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new guy here

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:56 am
by dg721
Hey everyone,
Just thought i would introduce myself as it's my first day here. I'm trying to educate myself about well everything really. i'm looking to get a weapon for home protection and i've been reading up on handguns. I went to the range yesterday for the first time and learned quite a bit. A co worker of mine shoots glocks exclusively and has been talking to me about them but also has a sig for sale that seems to be a good deal. I know i dont know enough yet to buy, so i'll be reading quite a bit. looking forward to much discussion.


Re: new guy here

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:15 am
by hheremtp
dg721 wrote:Hey everyone,
Just thought i would introduce myself as it's my first day here. I'm trying to educate myself about well everything really. i'm looking to get a weapon for home protection and i've been reading up on handguns. I went to the range yesterday for the first time and learned quite a bit. A co worker of mine shoots glocks exclusively and has been talking to me about them but also has a sig for sale that seems to be a good deal. I know i dont know enough yet to buy, so i'll be reading quite a bit. looking forward to much discussion.


Welcome DG, you have come to the right place, IMHO you cant go wrong with either of those choices, I carry a Sig 229 in 40cal and I love it, I have never had any issues with it, I am not as familiar with glocks mostly because I dont care for polymer frames but that is a personal preference, my advice to you is to look a a wide variety of different guns and choose the caliber and gun that you feel comfortable with, just remember as a rule of thumb to go with the lagest caliber that you can comfortably and ACCURATLY shoot. The other thing I reccomend is to take a begginers class in the use of handguns, most gun ranges should offer one. It can be quite informative as the range instructor will point out any mistakes that you are making and help you correct them. Hope this helps.


Re: new guy here

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:53 am
by Keith B
Welcome to the forum. Glad to have you with us!

Re: new guy here

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:31 am
by dg721
thanks guys, i'll definitely be looking into a beginners class, any one know if the duncanville range is still open?

Re: new guy here

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:52 pm
Welcome!!! You will find an abundance of info on here about guns and which ones are better than others. IMO its up to you. What you are comfortable carrying, shooting and just handling in general. do your research and shoot the ones you like and make your decision on what you like and what feels good to you. Good lcuk!

Re: new guy here

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:31 pm
by longtooth
Welcome aboard from more of the Mod crew. WE are glad to have you & believer you have already made some good choices. You will continue to grow & mature as a CHL holder. :tiphat: