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Reflecting on my past misdeeds...

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:26 pm
by atxgun
Ok so this isn't as juicy as the subject made it out to be but after reading some other posts on roadblocks to a chl I wanted to get some feedback.

On thefiringline i read one guy in texas that got denied b/c he had been giving a ticket, even though it was dismissed, for playing music too loud. That whole disorderly conduct clause. I haven't been ticketed but a cop had come out to my place once before for such a complaint. I promptly turned off the music and he left. Like I said no ticket, he never even asked for my name. But I'm thinking they're going to match up a dispatch to that address while I was living there. Is that going to screw me?

Second thing is in the past year or so I got a ticket for having expired tags on my car. Got it taken care of the next day, was never arrested or anything. Heh, in fact I got it taken care of so fast the clerk was having a hard time b/c the ticket hadn't been entered into the system yet. I know there's a bunch of stuff saying "except for minor traffic offenses" but at the same time I've been reading about how TX is one of the most anal states for things that can nix your CHL so I'm left wondering about that.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:47 pm
by CleverNickname
Don't worry about either of those, you're freaking out too much.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:56 pm
by atxgun
that's the response I was hoping to hear :)

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:16 am
by seamusTX
Only class A and B misdemeanor, disorderly conduct, and felony convictions count.

You can forget about tickets for class C misdemeanors if you were not arrested (photograhed and fingerprinted) and either paid them or got them dismissed.

- Jim

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:00 pm
by Winston33
I was worried about the same thing. Those denial horror stories you hear can make you nervous. I called the licensing bureau, and was told not even to list tickets like that on the application. So again, I wouldnt worry.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:26 pm
by frankie_the_yankee
Winston33 wrote:I was worried about the same thing. Those denial horror stories you hear can make you nervous. I called the licensing bureau, and was told not even to list tickets like that on the application. So again, I wouldnt worry.
"Denial horror stories"? You don't know the half of it. How would you like to be denied because the AG did not think your "reason" was good enough?

That's how it is in the so-called "discretionary states" like RI where I used to live.

Oh, just so you don't get any ideas, "protection of innocent life" is not an adequate reason, by their standards.

To top it all off, people up there stereotype us Southerners as "dumb".