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Revolver vs Semi Qualification?

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:00 am
by y5e06
are there two different qualifications for CHL? This was something I didn't realize until talking with a friend of mine. He said you can qualify with revolver and have CHL for that or you can do auto and be able to conceal both revolver OR autoloader. Is that accurate? I have both but my Colt OMS wheelgun is a extremely accurate and I enjoy the most.


Re: Revolver vs Semi Qualification?

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:27 am
by boomerang
y5e06 wrote:are there two different qualifications for CHL? This was something I didn't realize until talking with a friend of mine. He said you can qualify with revolver and have CHL for that or you can do auto and be able to conceal both revolver OR autoloader. Is that accurate?
Basically, yes. Same test but the handgun you use determines if you get a SA or NSA license.

Re: Revolver vs Semi Qualification?

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:34 am
by longtooth
Correct above. If you qualify w/ a revolver you can only carry a revolver. If you qual w/ a SA then you can carry either.

Re: Revolver vs Semi Qualification?

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:24 am
by Hos
Since the qualification test is so easy, I suggest you qualify with a SA so you'll have the option to carry either. 4 years from your b-day is a long time before you recertify, who knows, maybe you'll find a SA that you like in certain situations so might as well have that option if you wish. Of course, you can have your license changed but it'll take time and money to qualify with a SA and get your license changed. Happy shooting,


Re: Revolver vs Semi Qualification?

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:57 pm
by y5e06
thanks for the follow ups. SA it is.

Re: Revolver vs Semi Qualification?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:59 am
by frazzled
Remember, frankly if the weapon operates and lightning doesn't hit you, you'll pas the shooting portion. I'd say the same for the written portion actually. I'm actually saddened at the low standards applied for both.

You're testing at 3yds, 7yds and 15yds. The only people that didn't pass the first time failed because they fired too many rounds in a given set. Just calmly listen to what the instructor says: how many to load, and when to shoot. You'll be fine. If your hearing is not so hot, set up close to the instructor so you can hear (I did that).