Uncomfortable carrying

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Uncomfortable carrying


Post by usmcmech »

Hey guys, I'm new to this forum but I've been lurking for a while and learned a lot.

I just got my plastic in the mail yesterday and did my wally walk. The one thing I noticed VERY quickly is that wearing a pistol is downright painful. I told my wife that I imagine that this is what wearing a corset must feel like.

I'm carrying a Glock 19 in a Crossbreed supertuck IWB at about 4 o'clock.

Do you just get used to it?

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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by RPB »

wearing a corset
what gun belt?

I like CompTac gun belt with kydex stiffener

I carry 1 Glock 26 IWB at 3:00, and a second Glock 26 in a pocket with Desantis Nemesis, so I have more weight than a Glock 19
Last edited by RPB on Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by RPBrown »

What is your method of carry and do you have a good gun belt?

Carrying a weapon is supposed to be comforting not comfortable. However, it can be really uncomfortable if the right set up for you is not achieved, i.e. proper holster and belt. Even then it will take a little getting used too.

I carry full size 1911's and an XD45 with no issues
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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by GeekwithaGun »

I carry a full-size S&W M&P 9mm in a Comp-Tac minatour IWB with no issue. A good gunbelt will help, also the position of the holster may need to be adjusted so it is more comfortable for you. I had to find the "sweet spot" for carrying and draw and once I did, I hardly notice it anymore.

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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by knotquiteawake »

uncomfortable how? Do you have your belt too tight? I am wearing a g19 in a CB Supertuck right now and its fairly comfortable. There is a little bit of play in the waistline right now so i could tighten my belt another notch but THEN it would feel like wearing a corset to me. If its not going to make your pants fall down then I would suggest you loosen your belt a bit and see how that feels.

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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by Redneck_Buddha »

Recent weight loss has enabled me to appendix carry my XDs with a very simple holster. If you are on the slender side, you may want to look at that. Also, drawing from appendix carry can be quicker.

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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by Dave2 »

usmcmech wrote:Hey guys, I'm new to this forum but I've been lurking for a while and learned a lot.

I just got my plastic in the mail yesterday and did my wally walk. The one thing I noticed VERY quickly is that wearing a pistol is downright painful. I told my wife that I imagine that this is what wearing a corset must feel like.

I'm carrying a Glock 19 in a Crossbreed supertuck IWB at about 4 o'clock.

Do you just get used to it?
If the analogy you came up with is a corset, then I'd imagine your belt is too tight or your pants are too small around the waist. The general rule of thumb is to add two inches to your waist size when carrying IWB. Also, I really like wearing a t-shirt with IWB carry. It's not quite as necessary with striker-fired guns like your Glock since they don't have a (usually) rough hammer sticking out trying to rub you raw, but I think it still helps. It'll probably take some experimenting to find the right combination of holster settings and "o'clock-ness" that both conceals and is comfortable for you, but if it ever hurts while you're just walking around then you're doing it wrong.
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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by snatchel »

Another vote for appendix if you can manage it. G17 appendix alllll the time for me.
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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by 68blackbird »

How long have you been wearing that setup? I was wearing my setups around the house weeks before I got my plastic. As others here have stated, a size or 2 up in the waist, a good belt, different location, you should be ok? I have similiar setup (Theis holster/G19), after a couple weeks, barely noticable....give it a couple weeks, if you still don't care for the way it feels, try another holster.....god knows there are 1 or 2 to compare to :mrgreen: ....Kel
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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by eddieconcarne »

The Crossbreed is outright the most comfortable holster available. What it sounds like to me is that before you had a pair of pants that fit you, and now you are wearing the same pants except stuffing the Glock/Crossbreed into them. And now they are too tight, which is why it is so uncomfortable. You need to wear pants that are at least 2 inches bigger than your normal size. The pants with holster should fit just like the pants without holster did, and if you wear the holster-pants without the holster, they should feel like you just got a off a big diet.

OR, for your body type, 4 O'clock might night be for you. If your pants are really the correct size for IWB carry, then try wearing this gun at 3:00 and move it back from there until it feels right.

But since you mentioned a corset, you just gotta be wearing your pre-carry pants.
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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by tomtexan »

usmcmech, have you ever tried OWB?
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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by magicglock »

I agree with the undershirt comment. I simply cannot carry IWB without an undershirt. I carried a G19/G23 for 5 years until I recently traded my G19 for a G26. While the size difference does not seem significant, it made all the difference in my ability to carry comfortably. I found the extra length of the slide caused the front end of the slide dig into my hip and the extra grip length difficult to conceal. Also, if your pants are too tight you just will not find a comfortable position. Right size gun for your frame/build, undershirt, good belt and right sized pants make a world of difference.
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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by Divided Attention »

The only adjustments I made was a good belt and an undershirt. I prefer the "underarmour" type material. Without the under garment I would get a sore spot from either the gun or holster rubbing. However, with a good belt and undershirt I wear sometimes 18 hours straight, working cattle, in the garden, moving hay and feed, mowing, etc. After almost 3 years the biggest problem I have is how lost I feel without it ;-)
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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by Wodathunkit »

USmcnech, your set up is identical to mine. I'm a big guy with "padding".

I'd check your belt, it may not be able to properly support.I have a heavy thick belt and I'm pretty comfy with the 19 in a super tuck. I went a size up in pants also to make up the 2" IWB needs.
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Re: Uncomfortable carrying


Post by C-dub »

I'll pile on. It does sound like the belt might be the weak link here. If it is not up to the task pulling it tighter to make up for that will be uncomfortable. A better gun-belt can be worn a little looser and get the job done more comfortably.
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