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Post by JohnnyReb »

Hello all. I came across this forum and had to join. A little bit about myself....My wife and I live in Cleburne, TX, and I currently have a CHL. I got into guns a couple of years ago as I am only 27 yrs old. It first started with a handgun for home defense, and shot right into a hobby. : ) My wife plans on getting her CHL in the near future although she wants to practice shooting a little more. I am a member on TexasGunTalk and also TaurusArmed. I look forward to learning a lot from members here! I posted pictures of our collection so far.
our Taurus PT-1911s.JPG
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Re: New Member


Post by Excaliber »

JohnnyReb wrote:Hello all. I came across this forum and had to join. A little bit about myself....My wife and I live in Cleburne, TX, and I currently have a CHL. I got into guns a couple of years ago as I am only 27 yrs old. It first started with a handgun for home defense, and shot right into a hobby. : ) My wife plans on getting her CHL in the near future although she wants to practice shooting a little more. I am a member on TexasGunTalk and also TaurusArmed. I look forward to learning a lot from members here! I posted pictures of our collection so far.
Welcome, JohnnyReb. We're glad to have you!

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Post by joe817 »

Welcome to the forum JohnnyReb! Glad to have you with us. There's a great bunch of guys & gals on the forum to get to know.

Look forward to your future posts.
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Re: New Member


Post by cougartex »

Welcome from SE Texas. :txflag:
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Re: New Member


Post by USA1 »

Welcome to the forum JohnnyReb :txflag:

That's quite a collection you have there. I see that you're a Taurus fan as well. ;-)
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Re: New Member


Post by MojoTexas »

Welcome to the forum! Looks like you're ready for the zombie apocalypse! ;-)

MojoTexas :txflag:
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Re: New Member


Post by USA1 »

MojoTexas wrote:Welcome to the forum! Looks like you're ready for the zombie apocalypse! ;-)
Everybody head to JohnnyReb's house when the Zombies come. :lol:
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Re: New Member


Post by JohnnyReb »

USA1 wrote:Welcome to the forum JohnnyReb :txflag:

That's quite a collection you have there. I see that you're a Taurus fan as well. ;-)
Thank you. Yes, I think Taurus is up there for best bang for the buck. A lot of gun snobs as I call them shun Taurus guns, but they are no where near the bottom in my opinion. I believe it's mostly people with a larger budget than myself that have little to no experience with Taurus that feel that way, or they've a bad experience with early on models from the company. One of my bosses where I work bought a Kimber 1911 for home defense and has never shot it, but has "heard" bad things about Taurus! (rolling my eyes) My father-in-law carrys a Smith&Wesson 1911 that our PT-1911's can match at the range, and the Milllenium Pro series is one of best carry choices around. Most especially for the calibers that are easier to find than .380. I have shot the 24/7 series, and they feel and shoot excellent. The PT709 and TCP interest me as well. I wish .380 ammo would hurry up and re-surface more often. My first handgun was a S&W Sigma in .40. I hated that gun. The trigger pull was aweful. It served it's purpose for home defense but was not a great range gun, in my opinion. That's just it. S&W makes great revolvers and I've heard the M&P series is really solid, so why would I knock them over a lower grade weapon they make? Anyways, what Taurus gun/guns do you own? I carry a Taurus PT-111 Millennium Pro, and have the blued PT-1911. My wife got the PT-1911 duo-tone for Christmas. She also has a Charter Arms Pink Lady in .38. The other guns in the photos I posted are my Ruger 10/22, WASR 10-63, Mossberg Maverick 12 GA, Marlin 336W 30-30 with a Cabela's scope designed for Lever-Evolution ammo, and my Mossberg 16 GA bolt-action shotgun handed down to me from my grandad. Everyone on here is welcome to take shelter at the alamo,aka my house, when the zombies arrive. lol
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Re: New Member


Post by USA1 »

JohnnyReb wrote:
USA1 wrote:Welcome to the forum JohnnyReb :txflag:

That's quite a collection you have there. I see that you're a Taurus fan as well. ;-)
Anyways, what Taurus gun/guns do you own?
Well, I don't currently own one, but my first "carry gun" was a Taurus PT145.
It was a great shooter. It had probably 1000 rounds through it and went bang every time.
I kinda wish I'd held on to it but I used it to help fund my current carry gun...XD40sc.
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Re: New Member


Post by MojoTexas »

I own a couple of Taurus pistols and I think they're GREAT values for the money. I too, have met some people that have "heard bad things" about Taurus. I have a Taurus PT145 Millenium that I've easily put over 1000 rounds through, and it's a great little double-stack DAO compact pistol. I also have a Taurus 627 Tracker in .357 Magnum, and it's a lot of fun to shoot as well. It gets a lot of attention at the range when it goes BOOM, due to the ported barrel. I have had zero mechanical problems with both pistols and they are accurate and well made.

One thing Taurus offers that other manufacturers don't is a lifetime warranty. If it ever breaks, send it in, and they fix it.

I'm not saying that there aren't occasionally problems...that's true with just about any manufacturer. But if you're on a tighter budget, it's possible to get a lot of gun for the money.

All that being said, I love my Kimber and my Springfield XDm as well....but they just fill niches in my collection. My 627 Tracker is my go-to gun when I'm out in the woods, and my PT145 is much easier to conceal than my Kimber, and holds two additional rounds of .45 ACP.
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Re: New Member


Post by JohnnyReb »

One thing Taurus offers that other manufacturers don't is a lifetime warranty. If it ever breaks, send it in, and they fix it.

