the same about ammo though. :fire
Really? Sounds perfectly normal to me!!!
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Re: Open vs concealed; Which is accepted more?


Post by Flightmare »

Bitter Clinger wrote:
Flightmare wrote: My friends are pondering holding an intervention for my addiction. I bought one in November, January, February, and March. Made it thru April without buying a new one though. I cannot say the same about ammo though. :fire
Really? Sounds perfectly normal to me!!!
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