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Garland Newbie Saying Hello !!

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:54 pm
by pepperkay
Hi All:

Thought I'd introduce myself ...

I'm a native Californian but have lived in Garland for 15 years now ... hated to leave San Diego, but you gotta go where the work is ...

I've shot all my life (shotguns, rifles and a Colt 22 'Six Shooter') and have decided to buy a good CCW semi-automatic ...

I started practicing with an Airsoft Taurus 24/7, shooting 6 mm plastic BB's at my 'backyard range' and then moved up to a Smith and Wesson 22A short barrel ... have practiced diligently with this gun and regularly score 225+ on the B-27 target ...[

Now, the question ...

What's next ? ... need some advice on my next gun ... caliber - barrel length - weight ?? ...

Also, are there any shooters in or around Garland that would be willing to meet and shoot ? ...

Thanks in advance,


Re: Garland Newbie Saying Hello !!

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:11 pm
by Commander Cody
Welcome Pepper. I will say that you will get many opinions here about guns. Find one you like, feels good etc. Then find someone who owns one like it and go shooting with them. I know there are people on this forum that will go with you. I would, but kinda far. P.S. I like .45cal 3" barrel. No plastic. But get what YOU like.

Re: Garland Newbie Saying Hello !!

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:34 am
by MTICop
Welcome to the forum. I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

Re: Garland Newbie Saying Hello !!

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:32 am
by The Annoyed Man
Welcome from another transplanted Californian. Wasn't born here, but got here as fast as I could!

A few will disagree, but most will tell you that .380 is a minimum carry caliber. Most will also tell you that you .38 Special is their minimum carry caliber. Most will also tell you that, if you're still shopping, not to look at anything below 9mm. Us old 1911 dinosaurs will tell you not to consider any caliber not beginning with a "4". Those of us who carry .40 S&W will insist that they are members of that club, although the .45 guys will say "yeah, sure," and wink.

All of us are wrong.

The .32 Seacamp in your pocket beats the 5" 1911 you left at home. Dude, get what makes you comfortable and gives you confidence in your ability to shoot it reasonably well. Just remember that you're going to be carrying this thing around all day (+ reloads), so buy the pistol that best meets your lifestyle and mode of dress while still packing enough power to be effective. Even lightweight pistols weigh a lot by the end of the day. And remember that, even as you figure this out, you're probably going to have to make some concessions in your wardrobe to accommodate CCW - looser fitting pants and untucked shirts being examples of what I mean. Lastly, regardless of which gun you settle on, if you're going to carry on your hip, don't pick around when selecting a belt. Invest in a purpose made gun belt. Most are nice enough looking that it's not really a fashion burden to wear one (meaning nobody who sees it will know that it's a gun belt), and they can be had for reasonable prices.

Beyond that, get the pistol that makes you happy, and that you can afford to purchase, and afford to buy ammunition for. Then get good with it.

Re: Garland Newbie Saying Hello !!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:34 am
by bryang
Welcome to the forum, Pepper, we are very glad to have you with us and will be looking forward to hearing from you on the forum.

The Annoyed Man gave you some very good advice and pretty well covered the basics. Feel free to ask questions, you will find the friendlies folks in Texas here and they are eager to help you in anyway we can. My preference in a carry gun is a 1911, 3" barrel, .45 caliber; but there again...find the gun YOU like, and that fits YOU the best, and meets YOUR needs.

Good Luck, Pepper! :thumbs2: :txflag:

Re: Garland Newbie Saying Hello !!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:10 pm
by nitrogen
I'm a Californian (10+ years non-consecutively) from near San Jose that found Texas back in 2005 and love it.


Re: Garland Newbie Saying Hello !!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:14 am
by 45 4 life
Did someone here call me a "OLD 1911 DINASAUR"? Is that just another way of saying Mature 1911 Gentleman.

When I get back into town we may try to get together and shoot a little, I have a few pistols that I would be willing to let you try.

By the way since hornady came out with their latest 380 factory loads I do sometimes carry mine. However it is the Colt mini 1911 Mustang!

Re: Garland Newbie Saying Hello !!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:17 am
by The Annoyed Man
45 4 life wrote:Did someone here call me a "OLD 1911 DINASAUR"? Is that just another way of saying Mature 1911 Gentleman.
Heh, heh. Yep, that would be me too. :mrgreen:

Re: Garland Newbie Saying Hello !!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:27 pm
by surprise_i'm_armed
Welcome pepperkay.
Finding your preferred gun will be relatively easy.

Choosing your practice and carry ammo will be easy, but finding some to buy will
be the hard part!

Choosing a holster/carry method - you will pull your hair out!!

The gun store <Bullet Trap?> on Avenue K, Plano has a good selection of
new and consignment guns. They also have many rental guns you can shoot.

Please put "Garland" on your personal profile so that we other CHL's will see
it each time you post.

Over and out.