There is no legal penalty for confirming you have a CHL, just like there's no penalty for confirming you have a Driver License. You just gotta "follow the rules" while you're operating under each License.ExitusLSU wrote:For confirming that you carry. Or does the outing only refer if another person "sees" your weapon and that you're currently carrying? We were told that if you were walking down the street and wind blows you coat open and someone sees your weapon and reports you, you could get your license revoked.Lots of people wrote:Many quotes within quotes existed here
Remember I'm a noob at carrying, so I'm asking these questions to clarify questions that I have.
I've had people ask me "Do you have a CHL?" I'll answer in the affirmative, unless I have -very- good reason not to. I won't say whether or not I'm actively carrying, but again, there's no legal penalty there. The penalty is for "Failure to conceal," not "Failure to keep secret."