Plus, I got a one year NRA membership with the PT-1911 purchase. I understand that there are other excellent guns out there. Believe me, I've held and shot several that are on my wishlist! I just get frustrated when I mention Taurus, and someone acts like I said Cobra, Jennings, Hi-Point, etc. The only reason my dad or father-in-law don't own a Taurus is they want to buy American and thats understandable.
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Re: New Member


Post by E150GT »

JohnnyReb wrote:
USA1 wrote:Welcome to the forum JohnnyReb :txflag:

That's quite a collection you have there. I see that you're a Taurus fan as well. ;-)
Thank you. Yes, I think Taurus is up there for best bang for the buck. A lot of gun snobs as I call them shun Taurus guns, but they are no where near the bottom in my opinion. I believe it's mostly people with a larger budget than myself that have little to no experience with Taurus that feel that way, or they've a bad experience with early on models from the company. One of my bosses where I work bought a Kimber 1911 for home defense and has never shot it, but has "heard" bad things about Taurus! (rolling my eyes) My father-in-law carrys a Smith&Wesson 1911 that our PT-1911's can match at the range, and the Milllenium Pro series is one of best carry choices around. Most especially for the calibers that are easier to find than .380. I have shot the 24/7 series, and they feel and shoot excellent. The PT709 and TCP interest me as well. I wish .380 ammo would hurry up and re-surface more often. My first handgun was a S&W Sigma in .40. I hated that gun. The trigger pull was aweful. It served it's purpose for home defense but was not a great range gun, in my opinion. That's just it. S&W makes great revolvers and I've heard the M&P series is really solid, so why would I knock them over a lower grade weapon they make? Anyways, what Taurus gun/guns do you own? I carry a Taurus PT-111 Millennium Pro, and have the blued PT-1911. My wife got the PT-1911 duo-tone for Christmas. She also has a Charter Arms Pink Lady in .38. The other guns in the photos I posted are my Ruger 10/22, WASR 10-63, Mossberg Maverick 12 GA, Marlin 336W 30-30 with a Cabela's scope designed for Lever-Evolution ammo, and my Mossberg 16 GA bolt-action shotgun handed down to me from my grandad. Everyone on here is welcome to take shelter at the alamo,aka my house, when the zombies arrive. lol
I have two Taurus handguns. a PT111 9mm and a TCP .380. The PT111 I bought slightly used and is a great shooter. I carry that one daily. The TCP I am not impressed with. It was jam after jam. It will not eject a live round properly. I will be sending it back to Taurus soon. Hopefully they can fix it cause it would be a great BUG. I just dont trust it to save my life right now.

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Re: New Member


Post by JohnnyReb »

E150GT wrote:
JohnnyReb wrote:
USA1 wrote:Welcome to the forum JohnnyReb :txflag:

That's quite a collection you have there. I see that you're a Taurus fan as well. ;-)
Thank you. Yes, I think Taurus is up there for best bang for the buck. A lot of gun snobs as I call them shun Taurus guns, but they are no where near the bottom in my opinion. I believe it's mostly people with a larger budget than myself that have little to no experience with Taurus that feel that way, or they've a bad experience with early on models from the company. One of my bosses where I work bought a Kimber 1911 for home defense and has never shot it, but has "heard" bad things about Taurus! (rolling my eyes) My father-in-law carrys a Smith&Wesson 1911 that our PT-1911's can match at the range, and the Milllenium Pro series is one of best carry choices around. Most especially for the calibers that are easier to find than .380. I have shot the 24/7 series, and they feel and shoot excellent. The PT709 and TCP interest me as well. I wish .380 ammo would hurry up and re-surface more often. My first handgun was a S&W Sigma in .40. I hated that gun. The trigger pull was aweful. It served it's purpose for home defense but was not a great range gun, in my opinion. That's just it. S&W makes great revolvers and I've heard the M&P series is really solid, so why would I knock them over a lower grade weapon they make? Anyways, what Taurus gun/guns do you own? I carry a Taurus PT-111 Millennium Pro, and have the blued PT-1911. My wife got the PT-1911 duo-tone for Christmas. She also has a Charter Arms Pink Lady in .38. The other guns in the photos I posted are my Ruger 10/22, WASR 10-63, Mossberg Maverick 12 GA, Marlin 336W 30-30 with a Cabela's scope designed for Lever-Evolution ammo, and my Mossberg 16 GA bolt-action shotgun handed down to me from my grandad. Everyone on here is welcome to take shelter at the alamo,aka my house, when the zombies arrive. lol
I have two Taurus handguns. a PT111 9mm and a TCP .380. The PT111 I bought slightly used and is a great shooter. I carry that one daily. The TCP I am not impressed with. It was jam after jam. It will not eject a live round properly. I will be sending it back to Taurus soon. Hopefully they can fix it cause it would be a great BUG. I just dont trust it to save my life right now.
That really sucks! A lot of people have told me to fight the urge when any new gun comes out because it takes them time to fix kinks that customers find. That's not true for every gun though. I hope they fix it quick, and haven't ruined your idea of Taurus.
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Re: New Member


Post by E150GT »

JohnnyReb wrote: That really sucks! A lot of people have told me to fight the urge when any new gun comes out because it takes them time to fix kinks that customers find. That's not true for every gun though. I hope they fix it quick, and haven't ruined your idea of Taurus.
Nah. I like Taurus. I seem to be a sucker for problems with my toys. I like my brands through thick and thin. I had an old Mercedes that I just could not part with even though I hated it. I still want another one. I will also buy a Taurus again. :banghead: Oh and welcome to the forum. I am a newbie myself.
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